Held at:

Private Collection




Original Document


Guest Contribution: Transcription of a Petition of the Freeholders of the Hundred of Ewyas Lacy concerning Navigation of the Wye and Lugg

Place name:

Ewyas Lacy




The transcription was made in modern orthography by Dewi Bowen Williams, BA, from the original document reference HL/PO/JO/10/3/187/32 held in the House of Lords Archives, and his work is reproduced here with his kind permission.

Ewyas Lacy Study Group



1695/6 Mar 2 

To the right honourable the Lords spiritual and temporal in parliament assembled.


The humble petition of the freeholders of the hundred of Ewias Lacy in the county of Hereford whose names are subscribed. As well in the behalf of themselves as also in the behalf of the rest of the freeholders there etc.



That we our lordships petitioners whose names are subscribed, understanding that at a late session of parliament held in eighty nine some projectors of this county minding their own interest and advantages promoted to have an act passed for the making of the river Wye And Lugg in the said county navigable at the general charge of the whole county alleging the same to be for the universal good thereof by vending butter and cheese cider corn and timber etc. which usually all or most of us are forced to buy elsewhere. We petition the honourable House of Commons then assembled to discharge us from that intessessary charge truly letting forth that we had scarcity of those commodities to supply our own necessities. And especially cider and corn, but whatsoever could or can be spared it’s put off to the market towns of Monmouth and Bergaveny being in distance from the dwelling houses of all or most of your lordship’s petitioners five or six miles nearer than the city of Hereford whereupon for other reasons by us proposed we prevailed and obtained a writing from all or most of the then and now representatives of our said county purporting promise or engagement to exempt us from the unnecessary charge towards the said navigation excepting those persons who should voluntarily contribute to the same and therein. Volenti non fit injura. We your petitioners ever since rested satisfied and secure in case the said bill should pass notwithstanding by the projectors aforesaid in this present parliament. It was reinforced and as your petitioners are informed passed the house of commons without any exemptions of our said hundred from the charge aforesaid whereby we are supervented and surprised unless your honors will be pleased to discharge us the petitioners and to prevent us from the inconvenience which in this indenture of time may befall us) by reason of the said [?projected] navigation etc.


Your petitioners therefore (the promises considered) do humbly implore your honors to give us some convenient respite and time to advise with our council and to admit us by them to set forth and dilate the full truth and case of our present state and condition and it also your honors will vouchsafe to consider that the said projects in truth aim to reap the benefit of the said navigation should in all reason bear the burden in perfecting thereof and not wee And that we may be heard by our councell at the bar of this honourable house.


Thomas Delahay senior

Thomas Delahay junior

Richard Crofts

John Delahay clerk

John Gwatkins senior

John Watkins junior

John Price

Gilbert Nicols

John Perkins

William Harryes

The mark of William Prichard

John Powell

Ro. Jenings

Thomas Smyth

Thomas Davis

Thomas Davis de Mardy

Thomas Myles

Philip Beavan

Joseph Beavan

The mark of James Butler

Samuel Butler


Leonard Morgan

John Waters

Henery Parry

The mark of John Madox

William Prosser

John Lewis

Thomas Harper

William James

Thomas Powell

John Pugh

Thomas Watkins

[?Clure] Price clerk

[?Phillip] Prichard

[?Thomas] Prichard

Phillip Price

Walter Baskervyle

[?Rowland] Pritchard

Ambrose Scudamore

Thomas Eustance

William Phillips his mark

Ro. Williams


David Price

William Pitt

Austin Hughes his mark

James Watkines

Thomas Rogers

John Gwillym

William Eustance

James Parry

William Watkyne

John Gilbert

David Gilbert his mark

Henry John William


Marmaduke Lewis

Silvanus Lewis

Thomas Morgan his mark

Ed. Davies

William Prosser

Charles Nicholl

James Nicholl

Phillip David

Charles [?Richard ]

John Jenkins

Thomas Lewis

Nathan Lewis

[?Lizond] Price

Mary Price her mark

John Watkins

James Watkine

Miles Thomas

David Price

William Prosser junior


Benjamin Delahay

Ro. Jenings senior

Ro. Jenings junior

Silvanus Lewis [  ]

Paul Thomas

William Price [  ]

Howell Powell

Thomas Jenkins [  ] junior

William Roberts his mark

John Symonds

William Price

William [?Prithero]

Michaell Morgan

David Jenkins his mark

Mary Morgan

Mary Beevan her mark

John Jenkins

John George

William Pembruge

Morgan Abraham

Henry Powell




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Ref: rs_ewy_0334