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Original document: HARC G33/I/2


Compotus of Ewyas Lacy. Ministers' Accounts for 1493-1496: Transcription and translation from the Latin

Place name:

Ewyas Lacy, Cusop, Olchon, Walterstone





This compotus of landholdings in Ewyas Lacy in 1493-1496 is among the earliest detailed accounts of land management in the Lordship.  The Latin manuscript relates to a share, or moiety, of the Lordship (divided c1240s) which eventually devolved to the monarch and by 1492 was held by Henry VII. 


We are greatly indebted to Dewi Bowen Williams, BA for the transcription and English translation he commissioned which can both be seen on this website.   For ease of use we have presented the English translation first below, followed by the Latin transcription from which it was derived.  

Ewyas Lacy Study Group



Ewyas Lacy Account, 1493


Ref G33/I/2


Ewias Lacy parcel of the Earl of March [or the County of March]


          Account of All and Singular the ministers of our Lord King Henry the Seventh in his [?]manor of Ewyas Lacy, parcel of the Earl of March [or the County of March], from the vigil of [ie the day after] Saint Michael in the 8th year of our said King until the same vigil of Saint Michael in the 9th year of the same King, thus for one whole year.


Ewyas Lacy Under-bailiff


          Account of Philip ap Jankyn, under-bailiff in the same place throughout the time aforesaid.




          The same accountant answers as to £25 2s 6d of arrears of the last account, in the same place, of the year next preceding.


                              Sum   £25 2s 6d


Rents of Assise [fixed rents]


          And as to 6s 8d of rents of assise in Cusope throughout the year in the term of Saint Andrew the Apostle,

          And as to 15d of rents of [?]Red Castle [rubii Castri ] in the term of the Nativity of Saint John the Baptist,

          And as to 15d of new rent of John Weston at the same term,

          And as to 2s of rent, formerly of John Hampton, lord of Blaketon, in place of one sparrowhawk per annum at Lammas day [1 August], and for a certain parcel of land which the said John and his predecessors held of the lord,

          And as to 34s receivable from various tenants of the lord in the same place for rents of 408 acres of bond land held in Welshry [form of tenure],

          And as to 936 acres of bond land held in Welshry in the same place at the ancient rental, that is to say, an acre at 1d, just as in the preceding accounts, over and above 42s 6d in customary dues of the same land called Kilch' , that is to say, for each acre 1d, which is charged in the account of the forest annually, for Michaelmas terms.



Ewyas Lacy Account, 1493 - 2


Ref G33/I/2


          And as to 102s receivable from rents of the said tenants of the lord in the same place for rents of 408 acres of land out of the remaining 936 acres of the said Welshry bond land, to have and to hold as free land by fine lately made by the said tenants with the advice of the Earl of March, just as was witnessed by Richard Norman, then Receiver in the same place, and thus for each acre 3d for service and customary dues, payable for the Michaelmas term falling at the beginning of this account, where at first 1d used to be received for one acre, excluding 1¼d for rent and the customary dues called Kilch Keset as above, and thus now [he answers] as to an increase of ¾d for each acre, to hold thus to the aforenamed tenants and their heirs for ever, over and above 20 acres remaining of the aforesaid acres of Welshry bond land lying within the forest, whereupon the forester is to answer in respect thereof in his account of the issues in the court of attachments [minor forest court],

          And as to £7 14¼d of rents of free tenants in the same place annually at the same term,

          And as to 17d of new rent, of both free and Welshry bond tenants in the same place, for assart lands [lands cleared of shrubs and trees] in Olgham, Llannersparke and Cleanlledan' , payable at the said feast of Saint Michael falling at the beginning of this account,

          And as to 4d in increase of rent of one parcel of demesne land demised to Madoc ap Philip ap Jankyn and his heirs by the Court Roll 71 of the preceding year, [or the Roll of Court of the 71st preceding year],

          And of 12d for rent of David ap Jevan for 12 acres of free land in Olgham, Llannersparke and Cleanlledan' , payable at the said feast of Saint Michael,

          And as to rent for the Michaelmas term falling at the end of this account, nothing is charged here, because whoever is the under-bailiff in the next year will answer in respect thereof.


                              Sum   £14 11s 1¼d


Customary dues


          And as to 16d for a certain customary due called Tractatus Boum [payment for cattle driving] this year at Lammas day, according to the view and presentation of the place-holder [locumtenentis ], that is to say, for each tenant having one drawing ox or one bovate of land or one messauge and a single acre of land without drawing, 1½d, this customary payment being larger and smaller according to whether there are more or fewer of them.


Ewyas Lacy Account, 1493 - 3


Ref G33/I/2


          And as to £10 for a certain customary payment of free and bond tenants called Herneyeld , falling due on the first day of May on every 7th year, nothing is charged this year, because it fell due in the 3rd  year preceding, and it ought not to be charged until three years time, because it does not fall due except for every 7th year,

          Nor for 22s 6d for a certain customary payment of free Welshry tenants for 4 men on behalf of the lord, charged every 7th year, falling due on the first day of May, that is to say, 5s for each tenant, not charged this year because it fell due in the 3rd  year preceding, and it ought not to be charged until three years time, and so it does not fall due except for every 7th year.


                              Sum   16d


Perquisites of the Court


          And as to any monies coming from perquisites of the Court in the same place, arising this year, he does not answer, because no profits arose from the same for the term of the account.


                              Sum total of receipts with arrears £39 14s 11¼d


Default of Rents


          The same accounts for default of rents of 2 acres of land, late of Jevan Coode, which used to yield 2d per annum,

          Of one parcel, late of Seicell Lacy, which used to yield 5½d per annum,

          Of one acre of land, late of [blank] ap Atha, which used to yield 2d per annum,

          Of three acres of land, late of Hoell Hene, which used to yield 3d per annum,

          Of one acre and a half of land, late of Yagowes, 1½d,

          Of one acre and a half of land called Kaie Parson, 1½d,

          Of one parcel of land called Catteswall, which used to yield 6d per annum,

          Of one parcel of land called Spowes, which used to yield 3d per annum,

          And of 12 acres of land called Olgham, Llannersparke and Cleanlledan', which used to yield 12d per annum, lying in the lord's hands for lack of tenants, within the forest in the same place, just as was accounted for by the examination made upon the account of the 36th  preceding year, in respect whereof nothing can be raised from it beyond that which is answered for within the court of attachments for the forest in the same place, and thus there is 2s 10½d [?should be 3s 0½d] in detention of rents this year.


Ewyas Lacy Account, 1493 - 4


Ref G33/I/2


          And in default of rent of various tenants at Cusape, for the collection of thorns [or some other spiky plant such as gorse] [spinarum ], charged above in the tally of rents of assise at 6s 8d, whereof there was no issue this year, and thus there is 6s 8d in detention.


                              Sum 9s 6½d


                              Sum of the allocations  9s 6½d

                              And he owes                      £39 5s 4¾d


          Concerning which allocations of the said account, there was £12 2s 10¾d which he delivered to Richard Seicell, our Lord the King's Receiver of monies in that place, without a bill on the account, according to the acknowledgement of the said Receiver.


                              And he owes                     £27 2s 6d




          And £16 in detention of rents of various lands and tenements lying in the lord's hands, as in the preceding accounts, both for this year and for the 7 preceding years, at 40s per annum.


                              And there remains        £11 2s 6½d [?should be £11 2s 6d]




          The tenants of the countryside in the same place, for a certain customary due called Horneyelde , falling in the 3rd  year preceding, being in arrears unpaid; £11 2s 6d.


Ewias Burgh


          Account of Thomas Deovall, reeve in the same place throughout the time aforesaid.




          The same accountant answers as to £13 6s of arrears of the last account, in the same place, of the year next preceding.


                              Sum   £13 6s


Ewyas Lacy Account, 1493 - 5


Ref G33/I/2


Rents of Assise


          And as to 109s 4½d receivable for rents of assise in the same place for Michaelmas term at the beginning of this account, with 8s 1d of new rent of the burgh in the same place.     Concerning rents for Michaelmas term falling at the end of this account, nothing is charged here because whoever is the reeve for the next year will answer in respect thereof.


                              Sum   109s 4½d


Issues of the Market and Fair


          And as to 5s for a moiety of the tolls, both of the fair on the Feast of Saint Gladoc and of various others in the area, thus demised to Henry ap Llu' [?Llewellyn] ap Hoell this year,

          And concerning the issues of customary payments in the same place, nothing here in itself, because they are above, with tolls, and the other moiety of the said tolls and customary payments belongs to the heirs of the Lord de le Spencer.


                              Sum   5s


Perquisites of the Court


          As to any monies coming from perquisites of the Hundred Court held in the same place this year, he does not answer here, because they are in the account of the under-bailiff when they fall due.


                              Sum  nothing


                              Sum total received, with arrears, £19  4½d


Default of Rents


          The same accounts for default of rent of various lands and tenements lying in the lord's hands for lack of tenants, just as was allocated in the preceding accounts, 49s 4½d.


                              Sum 49s 4½d


Ewyas Lacy Account, 1493 - 6


Ref G33/I/2


Delivery of Monies


          And in monies delivered to Richard Seicell, now our Lord the King's Receiver of monies in the same place, at the charge of the said reeve accounting for part of the issues of his office of this year, 27s.


                              Sum   27s


                              Sum of the allocations and deliveries 76s 4½d

                              And he owes £15  4s




          And £15 4s in detention of rents of various lands and tenements lying in the lord's hands, as in the preceding accounts, both for this year and for the 7 years next preceding ... [torn]




          Account of Philip ap Jankyn, reeve in the same place throughout the time aforesaid.




          The same renders an account of £7 14s of arrears of the last court in the same place for the preceding year.


                              Sum   £7 14s


Rents of Assise


          And as to 9d receivable for rents of assise in Walterstone for the term of Saint Andrew the Apostle,

          And as to £4 8s 10d receivable for rents of assise both of Ewias and at Walterstone for Michaelmas term at the beginning of this account,

          And as to 12d of new rent of Covenell' annually at the same term,

          And as to 1½d for rents of Matilda the daughter of David Miller [or "the miller"] for a place of demesne land rented to her next to the mill in the same place, receivable annually at the same term,

Ewyas Lacy Account, 1493 - 7


Ref G33/I/2


          And as to 10½d receivable for an increase of rent of one acre of land called Broad Acre [Broddacre ] rented to Henry ap David at the will of the lord,

          And as to 3s 4d receivable annually for the rent of one parcel of land at Kyndewy.. thus demised to Robert ap David falling due at Michaelmas term in the beginning of this account,

          And as to 22d receivable for the increase of various bond rents in the same place, just as may appear in a certain Schedule examined upon the account,

          And concerning 1d receivable for an increase of rent of one parcel of land below Hat'hill, thus demised to John ap David Gor according to Roll of Hallmote 46 of the preceding year [or the roll of the 46th preceding year], and concerning rent for Michaelmas term falling due at the end of this account, nothing is charged here because whoever is the reeve in the next term is to answer in respect thereof.


                              Sum   £4 16s 9d


Issues of the Mills


          Concerning the issues of Seynt Cladok or the mill called Castelmyll, nothing, because it is ruinous for want of repair,

          But he answers as to 10s from the corn-mill of Michelchurch thus demised to Richard Seicell this year.


                              Sum   10s


Issues of the Manor


          Concerning 12d from the pasture of Walterstone Moor this year, nothing, because it is with the farm of the meadow of Walterstone below,

          And concerning 4s of the pasture of newly broken land below the village in the same place this year, nothing, because no-one wishes to take it at farm [ie to rent it],

          But he answers as to 3d from the pasture of demesne land of Brightfelde thus demised this year,

          And as regards 11s for herbage of the meadow of S... [torn] this year, he does not answer here, because it is granted to the Prior and Convent of Lanthon' near Gloucester and their successors, in free and pure alms, by letters patent of our Lord the now King, shown upon the accounts of the 7th  year preceding,

          But he answers as to 6d for herbage of the garden of Walterstone thus demised this year.


Ewyas Lacy Account, 1493 - 7


Ref G33/I/2


          And as regards 4s 9d of pasture of demesne land ... [?]Calupo of Eyneford this year, nothing, because it lies fallow,

          But he answers as to 2s 3d for herbage of pasture of demesne land in Matenbroke thus demised this year,

          And as to 6s for the farm ... below the Castle of Ewias thus demised this year,

          And concerning the fruits of the garden of Walterstone this year, nothing, because it is above with the farm of the garden,

          But he answers as to 5s for herbage of the meadow of Brodemede at Ewias thus demised this year,

          And concerning ... [illegible] of the said meadows of Walterstone and Brodemede this year, nothing, because it is at farm with the herbage of the same,

          But he answers as to 4s 9d for the farm of the pasture of the demesne land of [?]Hastande and Brokewell ... ... [illegible],

          And as to [?]42d for the farm of the pasture of [?]Schelmoor thus demised this year,

          And as to 9d for the farm of the pasture of the demesne land of ... ... [illegible]




Ewias Lacy p[ar]cell[a] Com[itis] Marchie


          Comp[ot]us Om[n]i[um] et Sing[u]lor[um] ministror[um] d[omi]ni Regis Henrici Sept[im]i in [?]manerio suo de Ewias Lacy p[ar]cell[a] Com[itis] March[ie] a vigilia s[an]c[t]i Mich[ael]is Anno regni d[i]c[t]i Regis viijvo  usq[ue] eandem vigiliam s[an]c[t]i Mich[ael]is anno eiusd[e]m Regis ixo  sic p[er] unum annu[m] Integrum


Ewyas Lacy Ringildus


          Comp[ot]us Ph[illipp]i ap Jankyn Ring[ildi] ib[idem] p[er] tempus p[re]d[i]c[tu]m




          Idem r[espondet] Com[puta]ns de xxv li ij s vj d de arr[eragiis] ult[imi] Comp[ot]i ib[idem] anni p[ro]x[ime] p[re]ceden[tis]


                              S[u]m[ma]    xxv li ij s vj d


Reddit[us] Assis[e]


          Et de vj s viij d de redd[itu] assis[e] in Cusope p[er] annu[m] t[er]mino s[an]c[t]i Andree Ap[osto]li

          Et de xv d de redd[itu] rubii Castri t[er]mino Nat[ivitatis] S[an]c[t]i Joh[ann]is Bapti[st]e

          Et de xv d de novo redditu Joh[ann]is Weston ad e[undem] t[erminum]

          Et de ij s de redd[itu] quond[am] Joh[ann]is Hampton d[omi]ni de Blaketon loco uni[us] Esp[ar]varii p[er] a[nnu]m Gule augusti et quad[a]m p[ar]cell[a] t[er]r[e] quam d[i]c[t]us Joh[ann]es et p[re]decessores sui tenuer[unt] de d[omi]no

          Et de xxxiiij s recept[uris] de div[er]sis tenent[ibus] d[omi]ni ib[ide]m p[ro] redd[itibus] CCCCviij acr[arum] t[er]r[e] nativ[e] Wallent[ie]

          Et de DCCCCxxxvj acr[is] t[er]r[e] nativ[e] Wallent[ie] tenent[is] ib[ide]m ab antiq[ua] arent[aria] v[idelicet] acr[a] ad 1 d Sicut in comp[ot]is p[re]ceden[tibus] ult[ra] xlij s vj d de cons[uetudinibus] eiusd[em] t[er]r[e] voc[ate] Kilch' v[idelicet] de qual[ibe]t acr[a] 1 d q[u]a[m] in comp[ot]o foreste ann[ua]ti[m] on[er]at[ur] t[er]m[in]is Mich[ael]is



Ewyas Lacy Account, 1493 - 2


Ref G33/I/2


          Et de Cij s rec[epturis] de redd[itibus] d[i]c[t]or[um] tenent[ium] d[omi]ni ib[ide]m p[ro] redd[itibus] CCCCviij acr[arum] t[er]r[e] de reman[erio] DCCCCxxxvj acr[arum] t[er]r[e] dict[e] nativ[e] Wallent[ie] ut t[er]r[e] lib[er]e h[ab]end[e] et tenend[e] p[er] finem cu[m] Consilio Com[itis] March[ie] p[er] dict[os] tenent[es] nup[er] fact[am] p[ro]ut testatu[m] fuit p[er] Ric[hard]u[m] Norman tunc Receptore[m] ib[ide]m et sic p[ro] qual[ibet] acr[a] iij d p[ro] s[er]vicio et cons[uetudine] solvend[is] t[er]mino Mich[ael]is in p[ri]ncipio huius comp[ot]i accid[enti] ubi p[ri]us acr[a] soleb[at] r[eciperi] nisi 1 d de redd[itu] et pro cons[uetudine] voc[ata] Kilch Keset ut sup[ra] 1d q et sic nunc de incr[e-ment]o cuiusl[ibe]t acr[e] ob q tenend[a] sic p[re]fat[is] tenent[ibus] et eor[um] hered[ibus] imp[er]p[etuu]m ult[ra] xx acr[as] de reman[erio] p[re]d[i]c[t]ar[um] acr[arum] t[er]r[e] nativ[e] Wallent[ie] iacent[ium] infra forestam un[de] forestar[ius] r[esponsurus] inde in comp[ot]o suo de exit[ibus] in Attachiam[en]t[a] foreste

          Et de vij li xiiij d q de redd[itubus] lib[er]orum tenent[ium] ib[ide]m p[er] annu[m] ad e[undem] t[erminum]

          Et de xvij d de novo redd[itu] tam lib[er]or[um] q[ua]m Nativ[orum] tenent[ium] ib[ide]m Wallent[iorum] p[ro] t[er]r[is] assert[is] Olgh[a]m Llannersp[ar]ke Cleanlledan' solvend[o] ad d[i]c[tu]m festu[m] s[an]c[t]i Mich[ae]lis accid[enti] p[ri]ncipio hui[us] comp[ot]i

          Et de iiij d de incr[ement]o redd[itus] unius p[ar]cell[e] t[er]r[e] d[omi]nic[alis] dim[isse] Madoc ap Ph[ilipp] ap Jankyn et hered[ibus] suis p[er] Ro[tulum] Cur[ie] lxxj anni p[re]ced[entis]

          Et de xij d de redd[itibus] David ap Jev[a]n p[ro] xij acr[is] t[er]r[e] lib[er]e in Olgh[a]m Llannersp[ar]ke et Cleanlledan' solvend[is] ad d[i]c[tu]m festu[m] s[an]c[t]i Mich[ael]is

          Et de redd[itu] t[er]mi[n]o Mich[ael]is in fine hui[us] comp[ot]i accid[identi] n[u]l[lus] on[er]at[ur] hic quia Ringild qui erit in anno p[ro]x[imo] r[espondit] inde


                              S[u]m[ma]    xiiij li xj s 1 d q




          Et de xvj d de quad[a]m Consuetud[ine] voc[ata] Tract[atus] Boum hoc anno ad Gulam Augusti p[er] visu[m] et p[re]sentat[ionem] locu[m]t[enentis] v[idelicet] de quoli[be]t tenent[i] h[ab]ent[i] un[u]m bovem Tractant[em] vel una[m] bovatam t[er]r[e] aut unu[m] mes[suagium] et u[n]ica acra t[er]r[e] absq[ue] tract[anti] 1 d ob accid[ens] ista consuetudo s[e]c[un]d[u]m magis et minus p[ro]ut fuer[int] plures vel pauciores


Ewyas Lacy Account, 1493 - 3


Ref G33/I/2


          Et de x li de quad[a]m cons[uetudine] lib[er]or[um] tenent[ium] et Nativ[orum] vocat[a] Herneyeld quol[ibe]t vijo  anno accid[enti] p[ri]mo die Maii hoc anno no[n] on[er]at[a] q[uia] accideb[at] iijcio  anno p[re]ceden[ti] et in tribus annis p[ro]x[imis] future on[er]ari no[n] debet quia non accid[it] nisi quol[ibe]t vijo  anno

          Nec de xxij s vj d de quad[a]m cons[uetudine] lib[er]or[um] tenent[ium] Wallent[ie] p[ro] iiijor  ho[m]i[n]ib[us] de p[ar]te d[omi]ni quol[ibe]t vijo  anno on[er]at[a] accident[i]  p[ri]mo die Maii v[idelicet] de quol[ibe]t tenen[ti] v s hoc anno no[n] on[er]at[a] quia accideb[at] iijcio  anno p[re]ceden[ti] et in iijbus  annis p[ro]x[imis] future on[er]ari no[n] debet et sic no[n] accid[it] nisi quol[ibe]t vijo  anno


                              S[u]m[ma]    xvj d


P[er]quis[iti] Cur[ie]


          Et de aliquib[us] denar[iis] p[ro]ven[ientibus] de p[er]quis[itis] Cur[ie] ib[ide]m hoc anno [pro]ven[ientibus] non r[espondet] eo q[uo]d null[um] p[ro]ficuu[m] de eisd[e]m p[ro]ven[erunt] p[ro] tempus comp[ot]i


                    S[u]m[ma] to[ta]lis Re[cep]te cu[m] arr[eriis] xxxix li xiiij s xj d q


Def[e]c[t]us Redd[itum]


          Idem Computat in def[e]c[t]u redd[itum] ijar[um]  acr[arum] t[er]r[e] nup[er] Jev[a]n Coode q[ue] soleb[ant] r[eddere] p[er] a[nnu]m ij d

          Uni[us] p[ar]cell[e] nup[er] Seicell Lacy q[ue] soleb[at] r[eddere] p[er] annu[m] v d ob

          Uni[us] acr[e] t[er]r[e] nup[er] [blank] ap Atha q[ue] soleb[at] r[eddere] p[er] annu[m] iij d

          iijiu[m]  acr[arum] t[er]r[e] nup[er] Hoell Hene qu[e] soleb[ant] r[eddere] p[er] annu[m] iij d

          Uni[us] acr[e] di[midie] t[er]r[e] nup[er] Yagowes 1 d ob

          Uni[us] acr[e] di[midie] t[er]r[e] voc[ate] Kaie p[ar]son 1 d ob

          Uni[us] p[ar]cell[e] t[er]r[e] voc[ate] Catteswall q[ue] soleb[at] r[eddere] p[er] annu[m] vj d

          Uni[us] p[ar]cell[e] t[er]r[e] voc[ate] Spowes q[ue] soleb[at] r[eddere] p[er] annu[m] iij d


Ewyas Lacy Account, 1493 - 4


Ref G33/I/2


          Ac 12 acr[arum] t[er]r[e] voc[atarum] Olgh[a]m Llannersp[ar]ke et Cleanlledan' q[ue] soleb[ant] r[eddere] p[er] a[nnu]m xij d iacen[tes] in man[ibus] d[omi]ni def[e]c[t]u tenent[ium] infra forestam ib[ide]m p[ro]ut comp[o]tu[s] fuit p[er] examinac[ionem] fact[am] sup[er] comp[otu]m xxxvjti  anni p[re]ced[entis] un[de] n[u]l[lus] inde levare potest p[re]t[er] id q[uo]d r[espondetur] int[er] attachiam[en]t[as] foreste ib[ide]m et sic in det[entione] redd[itum] hoc anno ij s x d ob

          Et in def[e]c[t]u redd[itus] div[er]s[ium] tenent[ium] apud Cusap[e] p[ro] collecc[i]one spinar[um] sup[er]ius on[er]at[a] in talo redd[itu] assis[e] ad vj s viij d un[de] exit[us] n[u]l[lus] hoc anno et sic in det[entione] vj s viij d


                              S[u]m[ma] ix s vj d ob


                              S[u]m[ma] alloc[ationum]       ix s vj d ob

                              Et deb[et] xxxix li v s iiij d ob q


          De quibus allo[cationibus] d[i]c[t]i Computi xij li ij s x d ob q qui lib[er]avit Ric[hard]o Seicell Receptor[i] denar[iorum] d[omi]ni Regis ib[ide]m sine billa sup[er] comp[ot]um p[er] recognic[i]o[n]em d[i]c[t]i Rec[eptoris]


                              Et deb[et] xxvij li ij s vj d




          Et xvj li de det[entione] redd[itum] div[er]s[ium] terr[arum] et tenement[orum] in man[ibus] d[omi]ni iacent[ium] ut in comp[ot]is p[re]ced[entibus] tam p[ro] hoc anno q[ua]m p[ro] vij annis p[re]ced[entibus] p[er] annu[m] xl s

          Et Reman[et] xj li ij s vj d ob




          Tenentes patrie ib[ide]m de quad[a]m Consuetud[a] voc[ata] Horneyelde iijcio  anno p[re]ced[enti] accid[enti] aretro exist[enti] no[n] solut[a] xj li ij s vj d


Ewias Burgus


          Comp[ot]us Thome Deovall p[re]pos[iti] ib[ide]m p[er] tempus p[re]d[i]c[t]us



Ewyas Lacy Account, 1493 - 5


Ref G33/I/2




          Idem r[espondet] Com[puta]ns de xiij li vj s de arr[eragiis] ult[im]i Comp[ot]i ib[ide]m anni p[ro]x[ime] p[re]ceden[tis]


                              S[u]m[ma]    xiij li vj s


Reddit[us] Assis[e]


          Et de Cix s iiij d ob recept[uris] de Redd[it]u[bus] assis[e] ib[ide]m t[er]mi[n]o  Mich[ael]is in p[ri]ncipio hui[us] comp[ot]i cu[m] viij s 1 d de novo redd[itu] Burgi ib[ide]m

          De Redd[itibus] de t[er]mi[n]o Mich[ael]is in fine hui[us] comp[ot]i accid[enti] n[u]l[lus] onerat[ur] hic q[uia] p[re]pos[itus] qui erit in anno p[ro]x[imo] futur[e] r[espondit] inde


                              S[u]m[ma]    Cix s iiij d ob


Exit[us] m[er]cati et Nundin[arum]


          Et de v s de med[ietate] Tolnet[orum] tam Nundin[arum] in festo s[an]c[t]i Gladoci q[ua]m div[er]s[e] patrie sic dim[issa] Henrico ap Llu' ap Hoell hoc anno

          Et de Exit[ibus] Chens[orum] ib[ide]m n[u]l[lus] hic p[er] se quia sup[er]ius cu[m] Tolnet[is] et al[ia] mediet[as] d[i]c[t]i Tolnet[orum] et Chens[orum] p[er]tin[et] heredib[us] d[omi]ni de le Spencer


                              S[u]m[ma]    v s


P[er]quis[iti] Cur[ie]


          De aliquib[us] denar[iis] p[ro]ven[ientibus] de p[er]quis[itis] hundr[edorum] ib[ide]m hoc anno tent[orum] non r[espondet] hic q[uia] in comp[ot]o Ring[ildi] cu[m] accider[unt]


                              S[u]m[ma]  nulla


                              S[u]m[ma] to[ta]lis Re[cep]te cu[m] arr[eriis] xix li iiij d ob


Ewyas Lacy Account, 1493 - 6


Ref G33/I/2


Def[e]c[t]us Redd[itum]


          Idem Computat in def[e]c[t]u redd[itus] div[er]s[orum] terr[arum] et ten[emen]tor[um] in man[ibus] d[omi]ni iacen[tium] def[e]c[t]u tenent[ium] sicut alloc[atum] est in comp[ot]is p[re]ced[entibus] xlix s iiij d ob


                              S[u]m[ma] xlix s iiij d ob


Lib[er]ac[i]o denar[iorum]


          Et in denar[iis] lib[er]at[is] Ric[hard]o Seicell Receptor[i] denar[iorum] d[omi]ni Regis ib[ide]m nunc de on[eracion]e d[i]c[t]i p[re]pos[iti] Compu[tan]tis de p[ar]te exitum officii sui huius anni xxvij s


                              S[u]m[ma]    xxvij s


                              S[u]m[ma] alloc[ationum] et lib[er]at[ionum] lxxvj s iiij d ob

                              Et deb[et] xv li iiij s




          Et xv li iiij s de det[entione] redd[itum] div[er]s[ium] terr[arum] et ten[emen]tor[um] in man[ibus] d[omi]ni iacent[ium] ut in comp[ot]is p[re]ced[entibus] tam p[ro] hoc anno q[ua]m p[ro] vij annis p[ro]x[imis] [precedentibus] ...




          Comp[ot]us Ph[ilip]i ap Jankyn p[re]po[s]iti ib[ide]m p[er] tempus p[re]d[i]c[tu]m




          Idem r[eddit] com[potu]m de vij li xiiij s de arr[eragiis] ult[im]i comp[ot]i ib[ide]m anni p[ro]x[ime] p[re]ceden[tis]


                              S[u]m[ma]    vij li xiiij s


Ewyas Lacy Account, 1493 - 7


Ref G33/I/2


Reddit[us] Assis[i]


          Et de ix d rec[epturis] de redd[it]u[bus] assis[is] in Walt[er]ston[e] t[er]mi[n]o  S[an]c[t]i Andree ap[osto]li

          Et de iiij li viij s x d rec[epturis] de redd[itubus] assis[is] tam de Ewias q[ua]m apud Walt[er]ston[e] t[er]mi[n]o Mich[ael]is in p[ri]nc[ipio] hui[us] comp[ot]i

          Et de xij d de novo redd[it]u Covenell' p[er] annu[m] ad e[undem] t[erminum]

          Et de 1d ob rec[epturis] de redd[itubus] Matildis filie David Molende p[ro] una placia t[er]r[e] d[omi]nic[alis] sibi arent[a] iuxta molen[dinum] ib[ide]m p[er] annu[m] ad e[undem] t[erminum]

          Et de x d ob rec[epturis] de incr[ement]o redd[itus] uni[us] acr[e] t[er]r[e] voc[ate] Broddacre arent[e] Henric[o] ap D[avi]d ad volunt[atem] d[omi]ni

          Et de iij s iiij d rec[epturis] de redd[itu] uni[us] p[ar]cell[e] t[er]r[e] ap[u]d Kyndewy.. sic dim[isse] Rob[er]to ap D[avi]d p[er] annu[m] t[er]mi[n]o Mich[ael]is accid[enti] in p[ri]nc[ipio] hui[us] comp[ot]i

          Et de xxij d rec[epturis] de incr[ement]o redd[itum] div[er]s[ium] Nativ[orum] ib[ide]m p[ro]ut p[atet] in quad[a]m Sedula sup[er] comp[otu]m examinat[a]

          Et de 1 d rec[epturus] de incr[emento] redd[itus] uni[us] p[ar]cell[e] t[er]r[e] subtus Hat'hill sic dim[isse] Joh[ann]i ap D[avi]d Gor p[er] Ro[tu]l[um] Halimot[e] lxj anni p[re]ced[entis]

          Et de redd[itu] t[er]mi[n]o Mich[ael]is accid[enti] in fine hui[us] comp[ot]i n[u]l[lus] on[er]at[ur] hic [quia] p[re]pos[itus] qui erit in t[er]mino p[ro]x[imo] futur[e] inde respo[n]sur[us] est


                              S[u]m[ma]    iiij li xvj s ix d


Exit[us] mol[end]i[n]or[um]


          De exit[ubus] de Seynt Cladok aut mol[endino] voc[ato] Castelmyll n[u]l[lus] q[uia] ruinos[um] def[e]c[t]u rep[ar]ac[i]onis

          Set r[espondet] de x s de mol[end]i[n]o bladal[e] de Michelchurch sic dim[isso] Ric[hard]o Seicell hoc [anno]


                              S[u]m[ma]    x s


Ewyas Lacy Account, 1493 - 7


Ref G33/I/2


Exit[us] Man[er]ii


          De xij d de pastur[a] de Walt[er]ston[e] more hoc anno n[u]l[lus] q[uia] cu[m] firm[a] p[ra]ti de Walt[er]ston[e] inferi[us]

          Et de iiij s de pastur[a] t[er]r[e] fris[ce] subtus villa[m] ib[ide]m hoc anno n[u]l[lum] q[uia] nullus affirmare voluit

          Set r[espondet] de iij d de pastur[a] t[er]r[e] d[omi]nic[alis] de Brightfelde sic dim[issa] hoc anno

          Et de xj s de h[er]bagio p[ra]ti de S... hoc anno no[n] r[espondet] hic eo q[uo]d concedit[ur] p[ri]ori et Conventui Lanthon' iux[ta] Gloucestrem ac Success[oribus] suis in lib[er]am et puram elemosin[am] p[er] l[itter]as pat[entes] d[omi]ni R[egis] nu[n]c sup[er] comp[otu]m viji  anni p[re]ced[entis] ostens[as]

          Set r[espondet] de vj d de h[er]bagio gard[in]i de Walt[er]ston[e] sic dim[isso] hoc anno

          Et de iiij s ix d de pastur[a] t[er]r[e] d[omi]ni[calis] ... [?]Calupo de Eyneford hoc anno n[u]l[lus] q[uia] iacet Waract[a]

          Set r[espondet] de ij s iij d de h[er]bag[io] pastur[e] t[er]r[e] d[omi]nic[alis] in Matenbroke sic dim[isso] hoc anno

          Et de vj s de firma ... subtus Castru[m] de Ewias sic dim[issa] hoc anno

          Et de fructib[us] gard[in]i de Walt[er]ston[e] hoc anno n[u]l[lus] q[uia] sup[er]i[us] cu[m] firma gard[in]i

          Set r[espondet] de v s de h[er]bag[io] p[ra]ti de Brodemede de Ewias sic dim[isso] hoc anno

          Et de ... d[i]c[t]or[um] p[ra]tor[um] de Walt[er]ston[e] et Brodemede hoc anno n[u]l[lus] q[uia] ad firm[am] cu[m] h[er]bag[io] eor[un]d[e]m

          Set r[espondet] de iiij s ix d de firm[a] pastur[e] t[er]r[e] d[omi]nicalis de [?]Hastande et Brokewell ... ...

          Et de [?]xlij d de firm[a] pastur[e] de [?]Schelmoor sic dim[issa] hoc anno

          Et de ix d de firma pastur[e] de t[er]r[e] d[omi]nicalis de ... ...





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