Held at:

Private collection






Survey and Rental of Ewyas Lacy on behalf of Henry Nevil, Lord Bergavenny: Introduction and Index to Transcription

Place name:

Ewyas Lacy


1624 -1626




This is the table of contents, preface and index of a transcription of the oldest surviving survey for the moiety of Ewyas Lacy under the jurisdiction of Lord Abergavenny, held at Gwent Archives, Ebbw Vale, reference MAN/A/151 0022 and checked against a handwritten copy of this original MAN/A/151 0028, also held at Gwent Archives, Ebbw Vale. The transcription was made by Dewi Bowen Williams, BA, and is reproduced on our website with his kind permission.

The full transcription is available for download as a pdf file.


Ewyas Lacy Study Group



Table of Contents






A Survey of Ewyas Lacy on the behalf of Lord Abergavenny 1624


A Rentall of the mannour of Ewias Lacy, Nov. 1624


   Bedlary and Halmott Rentes


   Free Tenants and Their Rentes


   Indenture Holders


   Coppiholders & Customary Tennantes


   Speciall Observacions and Informacions




Survey presented at Court Baron 4th Aug. 1626 (Latin)





This volume is the oldest surviving survey for the moiety of Ewyas Lacy under the jurisdiction of Lord Abergavenny. The information seems to have been gathered at least as early as September of 1624 and last additions penned on the 4th of August, 1626. There are notes in the margins in a later hand, (Mich. 1718) on various tenements and leases. In this edition that hand is italicised and coloured blue. Comparisons with other surveys for this manor indicate that it was not unusual for the larger surveys of this manor to be carried out over a period of two years.

Earlier known surveys for this part of Ewyas Lacy are “Two bookes of record one of the ijo Elizabeth the other of 29o Elizabeth [1559 and 1586].

The typescript in this volume has been prepared over many months using the original

Survey [MAN/A/151 0022 held at Gwent Archives, Ebbw Vale] and also checked against a handwritten copy of this original [MAN/A/151 0028 held at Gwent Archives, Ebbw Vale.] The copy is undated but may have been executed some time in the late 19th century. The copier had difficulty copying the damaged portions in the original. It has been possible to decipher a little more in places, however it may be that the copier was working from a photograph of the original which would have made it difficult to distinguish words which belonged to pages further on in the volume, but showed through on the top page in the damaged portion. The copy has definitely been invaluable to compile a master text as fragments of the document have broken away between then and today and even if it is the case of one letter this can sometimes be enough to identify the possible rendering of a previously unrecognisable word.



Index to transcription:









acres: stangs, 150;  statute measure, 19, 31; welsh; equivalent in English acres, 149, 150; Winchester measure, 14

animals: capon, 144; hens, 16;

bailiffs, 137

copyholders & customary tenants of Lord Abergavenny, 140

cottages, 137

courts:  great leets, 148;

customs of the manor, 146

erosion, 12

Green book fol. 206, 6; fol. 226, 14; fol. 256, 8

herbage, 137

heriots: when payable, 148

Indenture holders of the lord Abergavenny, 136

limestone, 146

old books, 11

pannage of woods & forrests, 137

paving stone, 146

rent roll, 11

slate, 146

stable, 127


[   ] September 1624, 42

2 & 29 Elizabeth, 2, 153

2 Elizabeth, 18

2 Elizabeth 1, 18

28 Elizabeth, 26

29 Elizabeth, 18, 20, 22, 27

tenants: halmote, 147

trees oak, 8; mear of, 115; sally stub tree, 8

white books, 147




[                   ] Anne, 128

[                ] [   llus] [       ] David, 161

[              ] Morgan, 70

[              ]e Lewys, 122

[            ] Baugh?, 69

[          ] Daniel, 118

[          ] Gilbert, 82

[          ] James, 126

[          ] Phillip: an old man, 69

[         ] [W]illiam, 30

[         ] ap Madog

([           ] Maddocke), 132

[         ] ap Thomas

([            ] Thomas), 150

[         ] Philpott, 120

[         ] Thomas: esquire, 140

[         ] William, 131

[        ] ap Siôn ap Thomas

([         ] John Thomas), 144

[        ] Kemp: widow of Chanston, 175

[       ] Lewis, 122

[       ] Morgan, 142

[      ] ap Harri

([      ] Parry) gent, 158

[      ] Eustance, 132

[    ] Jenkins, 168

[   ] ap Harri ap Hywel ([          ] Harry Howell), 150

[   ] Rogers & Thomas [  ], 80

[  ] Ben Delahay Ffwddog (Foothogg), 120

[  enwe] widowe, 132

[J     ] [    ] [J   ], 78


aap Watcyn (Watkins) Mr, 26

Abel ap Siencyn (Abel Jenkins  tenant, 169

Abraham ap Hywel (Abraham Powell), 46, 78, 121, 165

Alan ap Gryffudd (Allen Griffith), 169; (Allen Gryffith), 129

Alexander Lord, 47, 53, 56, 62: house of, 53

Alice wife of ;Richard Shaw, 91; Thomas ap Robert (Thomas Probert), 6

Alson Button Button (Allstu? Buttons), 171

Alson Buttons, 130

Ann ab Ifan (Ann Bevan) widow, 75

Anne & Walter Delahay, 167

Anne ap Harri (Anne Parry) widow, 14, 151; lands of, 14

Anne Delahay, 128, 167

Anne Lewis, 46

Anne Parry widow, 4

Anthony Pembridge (Anthonio Pembridge) , ent, 28

Awbrey, Mr, 46


bailiff, 11; of Mr Hopton, 24

Barnabi ap watcyn (Barnaby Watkins), 174

Ben Delahay, 118

Benet Delahay alias Jones ([Ben.] Delahay [ al.] Jones), 120

Benjamin ap Harri (Benjamyn Parry), 152

Bennet De la Hay, 18

Blanch mother of David ap Rhys (David Price), 46

Blanch ap Rhys (Blanche Price), 62; widow, 53, 56, 60

Blanch ferch Harri (Blanch vergh Harry), 28, 30, 36, 72; (Blanche vergh Harry), 140, 162

Blanch ferch Hywel (Blanchie vergh Howell), 161

Blanche mother of David Price, 44; wife of Rhys ap William ap Dafydd (Rice William David), 159

Bridget wife of Leonard Mason, 38

Brigid wife of John Phillip, 104; Leonard Mason, 56

Brigid Fychan (Bridget Vaughan), 56; (Brigid Vaughan), 76


Catrin (Katherine) wife of Gwilym ap Siôn ap Philip (Gwillym John Phillipp), 125; Morgan ap William ap Thomas ap Hywel (Morgan William Thomas Powell), 80;  Thomas ap Watcyn (Thomas Watkins), 78

Catrin ap Rhys (Katherine Price) mother of Henri ap Siencyn (Henry Jenkins), 125

Catrin Dafydd (Katherine Davies) widow, 78

Catrin ferch Philip (Katheryn vergh Philip), 18

Catrin Morgan (Kateryne Morgan) & Elizabeth ferch John (Elizabeth vergh John), 80

(Katheryn Morgan), 70; (Katheryne Morgans), 76

Catrin Thomas (Katherine Thomas) widow, 53

Catrin Whitney (Katheryn Whitney), 82

Crythor Du (Crother Dee), 125

Charles [                 ], 133

Charles ap Siôn ap Thomas (Charles John Thomas), 89

Charles ap Siôn ap Thomas ap Wiliam (Charles John Thomas William), 132, 174

Charles Staunter gent, 116

Christopher Nevill son of Edward Lord Bergevenny?, 59

Christopher Seaborn, 169

Christopher Seaborne esq., 165


Dafydd ab Ifan (David ap Ievan), 160; (David ap Jevan), 131, 173; (David Bevam), 125; (David Bevan), 49, 125, 141, 164

Dafydd ap Gwilym ap Dafydd ap Siencyn (David Gwillim David Jenkin), 157; (David Gwillym David Jenkyn), 118

Dafydd ap Harri ap Dafydd (David Harry David), 62

Dafydd ap Harri ap Dafydd ap Morgan (David Harry David Morgan), 44

Dafydd ap Hywel (David Powell), 122; father of ddap Hywel ap Dafydd (David Powell David), 121

Dafydd ap Hywel ap Dafydd (David Powell David), 121, 165

Dafydd ap Hywel ap Robert (David Howell ap Robert), 118, 157; (David Howell Probert), 48, 82, 129, 167, 172

Dafydd ap John, 96, 144; cottage house of, 96

Dafydd ap Madog (David Madock), 73

Dafydd ap Morgan, 166; (David Morgan), 107, 133

Dafydd ap Morgan ap Siôn (David Morgan John), 141

Dafydd ap Morgan ap Thomas Ddu (David Morgan Thomas [dny?]), 119

Dafydd ap Morgan ap Thomas Ddu? (David Morgan Thomas Day), 158

Dafydd ap Nichol (David Nicholls), 133

Dafydd ap Philip (David Phillipp), 120

Dafydd ap Philip ap Siôn ap Rhoser (David Philipp John ap Rosser), 163;

(David Phillip John Prosser), 107; & Jane his wife, 107; (David Phillipp John Prosser), 111, 145

Dafydd ap Rhisiart ap Morgan (David Richard Morgan), 99, 144

Dafydd ap Rhys (David [Price?]), 70; (David a Rice), 160; (David ap Price), 159; (David Price), 8, 62, 63, 64, 68, 71, 77, 111; & Blanch his mother, 46; & Blanche his mother, 44, 140; (David Rice), 167

Dafydd ap Rhys ap Gwilym (David Rice Gwilliam), 128; (David Rice Gwillim), 167

Dafydd ap Rhys ap Siôn (David Price [Johnslm?]), 97

Dafydd ap Siôn (David Jones), 120

Dafydd ap Siôn ab Ifan (David John ap Bevan), 104; (David John Bean), 72 (David John Bevan), 149

Dafydd ap Siôn ab Ifan John ap William ap Rhisiart (David John Bevan John William Prichard), 142

Dafydd ap Siôn ap Rhisiart ab Ifan (David John Prichard Bevan), 71

Dafydd ap Thomas (David Thomas), 122; gent, 59, 66, 67, 133, 168; father of

Leision Thomas, 32

Dafydd ap Thomas ap Dafydd (David Thomas David), 132, 175

Dafydd ap Thomas ap Dafydd ap Rhoser (David Thomas David Prosser), 75, 142, 149

Dafydd ap Thomas ap Rhys (David Thomas Prees), 30

Dafydd ap Thomas ap Siôn ap Lewis (David Thomas John Lewis), 156; (David Thomas John Lewys), 152

Dafydd ap Watcyn (David Watkyn), 127

Dafydd ap Watcyn alias Lodwick  (David Watkin a[l] Lodwick), 89

Dafydd ap Wilcog (David Wilcock), 119, 158

Dafydd ap Wiliam (David Williams) wife’s cottage, 114

Dafydd ap William ap Lewis (David Wiliam Lewys), 133

Dafydd ap William ap Siams (David William James), 129, 170

Dafydd Crwmp (David Crumpe), 166

Dafydd Gilbert, 125, 168

Dafydd Lace (David Lace), 141

Dafydd Llwyd (David Lloyd), 51, 78, 129, 170

Dafydd Prichard, 154

Dafydd Smyth, 82

Dafydd Winstwn (David Winston), 120

Daniel ap Charles (Daniel Charles), 125

Daniel ap Rhys (Daniel Price), 170

Daniel ap Watcyn (Daniell Watkins), 121

daughter of Rhys ap Gwilym ap Dafydd (Rees Gwillym David), 126

David Las (David Lace), 51

Davis Price, 63


Earl of Salisbury, 159

Edward Lord Abergavenny (Bergevenny), 59; (dominus Bergevenny), 38

(Lord Bergevenny), 6, 12, 18, 26; Lord Abergavenny (Lord Bergeveny), 154

Edward [Foote?], 133

Edward ap Howard (Edward Howard), 143; esquire, 152

Edward ap Hywel (Edward Powell), 22

Edward Howard, 86

Elianour  wife of John ap William ap Rhisiart (John William Prichard), 51

Eliz[beth] [                ], 127

Elizabeth relict of Rhoser ap Morgan (Roger Morgan), 80

Elizabeth ferch (Elizabeth vergh [        ]), 142

Elizabeth ferch John (Elizabeth vergh John), 70, 80, 100

Enoch ap Siencyn (Enoch Jenkins), 125, 127

Epiphan Haworth(Epiphanus Howorth) esq, 157

Epiphan Howarth (Epiphannis Hawarth), 119

Frances daughter of William Cecill, 18


George ap Gryffudd (George Griffitt), 106; (George Griffittes), 106, 152; (George Griffith), 171; (George Gruffith), 130; (George Gryffittes), 150; (George Gryffyth), 6

George ap Harri (George Harries), 42, 159; (Georgio Harrys), 42

George ap Rhys ap Harri (George ap Rees ap Harry), 10

George ap Siencyn (George Jenkin), 168; (George Jenkyn), 125

George ap Watcyn (George Watkins), 158

George Goch (George Coughe) in Comyoy, 161

George Green of Hereford Apothecary, 114

George Herbert knight, 164; Sir knight, 121

Gerallt Fychan (Garrold Vaughan), 121

Gilbert Nichol, 32

Gryffudd ap Harri ap Hywel (Gryffyn Harry Powell), 144

Gryffudd ap Harri ap Hywel ap Dafydd (Griffin Harry Powell David), 164; (Gruffin Henry Powell David), 125

Gryffudd ap Hywel (Griffin Howell), 101; (Gryffith Howell), 97; (Gryffyn Howell), 102

Gwenllian ferch Philip ap Madog (Gwenllian vergh Phillipp Madocke), 133

Gwilym ap Dafydd (Gwillym David), 126

Gwilym ap Rhys ap Lewis (Gwillim Price Lewis), 165

Gwilym ap Siôn ap Philip (Gwillim John Phillip) & Catherine his wife, 164; (Gwillym John Phillipp), 125


Harri ap Dafydd ab Ifan Gwyn (Henry David ap Jevan Gwyn), 168; (Henry David ap Jevan Gwynn), 125

Harri ap Dafydd ap Madog (Henrici David Madock), 101; (Henry David Madock), 163

Harri ap Dafydd ap Morgan; (Henrici David Morgan), 76

Harri ap Harri (Harry Parry), 90; (Henry Parry), 121

Harri ap John tanner; (Henry John Tanner), 130

Harri ap John tanner (Henry John Tanner), 171

Harri ap Lewis ap Siôn (Henry Lewis ap John), 164

Harri ap Lewis apjn (Harry Lewis ap John), 125

Harri ap Philip (Henrici Phillip), 62

Harri ap Philpo (Henry Philpott), 152

Harri ap Rhys ap Dafydd ap Rhys (Henrico Rees David ap Price), 59; (Henry Rees David ap Rees), 122, 175

Harri ap Siencyn (Henry Jenkins), 119, 125, 158

Harri ap Siôn ap Dafydd ap Philip (Henry John David Phillip), 163

Harri ap Siôn ap Wiliam (Henry John William), 105

Harri ap Thomas ap Madog (Henry Thomas ap Madock), 166

Harri ap Thomas ap Rhisiart (Harry Thomas ap Ric.), 127; (Henry Thomas ap Richard), 174

Harri ap Thomas ap Rhys (Henrico Thomas Price), 36; (Henry Thomas ap Rees), 129, 170

Harri ap Wiliam (Henrici Williami), 66

Harri ap William ap Siôn ap Rhisiart  (Henrici William John Richard) & Margaret his wife, 77

Harri ap William ap Thomas (Henrico William Thomas), 67

Harri ap Winstwn (Henry Winston), 129; (Henry Winstone) gent, 169

Harri Button (Henry Button), 169

Harri Hen (Harry Hen), 145

Henri ap Siôn Goch (Henry John Goughe), 130

Henri Bras (Henry Brase), 142

Henri Fychan (Henry Vaughan), 130 esq., 171

Henry Lord Abergavenny (Henricus dominus Bergevenny), 24

Henry  [           ], 46

Henry Baiton in [Codwgoed], 27

Henry Brase, 68

Henry Havard, 121

Henry Walton, 26

Henry Watkin David, 163

Hopton Mr, 53, 90, 111, 112; Mr., 34

Howell Gunter, 119

Hugh Russell Mr, 133

Humfrey Baskarvile, eldest son of James Baskerville, 154

Humfry Baskarvile, 154

Humphrey Baskerville (Humfride Baskervile) gent, 72

Huw ap [  ] ap Siôn (Hugonis [  ] John), 170

Huw ap Lewis

(Hugh Lewis), 162 gent, 36

Huw ap Lewis ap Harri ap Philip (Hugh Lewys), 30, 31

Huw ap Siôn ap Harri ap Dafydd (Hugh John Harry David), 166

Huw ap Thomas (Hugh Thomas) heirs of, 168

Huw ap Watcyn (Hugh Watkins), 10

Hywel ap Dafydd ap Wiliam (Howell David William), 120

Hywel ap Dafydd Goch (Howell David Goughe), 120

Hywel ap Harri ap Hywel (Howell Harry Powell), 75, 121, 165

Hywel ap Harri ap Mady (Howell Harry Mady), 130; (Howell Harry Maddy), 171

Hywel ap Lewis ap Siôn (Howell Lewys J[ohn]), 111; (Howell Lewys John)

wood of, 30, 31

Hywel ap Morgan ([        ll] Morgan), 150

Hywel ap Nichol (Howell Nicholls), 131

Hywel ap Philip ap Dafydd (Howell Phillip David), 68

Hywel ap Rhisiart (Howell Prichard), 131, 173

Hywel ap Siôn (Howell John), 16, 97

Hywel ap Siôn ap Hywel (Howell ap John Howell), 119

Hywel ap Siôn ap John ap Nicholas (Howell John ap John Nicholas), 163

Hywel ap Siôn ap Nichol (Howell John Nichol), 14

Hywel ap Siôn ap Siôn (Howell ap John ap John), 131

Hywel ap Siôn ap Siôn ap Nichol (Howell ap John ap John Niccoll), 173

Hywel ap Siôn ap Thomas ap Rhisiart (Howell John Thomas Prichard), 16

Hywel ap Thomas ap Hywel (Howell Thomas Powell), 19

Hywel ap William ap Hywel (Howell William Powell), 126; wife of, 68

Hywel ap William Benaur (Howell William Bannour), 97

Hywel Benaur (Howell Pennyore), 126; (Howell Penoyre), 169

Hywelap William ap Hywel (Howell William Powell) heir of, 168


Ifan ab Adda (Jevan ap Adam), 160

Ifan ab Ifan Llwyd (Jevan ap Jevan Lloyd), 119, 158

Ifan ap David Gryg (Jevan David Grig), 176; (Jevan David Grigg), 127

Ifan ap Iorwerth y Giach (Evan Yorath ap Giach), 160; (Jevan Yroth), 56

Ifan ap Philip Llwyd (Jevan Phillipp Lloyd), 126; Jevan Phill Lloyd, 169

Ifan ap Rhisiart (Evan Prichard), 20

Ifan Lipa (Jevan Lippa), 74

Ifan Rhisiart ap Thomas (Evan Richard Thomas) of the Pant, 120

Isabel Button (Isabelle Buttons):, 171

Izabell Buttons, 130


James Baskarvile the [       ], 154

James Baskervile esquire., 154

James Baskerville third son of James Baskerville, 154

James Harri ap Hywel (Jacobi Harry Powell), 48

James Hay, 51, 142 (Jacobe Haye), 51

James Hergest, 78

James Nichol (James Nicholl), 103

James Parry, 73

James Smith gr?, 171

Jane wife of David ap Philip ap Siôn ap Rhoser (David Phillip John Prosser), 107; Thomas ap Robert (Thomas Probert), 152

Jo Waters, 170

Joan late wife of Morgan ap Rhisiart (Morgan Richard), 163; wife of.Thomas ap Lewis (Thomas Lewis), 163

Joane reputed daughter of John ap Hywel ap Wiliam (John Powell William), 8

Johane wife of John ap Hywel ap Wiliam (John Powell William), 8

John [      ], 132

John ab Ifan (John ap Bevan), 44

John Baskervill esq., 175

John Best, 171

John Clark, 130, 132, 171, 175; gent, 162

John Clerk, 38 of Hereford, 38

John Colsock, 141

John Colstock, 32, 56, 57, 61, 70, 92; gent, 46, 53, 55, 57, 59

John Delahay, 69, 83, 128, 136, 137, 150; esq, 155; esq., 18;  esquire, 118; gent, 55, 60; Mr, 18, 19, 55, 151; of Millbrook, 167; of Peterchurch, 143

John Delahay esq, 159

John Gilbert, 175, gent, 88

John Gunter, 159

John Hoskyns esquire, 95, steward, 95

John Jennings, 134; Mr., 34

John Oliver, 98

John Perkins & Anne Lewis, 46

John Raker, 110

John Saer, 122 (Johannis Saier), 166

John Scudamore esq. of Kenchurch, 173

John Seaborn, 164 (John Seyborne), 73, 126, 127, 133; gent, 85, 122, 143, 153

John Seaborne, 174

John Shaw, 91

John Sheldon, 97, 150 gent, 97, 101, 144

John Shobdon, 102

John Smith, 82, 143, 150, 152

John Watkins, 51

John Wellington gent, 117

John Williams Esq., 24

Joseph ap Simon (Joseph Symonds), 12, 133

late wife of John [Raker], 110


Leision ap Dafydd ap Thomas (Leision Thomas) esquire, 66; (Leison Thomas), 68, 71, 119, 121, 164, 168, 169, 175; equire., 112; esq, 150; esquire, 31, 32, 49, 67, 76, 91, 99, 140, 141, 143; Mr, 44, 46, 57, 62, 63, 64, 69, 71, 73, 76, 79, 90, 112, 153; esquire, 100; park of, 47; (Leisonis Thomas), 91; (Leyson Thomas), 165, 166, 168, 176; esq, 157

Leision ap Harri (Leison Parry), 145, 150; gent, 113

Leision ap Rhys (Lison Price), 101

Leison ap Dafydd ap Thomas (Leyson Thomas), 60

Leison Thomas, 56; Mr, 44

leison Thomas esquire, 92

Leonard Mason, 56, 64, 140, 150 & Bridget his wieffe, 38

Lewis ap Dafydd ap Gwilym (Lewys David Gwillam), 12

Lewis ap Gilbert (Lewis Gilbert) gent, 4

Lewis ap Harri ap Lewis (Lewys Harry Lewys), 24; (Lodovicus Harry Lewis), 24

Lewis ap Harri ap Philip (Lewis Harry Philip), 173; (Lewys Harry Phillipps), 131; (Lodovico Harry Philippo), 30

Lewis ap Harri ap rhisiart (Lewis Harry Richard), 132

Lewis ap Hywel (Lewys ap Hoell), 153; (Lewys ap Howell), 85

Lewis ap Philip (Lewys Phillippe), 42

Lewis ap Rhisiart (Lewis Prichard), 72

Lewis ap Rhys (Lewes ap Rees), 127; (Ludovici ap Rees), 174

Lewis ap Rhys ap Harri (Lewis ap Prees ap Harry), 160; (Lodovico ap Rees ap Harry) father of Thomas ap Lewis ap Rhys (Thomas Lewys Price), 53

Lewis ap Siencyn ap Rhisiart ap Thomas ap Llywelyn (Lewis Jenkin Richard Thomas Llewellin), 173; (Lewys Jenkyn Richard Thomas Llewelyn), 131

Lewis ap Siôn (Lewis John [   ]), 173

 Lewis ap Siôn ap Lewis (Lewys John Lewys), 131

Lewis ap Siôn ap Thomas ap Wiliam (Lewys John Thomas William), 103, 144

Lewis ap Thomas (Lewys Thomas), 60

Lewis ap Thomas ap Siôn ap Lewis (Lewis Thomas John Lewis) of the Cwm (Comb), 169; (Lewis Thomas John Lewys) of Perthi ([Penrhy]), 131; (Lewys Thomas John Lewys), 79, 99 of Cwm (Combe), 129; (Lodovici Thomas John Lewys), 59

Lewis ap Thomas ap Siôn ap Lewis ap Dafydd ap Henri (Lewis Thomas John Lewis de Penry?), 172

Lewis Gilbert, 126, 136, 166, 169 gent, 165; (Lodovico Gilbert generos), 82

Lewis Gilbert gent, 165

Lewys Gilbert, 16, 89, 92, 121, 128, 143, 152; Mr, 49, 64; senior, 133

Leyson Thomas Mr, 60

Lord Abergavenny (Lord B[ergavenny]), 4; (Lord Bergavenny), 10; (Lord Bergevenny), 73, 89

Lucas ap Thomas (Lucas Thomas), 26, 34, 134, 140

Llywelyn ap Bleddyn (Llewelyn Blethyn), 42

Llywelyn Best (Llewellin Best), 167; (Llewellyn Best), 128


Madog ab Ifan Hen, 141(Maddock ap Jevan Hen), 52

Madog ap Philip ap Siencyn (Madock Philip Jenkin); 168 (Maddock Phillip Jenkyn), 125

Madog ap Rhys (Madock ap Rees), 91

Mail ap Harri (Miles Parry), 19, 119

Malachi ap Siôn (Malachi Jones), 140

Marc ap Gryffudd (Marcus Gruffith), 130; (Mark Griffith), 171

Marge dab Ifan (Margarette Bevan) widow, 160

Marged (Margaret) wife of John ap Rhoser (John Rogers), 93

Marged ab Ifan (Margaret Bevan) widow, 49

Marged ferch David Gilbert (Margaret vergh David Gilbert), 56

Marged ferch Gilbert (Margaret vergh Gilbert), 141

Marged ferch Hywel (Margarette vergh Howell), 161

Margery Morgan, 70, 76, 149 widow, 76, 80, 87, 142

Maria daughter & heiress of Barnabi ap Watcyn (Barnaby Watkins), 174

Marmaduke ap Lewis (Marmaduke Lewis), 30

Mary Lewis, 121, 122

Middlemore Mr, 18

Miles Mr, 128, 167

Morgan ap Rhisiart (Morgan Richard), 163

Morgan ap William ap Thomas ap Hywel (Morgan William Thomas Powell), 87

(Morgani William Thomas Powell), 80

Mr [      ] Wright, 78

Mr [?N     ] [W  ] [John], 79

Mr [Tedo?] q. de Bc., 61

Mr Delahay, 55

Mr Greenwich, 46

Mw Jenings, 162


Nathan Lewis, 98

Nest ferch Dafydd (Neste vergh David), 67

Nicholas ap William ap Thomas ap Hywel (Nicholo Williamo Thomas Powell), 59

Nicholas Arnold Mr, 20

Nicholas Gilbert, 98, 102, 125

Nicholas Nott, 159 deputy steward (Nicholi Nott subsenescallus), 38 esq.; (Nicholum Nott armiger), 78 Esquire, 10


old bailiff, 153

Olifer ap Madog ([Oliver Madan]?), 10

Owen ap Hywel (Owen Powell), 141, 142, 160; (Owene Powell), 70 (Owino Powell) gent, 53


Paul ap Thomas (Paul Thomas), 10

Popkins Mrs, 167

Philip ap Dafydd ap Siôn (Philip David ap John), 175

Philip ap Gryffudd (Philip Griffith), 164; (Phillipp Gruffith), 125

Philip ap Harri (Philip Parry), 157 (Phillipp Parry), 119

Philip ap Harri Ychan (Phillipp Parry Eghan), 120

Philip ap Lewis (Philip Lewis), 166

Philip ap Lewis ap [     ] (Philip Lewis ap [   ]), 169

Philip ap Lewis ap Harri (Philip Lewis Harry), 171; (Philippe Lewys Harry), 6 (Phillipp Lewes ap Harry), 126; (Phillipp Lewes Harry), 130 (Phillipp Lewys Harry), 152

Philip ap Lewis ap Siôn ap Gwilym (Philip Lewis John Gwillim), 164 (Phillipp Lewis John Gwillym), 125

Philip ap Lewis ap Wiliam (Philip Lewis William), 170 (Phillipp Lewys William), 129

Philip ap Mail (Phillipp Myle), 112

Philip ap Morgan (Phillipp Morgan Pen[t?]), 131

Philip ap Siencyn (Philip Jenkins), 172 (Phillipp Jenkyns), 131

Philip ap Siôn ap John, 16

Philip ap Siôn ap Lewis (Phillipo John Lewys), 82

Philip ap Siôn ap Lewis Gwilym (Phillipp John Lewys Gwillym), 125

Philip ap Siôn ap Rhoser([        ] [Phill]ipp John Prosser) his sonne in law, 110

Philip ap Siôn ap Siôn (Phillipp John ap John), 136

Philip ap Siôn ap Watcyn (Philip John Watkins), 174

Philip ap Thomas ap ap Hywel (Phillip Thomas Powell), 113; Philip ap Thomas ap Hywel (Philip Thomas Powell) & his mother, 169; (Phillip Thomas Powell), 108, 110, 113, 156 (Phillipp Thomas Powell), 145 & his mother, 126

Philip ap Thomas ap Rhys ap Mady (Phillip Thomas ap Rees Mady), 176; Philip ap Thomas ap Rhys Mady (Phillipp Thomas ap Rees Madye), 127

Philip ap Watcyn ap Hy wel (Philip Watkin Powell), 174; (Phillipp Watkyn Powell), 132, 133

Philip Mail (Phillipp Myle), 145

Phillip Gryffith, 74


R     ] Howell, 101

Ralph Hopton, 161, 166, 173, 174, 175, 176 (Radolpho Hopton), 24 knight, 169; Ralphe Hopton Esquire, 6; Raphe Hopton, 12, 150 esq., 16 esquire, 24, 26, 27, 31, 46, 52, 53, 60, 75, 81, 140 Esquire, 8 Mr, 105, 107 esq., 10

Rees ap Harry, 125

Richard Awbery clerk, 77; Richard Awbrey clerk, 142

Richard Russell, 133

Richard Shaw, 79, 91, 133, 143, 149, 157; Richard Shawe, 133

Richard Weston gent, 155

Ro[     ] [M         ], 127

Robert ap Gwilym ap Hywel (Robert Gwillym Powell), 120

Robert ap Harri (Robert Parry), 132, 164, 169, 175 gent, 175 Mr (Mr Robert Parry), 147

Robert Cecill Sir knight, 18

Robert Fychan (Robert Vaughan), 119 esq, 157

Robert Hopton, 126, 127 esq., 127 esquire, 109, 145

Robert Jennings, 10, 56, 60, 88, 116

Robert Reeve, 101, 102, 129, 144, 150, 170

Roger ap Morgan (Roger Morgan), 80

Rowland ap Hywel (Roland ap Howell), 171; (Rowland ap Howell), 130

Rowland Fychan (Roland Vaughan) esq., 170; (Rowland Vaughan), 129 & Elizabeth his wife, 109 & Elizabeth his wife, 80

Rowland Jennings, 76, 87, 107, 108, 119, 143, 157 (Rowling Jennings) gent, 28 gent, 34 Mr, 6

Rhisiart ap gwilym ap Henri (Richard Gwillim Penry), 175

Rhisiart ap Harri (Richard Parry), 6 husband to Anne, 152

Rhisiart ap Hywel (Richard [ ]owell), 55

Rhisiart ap Hywel ab Ifan (Rici Powell ap Jevan), 167; (Richard Powell ap Jevan), 129

Rhisiart ap Hywel ap Rhys (Richard Howell Rees), 121 (Richard Howelli Rees), 165

Rhisiart ap Lewis (Richard Lewes), 120 (Richard Lewys), 78

Rhisiart ap Morgan (Richard Morgan) father of David Richard Morgan, 99

Rhisiart ap Philip (Richard Philip), 171; (Richard Phillipp), 130

Rhisiart ap Rhys (Rici ap Rees), 168; (Richard ap Rees), 122

Rhisiart ap Siencyn (Rici Jenkin), 167 (Richard Jenkyn), 128

Rhisiart ap Thomas ap Hywel (Richard Thomas Powell), 55

Rhisiart Bromwich (Rici Bromwich), 130

Rhisiart Brown (Richard Browne), 172

Rhisiart Siencyn (Richard Jenkyns), 128

Rhoser ap Morgan (Roger Morgan), 120, 166 & Elizabeth his relictrix, 166

Rhys [    ] Harri (Reece [     ] Harry), 32

Rhys ap Griffith (Reece Giffithes), 82

Rhys ap Harri (Rees Parry), 126, 169; (Ricei ap Parry), 28; (Riceus ap Harry), 168

Rhys ap Iorwerth (Rice ap Yeroth), 131; (Ricei ap Yeroeths), 172

Rhys ap Lewis (Reece Lewys), 54

Rhys ap Madog (Rees Madox), 10

Rhys ap Morgan (Ricei Morgan), 175

Rhys ap Philip ap Harri (Reece Phillip ap Harry), 57; (Reece Phillipp Parry), 143

(Ricei Phillip Parry), 92 Rhys ap Philip ap Harry (Reece Phillip Parry), 90

Rhys ap Thomas ap Llywelyn (Ricei Thomas [Llen?]), 66

Rhys ap Thomas ap Rhisiart (Rees Thomas Prichard), 164; (Rice Thomas Prichard), 42, 125, 140

Rhys ap Thomas ap Rhisiart Cramal?(Rees Thomas Prichard [cramal?]), 159

Rhys ap Thomas ap William ap Hywel ([Reese?] Thomas William Powell), 126

Rhys ap Wiliam (Reece William), 102, 131 (Riceus Williams), 173

Rhys ap William ap Dafydd (Rees William David) daughter of, 168

Rhys Philip ap Harri (Reece Phillip ap Harry), 57


Samuel ap Watcyn (Mr Samuel Watkins), 107; (Samuel Watkin), 164; (Samuel Watkins), 26, 70, 150, 152, 161, 169, 175 gent, 40, 112, 127, 140, 145, 155, 163; Mr, 107; (Samuel Watkyns), 34, 147, 150

Samuel Jennings, 87, 113

Seaborn (Seyborne) Mr, 69 (Seybourne) Mr, 7; Mr (Mr Seybornes), 150

Seth ap Hywel (Seth Powell), 127

Siams ap Harri (Jacobo Har.) late brother of Catrin (Katherin), 78; (Jacobus Parry) of Hynton, 166; (James Harries) gent, 48; (James Parry), 125, 150, 168 of Longtown, 126; son of Rhisiart ap Harri (Richard Parry), 84, 143; (Richard Pary), 73

Siams ap Harri ap Hywel (James Harry Howell), 58, 141

Siams ap Harri ap Thomas ap Siams (Jacobi Harry Thomas James) & Sibill his wife, 68

Siams ap Huw (James Hugh), 20 of the Ffwddog (Ffoothogg), 120; (James Hughes), 20

Siams ap Hywel (James Powell), 44, 50, 64

Siams ap Madog (James Maddock), 91

Siams ap Madog ap Rhys ap Philip ap Harri  (James Madock Rice Phillipp Parry), 133

Siams ap Morgan (James Morgan), 99

Siams ap Nichol (James Niccoll), 156; (James Nicholl), 90; (James Nicholls), 162, 171

Siams ap Rhisiart (James Prichard) & Catrin (Kathrin), 107; of Trewern, 107

Siams ap Rhys  (James Price), 159; (James Prise), 78

Siams ap Rhys ap Harri (Jacobus ap Rees ap Harry), 165; (James ap Parry), 73, 74, 142, 150; (James ap Rees ap Harry), 121; (James Prees Parry), 10, 153 (James Price ap Parry), 75

Siams ap Siôn ap Hywel (James John Powell), 44, 128, 167

Siams ap Siôn ap Rhys (James) son of John Price, 12

Siams ap Siôn ap Rhys ap Dafydd Goch (James Price) son of John Price [David] Goch, 68

Siams ap Thomas ap Dafydd (James Thomas David), 132, 175

Siams ap Thomas ap Harri (Jacobus Thomas Harry), 168l (James Thomas Harry), 125

Siams ap Thomas ap Siôn ap Watcyn (James Watkins) son of Thomas John Watkin, 76

Siams ap Watcyn

(James Watkins), 6, 106

Siams ap Watcyn ap Harri (James Watkyn) natural child of Watkyn Harry, 14

Siân ap Rhisiart (Jane Prichard), 60 widow, 55

Sibil relictrix of Watcyn ap Dafydd (Watkin David), 164

Sibil Fychan (Sibil Vaughan) late wife of William ap Hywel ap Thomas (William Powell Thomas) deceased, 165; (Vaughan) wife of William ap Hywel ap Thomas (William Powell Thomas), 121

Sibill relict of Watcyn ap Dafydd (Watkyn David), 121; wife of James ap Harri ap Thomas ap Siams (Jacobi Harry Thomas James), 68

Sibill Morgan widow, 94, 144

Sibille Hunt widow, 52

Siencyn ap Gwilym ap Philip (Jenkin Gwillim Philip), 166

Siencyn ap Harri (Jenkin Harry), 57

Simon ap Harri (Symon ap Harrie), 86; (Symon ap Parry), 143

Simon ap Hywel (Symon Powell), 114

Siôn ab Olifer (John Olliver), 144

Siôn ab Olifer ap Siôn ap Thomas (John Oliver John Thomas), 130

Siôn ap Dafydd (John David), 119, 131, 172, 175

Siôn ap Dafydd ap Gwilym (John David Gwillim), 171

Siôn ap Dafydd ap Thomas ap Gwilym (John David Thomas Gwillym), 130

Siôn ap Gilbert (John Gilbert), 163

Siôn ap Gryffudd (John Gruffith), 129

Siôn ap Gwatcyn ap Gryffudd (John ap Gwatkin Griffith), 165

Siôn ap Gwatcyn Gryffudd (John ap Gwatkyn Griffith), 121

Siôn ap Harri (John Harry), 165; (John Harrys), 88, 89, 109, 116, 143, 145; (John Parry), 10, 125, 132, 175; son of Simon ap Harri (Symon Parry), 133; (John Parryes) of Dulas (Dules) gent, 132

Siôn ap Harri ap Ll[    ] (John Harry Ll[  ]), 175

Siôn ap Harri ap Llywelyn (John Harry Llewelyn), 132

Siôn ap Harri ap Philip (John Harry Philip), 164

Siôn ap Harri ap Thomas ap Rhys (John Harry Thomas Price), 44, 50, 71, 150 & Blanch his mother, 142; & Blanch vergh Harry, 72

Siôn ap Harri ap William ap Rhys (John Har[ry] William Prise), 81; (John Harry William Prise), 57; (John Parry William Prise), 57

Siôn ap Hoscyn (John Hoskins), 159, 161, 162; Sir, 109 then deputy steward, 160

Esq; (John Hoskyns esq), 4

Siôn ap Hoskin (John Hoskins), 159, 160

Siôn ap Huw (John Pugh), 16

Siôn ap Hywel (John Powell), 48, 51, 55, 60, 161; gent, 48, 51, 69, 129, 163, 167

Siôn ap Hywel ap Lewis (John Howell Lewys [           ]), 127

Siôn ap Hywel ap Lewis ap Siôn (John Howell Lewis John) heir of

Rhoser ap Morgan (Roger Morgan), 166

Siôn ap Hywel ap Wiliam (John Powell William), 8, 14, 97, 101, 106, 136, 163

Siôn ap Hywel ap William ap Lewis (John Howell William Lewis), 173; (John Howell William Lewys), 131

Siôn ap Hywel Ychan (John Powell Eghan), 129; (John Powell Ychan), 170

Siôn ap Lewis ap Siôn (Johannis Lewis John), 160

Siôn ap Mail (John Miles), 112

Siôn ap Morgan (John Morgan) Sir, 48

Siôn ap Nicholas (John Nicholas), 22

Siôn ap Olifer ap Siôn ap Thomas (John Oliver John Thomas), 171

Siôn ap Philip (Johannis Phillip), 69; (John Philip), 173; (John Philipp), 144; (John Phillip), 104, 176; (John Phillipp), 127

Siôn ap Philip ap Dafydd (John Phillipp David), 132

Siôn ap Philip ap Gwilym (John Phillipp Gwillym), 131

Siôn ap Philip ap Harri (John Phillipp Parry), 52

Siôn ap Philip ap Thomas (John Philip Thomas), 22

Siôn ap Robert (John Probart), 120 (John Probert), 20

Siôn ap Rhisiart (John Prichard), 49

Siôn ap Rhoser (John Rogers), 125, 144, 150, 164; (John Rogers] & Margaret his wife, 93

Siôn ap Rhys (John Price gent), 162; (John Price), 12, 19, 55, 131, 158, 171, 173 gent, 52, 119, 130, 136, 159; junior, 12

Siôn ap Rhys ap Dafydd Goch (John Price [Dd] Goch), 68

Siôn ap Siams (John James), 172

Siôn ap Siencyn (John Jenkin), 89, 158; (John Jenkins), 168; (John Jenkyn), 119, 125

Siôn ap Siencyn ap Rhisiart (John Jenkin Richard), 171

Siôn ap Simon (John Symonds) 1718, 12

Siôn ap Simon ap Harri (John Parry) son of Simon Parry, 176

Siôn ap Siôn, 16, 42

Siôn ap Siôn ap Bach (John ap John Bagh), 118

Siôn ap Siôn ap Harri (John John Parry) of Dulas gent, 173

Siôn ap Siôn ap Nicholas (John) son of John Nicholas, 22

Siôn ap Siôn Bach (John ap John Baugh, 18; (John ap John Baughe), 156

Siôn ap Siôn Gilbert, 121, 165

Siôn ap Thomas (Johannes Thomas), 28 (John Thomas [                  ]), 129; (John Thomas), 10, 28, 36, 62, 108, 132, 150, 173; gent, 30; of Lower Maescoed (Mescoed), 117; of Llanwynnog, 136, 162 (Lanwonnog) Mr, 151 (Llanwonnog), 28 (Llanwonog), 10; of Maescoed (Mescod), 150

Siôn ap Thomas ab Ifan Bach (Johannis Thomas ap Jevan Baugh), 92

Siôn ap Thomas ap Harri (John Thomas Parry), 105, 171

Siôn ap Thomas ap Huw (John Thomas Hugh), 172; (John Thomas Hughe), 131

Siôn ap Thomas ap John Stwmp (Johanni Thomas John Stumpe), 89

Siôn ap Thomas ap Llywelyn (John Thomas Llewelin), 133

Siôn ap Thomas ap Rhys (Johannes Thomas ap Rees), 167; (Johannis Thomas Price), 59; (Johannis Thomas Prise), 92; (John Thomas ap Rees), 128; (John Thomas Price), 44, 159

Siôn ap Thomas ap Siôn (John Thomas John), 169

Siôn ap Thomas ap Siôn ap Lewis (John Thomas John Lewis), 156, 166

Siôn ap Thomas ap Siôn ap Thomas (John Thomas ap John Thomas), 127, 169, 170; (John Thomas John Thomas), 126

Siôn ap Thomas ap Thomas ap Siôn ap David Gryg

(John Thomas ap Thomas John David Gryg), 165

Siôn ap Thomas Stwmp (John Thomas Stump), 143

Siôn ap Watcyn (John Watkins), 4, 52, 127; brother of Samuel ap Watcyn (Samuel Watkins), 161 of Michaelchurch, 73; (John Watkyn), 56, 57, 62, 70, 76, 80, 81, 142, 149

Siôn ap Watcyn (John Watkins), 49

Siôn ap watcyn ap Hywel (John Watkyn Powell), 20

Siôn ap Watcyn ap Hywel (John Watkin Powell), 170; (John Watkyn Powell), 129

Siôn ap Watcyn ap Rhys ap Morgan (John Watkin Rice Morgan), 173

Siôn ap William ap ap Rhisiart (John William Prichard), 156

Siôn ap William ap Rhisiart; (Johannes William Prichard), 49; (John William Prichard), 52, 64, 71, 72, 78, 141, 149, 160; & Eleanor his wife, 160; & Elianour his wife, 51

Siôn ap William ap Siôn (John William John), 16

Siôn ap William ap Siôn  ap Thomas (John William John Thomas), 105, 156

Siôn ap William ap Watcyn (John William Watkins), 46

Siôn Button, 28

Sioned (Jonett] [                     ]), 129

Sioned Llanfeini (Jonet Lanveiney), 171

Siwan ferch Ifan (Joane vergh Jevan), 133

Stannter Mrs widow, 109

steward John Hoskyns esquire, 95


Tanglust, 46

Tenants free t. & their rents, 118

Tir Fychan (Tire Vighan), 126

Travis, 22

Thomas Mr, 56, 119

Thomas ab Ifan (Thomas Bevan), 112

Thomas ab Ifan ap Watcyn (Thomas ap Jevan Watkyn), 145

(Thomas Bevan Watkyn), 71; (Thome ap Jevan Watkyn), 112

Thomas ap Dafydd ap Madog (Thomas David Maddock), 75

Thomas ap Dafydd ap Rhoser (Thomas David Prosser), 59

Thomas ap Dafydd ap Siôn (Thomas David ap John), 128, 167

Thomas ap Dafydd ap Thomas (Thomas David Thomas), 119, 157

Thomas ap Eustance (Thomas Eustance), 174

Thomas ap Gwatcyn (Thomas Gwatkyns), 144

Thomas ap Harri (Thomas Harrye), 166

Thomas ap Harri ap Dafydd ap Morgan (Thomas ap Harry David Morgan), 125, 168 (Thomas Harry David ap Morgan), 128; (Thomas Harry David Morgan), 44, 62, 64, 68, 72, 128

Thomas ap Huw (Thomas Hughes), 131, 172

Thomas ap Hywel (Thomas Howell), 128, 167; of [               ], 167; (Thomas Powell), 77, 107, 133, 176; (Thomas Powell) father of Phillipp Thomas Powell, 110

Thomas ap Hywel ap Gwilyn ap Rhys (Thomas Howell Gwillim Price), 171

Thomas ap Hywel ap Henri (Thomas ap Howell ap Henry), 19, 137

Thomas ap Hywel ap Llywelyn ab Ifor (Thomas Howell Llewelyn Ifor), 173 (Thomas Howell Llewelyn Ivor), 131

Thomas ap Hywel ap Mady (Thomas Powell Mady), 133, 172, 176; (Thomas Powell Maddy), 152

Thomas ap Hywel ap Thomas (Thomas Powell); son of Howell Thomas, 161

Thomas ap Iorwerth (Thomas Ierworth), 95; (Thomas Yerworth), 95, 144

Thomas ap Jenkin (Thomas Jenkins); barn of, 26 outhouse of, 26

Thomas ap John Hay (Thomas John Hay), 163

Thomas ap Leision ap Wiliam (Thomas Leison William), 121

Thomas ap Lewis (Thomas Lewis), 103, 163, 173

Thomas ap Lewis ap Rhys (Thomas Lewis Prees), 160, 161; (Thomas Lewys ap Price), 99; (Thomas Lewys Price), 46, 54, 92, 141

Thomas ap Lewis ap Rhys ap Harri (Thomas Lewys Price), 53

Thomas ap Llywelyn (Thomas Llewelin), 164; (Thomas Llewelyn), 125

Thomas ap Mail (Thomas Myle), 103, 105

Thomas ap Mail Hunt (Thomas Myle Hunt), 59

Thomas ap Morgan (Thomas Morgan), 49; Thomas Morgans), 50

Thomas ap Philip ap Thomas (Thomas Phillipp Thomas), 119, 120, 158

Thomas ap Robert (Thomas Probert), 6, 136, 159

Thomas ap Rhisiart (Thomas Prichard) Inn keeper in Longtown, 125; (Thomas Richard), 133

Thomas ap Rhoser (Thomas Rogers) Tir Cradog (Tyre Cradock), 125

Thomas ap Rhoser ap Morgan (Thomas Prosser) son & heir of Roger Morgan, 80

Thomas ap Rhydderch (Thomas Prother), 147

Thomas ap Rhys (Thomas Price), 92, 131, 173

Thomas ap Siams (Thomas James), 173

Thomas ap Siencyn (Thomas Jenkins), 159; (Thomas Jenkyns), 40, 140

Thomas ap Siencyn ap Rhisiart (Thomas Jenkyn Richard), 130

Thomas ap Siôn (Thomas John [           ]), 143 (Thomas Jones), 121, 128, 164, 166

Thomas ap Siôn ap Harri ap Dafydd ([Thy Jn] Harry David), 4; (Thomas ap John Harry David), 125, 168

Thomas ap Siôn ap Lewis (Thomas John Lewys), 54, 146 old bailiff, 152

Thomas ap Siôn ap Rhys (Thomas John Price), 92, 149 (Thomas) son of John Price, 12; (Thome John Price), 62

Thomas ap Siôn ap Siams (Thomas John James), 132, 175

Thomas ap Siôn ap Watcyn (Thomas John Watkin), 70, 76

Thomas ap Thomas ap William ap Watcyn (Thomas Watkins) gent, 79

Thomas ap Watcyn (Thomas Watkins), 51, 91 gent, 78, 163 son of Watkin, 161

(Thomas Watkyn), 106, 116, 118; (Thomas Watlins) gent, 142; (Thome Gwatkyn), 98 (Thome Watkin), 157; (Thome Watkins), 73, 75

Thomas ap Watcyn ap Harri (Thomas Watkyn) son of Watkyn Harry, 8

Thomas ap Wiliam (Thomas William) heirs of, 163 (Thomas Williams), 31

Thomas ap William ap Hywel (Thomas William Howell), 128; (Thomas William Powell), 166

Thomas ap William ap Philip (Thomas William Phillipp), 129, 152 (Thome Williamo Phillippo), 36

Thomas ap William ap Rhys (Thomas William Prees), 163; (Thomas William Price), 60; (Thomas William Prise), 55, 141

Thomas ap William ap Watcyn (Thome Watkins) father of Thomas Watkins, 79

Thomas Bromwich gent, 59

Thomas Delahay, 60, 133, 176

Thomas Fychan (Thomas Vaughan), 53, 56, 57, 150 gent, 61, 62, 90, 141

Thomas Gilbert, 168

Thomas Goddart, 165

Thomas Gundy, 161

Thomas Harper, 119

Thomas Howarth (Thomas Hawarth) gent, 119

Thomas Iorwerth (Thomas Yerworth) servant of John Hoskyns Esq., 95

Thomas Jennings, 60, 86, 113, 134

Thomas Lucas, 64

Thomas Powell, 30

Thomas Probert, 42

Thomas Scudamore of Kentchurch, 131

Thomas Smith, 59

Thomas Smyth, 55

Thomas Vaughan, 60 gent, 60

Thomas Wyndham Esq., 10

Thome Howell Gwillym Price, 130


Walter ap Harri (Walter Harry), 36

Walter Baskerville (Walteru Bakskarvile) esq. steward, 28 esq. Steward; (Walteru Baskervile armiger seneschalu), 32

Walter Delahay, 128, 167

Watcyn [          ]

(Watkyn [      ?]), 60

Watcyn ap Harri (Watkyn Harry), 8

Watcyn ap Harri ap Rhisiart (Watkyn Harry Richard), 10, 14, 109, 136, 152

Watcyn ap Harri ap Wiliam (Watkyn Harry William), 59

Watcyn ap Hywel (Watkyn Howell), 47, 49, 56, 62, 63, 68 howse of, 68; (Watkyn Powell), 20

Watcyn ap Hywel ap Rhisiart (Watkin Powell Prichard), 170; (Watkyn Powell Prichard), 129

Watcyn ap Lewis (Watkin Lewys) house of, 32; (Watkyn Lewis), 57; (Watkyn Lewys), 60

Watcyn ap Lewis ap Dafydd (Watkin Lewis David), 171; (Watkinu Lewys David), 96 (Watkyn Lewys David), 96, 130

Watcyn ap Morgan (Watkyn Morgan), 114

Watcyn ap Philpot (Watkyn Philpott), 119

Watcyn ap Rhoser (Watkyn Prosser), 120

Watcyn ap Rhys ap Morgan ap Dafydd ap Wilcog (Watkyn Rice Morgan David Wilcock), 131

Watcyn ap Siôn ap Harri (Watkyn John Harry), 132

Watcyn ap Thomas ap Siôn (Watkin Thomas ap John), 172; (Watkyn Thomas ap John), 130

Watcyn ap Wiliam

(Watkin William), 163, 173 (Watkyn William), 4, 14, 97

Watcyn ap William ap Lewis (Watkin William Lewys), 59

Watcyn Llwyd (Watkin Lloyd), 170; (Watkyn Lloyd), 129

Watkins, 159 Mr, 112, 151

Widow ap Hywel (Powell), 62; Gilbert, 121

Widow Tayler, 145; Taylor, 114

Wiliam ap Dafydd (William David), 137 & Margaret, 160 brother in law of William ap Hywel (William Powell), 20

Wiliam ap Dafydd ab Ifan (William David Bevan), 160 & his mother, 163

Wiliam ap George ap Watcyn ap Dafydd (William George Watkin David), 164

Wiliam ap Gwilym (William ap Gwillym), 120

Wiliam ap Harri (William Harry), 69

Wiliam ap Harri  ap Dafydd ap Rhoser (William Harry David Prosser), 69, 142

Wiliam ap Harri ap Dafydd ap Siôn (William Harry David ap John), 128, 167

Wiliam ap Harri ap Siôn (William Harry John), 104

Wiliam ap Hywel (William Powell), 20, 22, 161, 173; (Williami Powell), 97

Wiliam ap Hywel ap Gwilym (William Powell Gwillam), 20, 137 gent, 120; (William Powell Gwillym), 120;  Wiliam ap Hywel ap Gwillym (William Powell Gwillam), 20

Wiliam ap Hywel ap Thomas (William Howell Thomas), 120; (William Powell Thomas), 22, 137, 151, 161

Wiliam ap Lewis (William Lewis), 96

Wiliam ap Lewis Stwmp (William Lewis Stump), 157; (William Lewys Stumpe), 118

Wiliam ap Philip (William Phillipe) of Garway, 104; (William Phillipp), 152

Wiliam ap Robert (William Roberts), 174

Wiliam ap Rhisiart (William Prichard), 125 father of John William Prichard, 51

Wiliam ap Rhoser (William Prosser), 161 1718, 14 of Turnant (Tyrnant), 14 of Tye Nant, 8; (William Rodgers), 166

Wiliam ap Rhys (William Price), 42, 131, 169 of Caio (The Kaye), 126

Wiliam ap Rhys ap Gwilym (William Price Gwillim), 173; (Williami Price Gwillam), 104

Wiliam ap Rhys ap Mady (William Price Mady), 133; (William Price Madye), 127

(William Price Maddy), 175, 176

Wiliam ap Siencyn (William Jenkins), 40

Wiliam ap Simon (William Symond), 133

Wiliam ap Siôn (William John), 132

Wiliam ap Siôn ab Ifan ap Siôn (William ap John ap Jevan Jones), 120

Wiliam ap Siôn ap Harri (William John Harry), 72

Wiliam ap Siôn ap Thomas ap John Stwmp (William John Thomas ap John Stumpe), 166

Wiliam ap Siôn ap Wiliam (William John William), 54, 174

Wiliam ap Thomas (William Thomas), 157

Wiliam ap Thomas ap Hywel (William Thomas ap Powell), 59; (William Thomas Powell), 122, 176

Wiliam ap Thomas ap Wiliam (William Thomas William), 36

Wiliam ap Thomas ap William ap Philip (William Thomas William Philip), 168

Wiliam ap Watcyn (William Watkins) grandfather of Thomas Watkins gent, 79; (William Watkyns), 91

Wiliam ap Watcyn ap Harri (Watkyn Harry) natural child of Watkyn Harry, 14

Wiliam ap Watcyn ap Lewis (William Watkins Lewis), 163

Wiliam ap Wilcog (William Wilcock), 119, 158

Wiliam ap William ap Hywel (Willi Willi Howell), 161

Wiliam ap William ap Rhys (William Wiliam Prise), 95; (William William Price), 95

(William William Prise), 95

William Earl of Salisbury, 156, 172; Earle of Salisbury, 18, 136

William [             ?], 93

William ab Ifan (William Bevan), 172 of Walterston, 130

William ab Ifan ap Dafydd (William Jevan ap David), 131; (William Jevan David) & his mother, 125; (Will?s Jevan ap David), 173

William Baker esq., 28, 32

William Cecil, 162 esq, 157; William Cecill, 18, 19, 118, 130, 157, 171, 172; son & heir of William Cecill, 18

William Exton, 125

William Fychan (William Vaughan), 119 gent, 158

William Gilbert, 121

William Greenwich, 44, 49, 50, 70 clerk, 44, 46, 62, 64, 68, 141

William Havard, 89, 103 heir of Henry Havard, 165; heire of Henry Havard, 121

William Herbert, 132, 174 of Old Castle, 130; of Old Castle, co. Mon., 171

William Llwyd (William Lloyd) in right of his wife Martha, 16

William Nott, 162

William Pitt, 127

William Sidley Mr, 10

William Smith, 126, 166

Wright Mr, 114, 115

Wt Prosser 1715, 8

Zachary Gilbert, 125, 168




Tir Dafydd Lacy (Tyre David Lace), 51

Places (Tir Cadwgan) Cadogan, 26; [               ] Hill, 42; [             ] acre, 49 ; [        field], 18; [   ivenoll]?, 120; [mill?]; land near, 133

Abergavenny (Abergayny), 42

Abeydore (Abidoore), 42

Aylestons Bridge , 154


Barn new b. covered with slate, 70

Baronies:-Half: Coed Poeth (Coed Poyth), 147; Llanwynnog (Lanwonnog), 147; Maerdy Y (The Mairdy), 147; Quarter: Cefn Constable (Keven Constable), 147; Tremoreiddig (Trever Irig) quarter barony, 147. [Other]:Trelandon, 147; Trewyn, 147; Y Parc (The Park), 147

Blackhill, 88, 92 messuage near, 143

Blaen y Fedw (Blaine y Vedo), 122; (Blaine y Vedw), 164

Bodston, 132

Borley, 154

Bradley, 154

Bras Nol (Brassenoll), 128; (Brassnoll), 167

Brassein, 168

Breckfield Isa (Breckfield Issha), 159

Breckfield Ucha (Breckfield Ugha), 159

Brekfield Isa (Brekfield Yssa), 19

Broad Meadow, 14

Brockfield, 18

Brockwall alias Brodwall, 18

Brockwell, 18, 159

Brokwall, 136

Brooks The, 125; (Le Brookes), 164

Bryn Cilgrog (Brinkirrogue), 24; (Bryn Kilgroge), 127, 175

Bryn Glas Y (Y Brin Glase), 86

Bryn Glas, Y (Y Bringlase), 152

Bryn Lloeh/Llode, 46

By home, 8

Byhome, 4, 14, 136


Cae Angharad, 126

Cae Angharron, 169

Cae Banal, 30

Cae Beting (Cay Betting), 31

Cae Bychan  (Cae Baughan), 168; (Cay Baughan), 125

Cae Cefn (Kay Keven), 103

Cae Crwn (Cay Crun), 44

Cae dan y Mynydd (Cay [dan] y Mynidd), 42

Cae Defed (Cardevett), 111

Cae Drysïog (Cae Drissog), 122; (Cae Drissogg), 168

Cae Eithin (Cay Ythyn), 46

Cae Garw (Cae Garrow), 164, 168; (Cay Garrow), 122, 125

Cae Garw Ucha (Cay Garrowe Ygha), 110

Cae Glas (Car Glase), 112; (Cay Glase), 14, 110

Cae Glofer Ucha (Cay Glover Icha), 30

Cae Glöyn Gwyn (Kae Gloyn Gwin), 168

Cae Glyfer Isa (Cay Glover Issa), 30

Cae Gwyn (Cay Gwyn), 122

Cae Hywel  ap Dafydd Goch (Cay Howell David Goughe), 120

Cae Llwyd (Cay Lloyd), 30

Cae Llwyn Bar (Cay Lloyne Barre ?), 44

Cae Llywelyn (Cae Llewellin), 163

Cae Main (Cay Mayne), 30

Cae Pen y Pont (Cay Pen y Pont), 30

Cae Perbren (Cay Perbren), 31

Cae Pump Cyfer (Cay Pimp Kefer), 30; (Cay Pimp Kifer), 30

Cae Pylle (Cayputhley), 110

Cae Rhys ap Harri (Cay Rees ap Harry), 125

Cae Ynys Fawr (Cay Ennis Vaure), 120

Cae’r Beili (Caer Bayly), 120

Cae’r Cefn (Caer Keven), 49

Cae’r Cethin (Caer Kethyn), 90

Cae’r Ffynnon (Caer Ffynnon), 126

Cae’r Groes (Caer Grose), 47

Cae’r Mwdy (Caer Muddy), 103

Caeau Neuadd? (Closes Neath), 120

Caeau Weir? (Closes Weir), 120

Caer Cough/Rough, 46

Cae'r Ffynnon (Cae yr Ffinnon), 168

Callowe Hill, 154

Castle Ditch, 4 (Castle Diche), 154

Castle Green, 4

Cefn (Keven), 6; (Keven) side betweene Longtowne and Lanveyno; cottage by, 100; Y (The Keven), 99

Cefn bach (Keven Baugh), 82

Cefn Coed (Keven Coed), 129, 170

Cefn Constable (Keven Constable), 133; quarter barony, 147

Cefn Llanfeuno (Keven Llanveinoe), 133

Cefn Trewalter (Keven Trewalter), 18, 136, 159

Clay Pit Lands (Cleypitt landes), 76

Clay Pits (Cleypittes landes)), 142

Clydog (Clodock), 8, 12, 16, 36, 53, 99; (Sanci Clodoci), 107; (Sancti Clodoci), 56, 87, 89, 90, 91, 92, 97, 98, 101, 104, 110

Coed Poeth, 130 (Coed Poth), 172; (Coyd Poyth) half barony, 147

Coed Robin (Coydrobbyn), 73

Coed y Cerrig (Coyd y Carrick), 20

Colliers lands, 162

common gate, 82

Comyoy, 161

cottage house of David William's wife, 114

cottage howse of David ap John, 96

Cox Landes, 125

Craswall, 118, 144, 157 (Craswell), 95

Crofft Hywel ([Ho]welles Croft), 154

Crofft Llywelyn (Lewelles Croft), 154

Crofft y Lloi (Croft y Lloy), 31

Cwareli ([           t] Quarelly), 110

Cwmiou (Comyoy), 137

Cwmyoy (Comeoy), 22


Darren Fawr (Darren Vaure), 129; Y (Le Darren Vawre), 170

Demesne Glas (Demeasne Glase, 136; (Demeasne Glase), 14

Demesne y Felin (Demeanes y Velyn, 136

Demesnes y Felin (Demeanes y Vellyne), 6, 151, 152; (Demesnes y Velin), 159

Direy Bird, 129, 169


Erw Garn (Errowe Garne), 112

Erw Tanglust (Tanglust Acre), 46, 77

Esclie, 51

Ewias Harrold, 154; castle, 154 Ewias Lacy measurement of, 146

Ewias Lacy Castle, 136

Ewyas Lacy castle, 4; Rental of the manor November, 1624, 118


Fishpool The, 126; (Le Ffishpool, 169

Fleet, 116

footpath, 98

freeland of Mr. Hopton’s, 18

Fryden Hir (Vryden Here), 52

Fforest Fach (Forest Vauch), 159; (Fforest Vaughe), 40, 100; (Fforrest Vaugh), 99, 100, 140

Fforest Hen (Forest Heane), 95, 164; (Fforest Heane), 95, 125; (Fforres Heane), 96; (Fforrest Heane), 61, 92, 96, 144

Fforest y Gou (Forest y Goe), 172; (Fforrest y [Goe]?), 130

Ffoscwm Isa (Fosscecum Yssha), 52

Ffwddog (Ffoothogg), 120


Garrett’s Landes, 53

Gilfach Y (The Gilvaugh), 119

Glan Nant Cidrig (Glan Nant Kidrieg), 132; (Glan Nant Kidrigh), 175

Glyn Coediog (Glyn Coidiock), 128; (Glyn Coydick), 167

Greiga Coch (Greiga Cough), 20

Grugedd Isa (Greegeith Issa), 118; (Greigeth Issa), 157

Grugedd Ucha (Greegeeth Ucha), 118; (Greigeth Ucha), 157

Grwyne Fawr (Groyney Vaure), 20

Gwaun Fach (Gwayne Vaugh?), 30

Gwaun Fawr (Gwayne Vaure), 30

Gwaun Felen (Gwayne Felen), 30

Gwern Gaither (Gwerne Gaither), 122, 168

Gwern Ucha (Gwerne Ugha), 128, 166

Gworlod Cildar (Gwrlod Kildare), 127

Gworlod dan y Lan (Guorlod Dan y Lan), 125

Gworlod Dan y Lan, 168

Gworlod Fawr (Guorlod Vaure), 151

Gworlod Gou (Guorlod Gron/Guy), 44

Gworlod Gruffyn, 103

Gworlod Hir  (Guorlod Heere), 90

Gworlod Hywel Gunter  (Gwerloedd) Howell Gunter, 119

Gworlod Leian (Gworlod Loyan), 163

Gworlod Lydan (Broadmeadow), 4; (Brode Meadowe), 136

Gworlod y Felin (Gweirgloedd y Vellin), 126; (Gworlod y Vellin), 169

Gworlod y Pownd (Guorlod y Pound), 99

Gworlod Ychan (Gworlod Ychene), 49


Hatteral Hill (Hottrell Hill), 40; Hattrell Hill, 38, 98

Helmebridge, 154

Hendre (Hen[dree]), 31

Henllan, 59

Hereford , 38

Herthslade, 18, 136

Hethslade, 159

Holbrook (Halbrooke), 130

Holbrooke, 38

Hollbrook (Halbroke), 171

hollowe rene, 46

Hotterall Hill, 102

Hottrell Hill, 98, 101

House of Alexander Lord, 53; of George Gryffitt, 106; of Watcyn ap Morgan (Watkyn Morgan), 114; of Watkyn Howell, 68

Hunthouse (Honntus), 132; The (Le Hunthouse), 174


Lady Meadow, 8, 161 (Ladye Meadowe), 136

Lady Meadowe, 8

Leision ap Dafydd ap Thomas (Leison Thomas) Mr, 60

Lewys Gilbert gent, 88

Long Ley, 169

Long Meadowe, 90

Longe Furlonge, 154

Longley, 126

Longmoor, 118

Longmore, 157

Longtown, 6, 10, 127, 174; mill near, 132; stable, 174

London, 116

Llanerch y Parc, 174

Llanerch y Poethion (Llanergh y Poithion), 132

Llanfeuno (Llanveyno), 173

Llanfihangel Esgle (Lanvihangell Escley), 157; (Llanvihangell Esclie), 118

Llanwynnog, 10 (Lanwonnog), 132; half barony, 147; (Llanwonnogg), 173

Llwyn ap Rhoser (Lloyne Rosser), 176

Llwyn Rhoser (Lloyne Rosser), 127

Llwyn Whalw (Lloyne Whallowe), 78

Llwyn Wheir (Loyne [?Nseire / Wheire]), 176

Llwyn Wheyr (Lloyne Wheyre), 133

Llydiat y Garn (Lidiat Agarne), 113


Maerdy The (The Merdy), 132; Y (Le Meirdy), 175; (The Mairdy) barony, 147

Maes y Cerrig (Maes y Kirrick), 164

Maes y Ffroth, 164

Maescoed (Mescod), 119, 128, 129; (Mescoed), 157, 166, 169, 170; (Mescott), 126

Maesoed Common (Mescott Common), 117

Melin Llyn Du (Melyn Llyn Duy), 127

Mer[      ], 129

Merry? Herst, 170

Michaelchurch Escley, 73

Michaelchurch Escley, 62 & Clodock (Michelchurch et Sancti Clodoci), 59 (Sancti Michaelis Esclie et Sancti Clodoci), 56; (Michelchurch [Esclie]), 56; (Michelchurch Esclie), 59; (Sancti Michaelis Esclie), 51, 53; (Sancti Michaelis), 66

Michaelchurch Escley, 75

Michaelchurch Escley, 121

Michaelchurch Escley, 160

Michaelchurch Escly, 160

Michelchurch Esclie, 49, 64, 70, 77, 82; mill neere Longtowne, 132

Mill Close (Myll Close), 78

mills, 127

Monnowe, 91


Nant Grafel (Nant Gravell), 18, 19

Nant y Wern, 158 (Nant y Werne), 119

Newcourte Parke, 109

Newton , 112


Olchon, 104, 105

Old Castle William Herbert of, 130

Old Court, 69

Old Court House, 26

old house, 56


Pant, 120

Pant y Gigfran (Pant y Gigvran), 166; (Panty Gigwren), 122

Parc Y (Park, The) barony, 147

Parc Bach (Parke Baghe), 132; (Parke baugh), 174

Parc Philip ap Dafydd ap Siôn (Parke Phillip David ap John), 175 parks

Newcourt, 109 of Leision Thomas, 47[ of Mr Leison Thomas, 63

pale, 109

paling rayles, 109

Snodhill (Snowdle) pale of, 60

Pedwar Cyfer (Pedder Cover), 110

Pen Caeau (Pencaia), 46

Pen Gworlod Fawr (Pen Guorlod Vaure), 151

Pen y Lan (Benland), 163

Pen y Parc (Pen y Parke), 130, 171

Pen y Pont, 30

Perllan Isa (Nether Orchard), 4, 136

Perllan wrth y Castell (Orchard beside the castle), 136

Perllan y Castell (Castle Orchard, 154; (Castle Orchard), 4

Perthi (Perthy), 131

Pirle Brook, 117

Pleck, The, 154

Ploc y Ginog (Pleck y Kynog), 118; (Plock y Kynog), 157

Pondiscible, 20

Pont Duon, 175

Pont Rhys ap Hywel (Pont Rees Powell), 20

Pont y Mwdy ([Pont y Moody?]), 52; (Pont y Moody), 119

Pump Cyfer (Pimp Kifer), 30

Pylle Clai (Cleypittes landes), 142; (Pulley Clay), 20


Ringburr’s water, 154

Ringburres water, 154

River Esclie, 76; Monnowe, 99, 100; Olchon, 14

River [         ] 90; Esclie, 26, 44, 46, 47, 50, 63, 64, 69, 76, 78, 87, 111; Esclie, 95; Monnow, 12, 30, 52, 57, 79, 90, 91; Monnowe. See Olchon, 4

Rowland Fychan (Rowland Vaughan) land of, 115

Rowlestone, 175

Rhandir  (Randire), 118; Randyr), 157

Rhandir Res (Randir Resse), 163

Rhedynnog Fawr (Redunocke Faur), 30

Rhys Wall (Rice Wall), 161


Snodhill Park (Snowdle Parke) pale of, 60

St Margaret’s, 109


Tir Bella Bach? (Tire Bellabough), 105

Tir Bigor (Tyre Bigor), 59, 60, 92

Tir Botl (Tire Bottle), 130; (Tyr Bottle), 171

Tir Bwndy (Tyre Bundy), 69

Tir Cadwgan (Codogan), 34, 150; customary land, 26; (Codoghan), 140

Tir Cnap (Tire Knap), 122; (Tyr Knapp), 168

Tir Cocan (Tyre Cockam), 48; (Tyre Cockham), 140

Tir Coch (Tyre Cough), 59, 60, 101

Tir Coed Bychan (Tire Coed Boughan), 119 ; (Tyr Coed Boughan), 158

Tir Colli (Tyre Colly), 143

Tir Cox (Coxe Lands), 168

Tir Cradog (Tyre Cradock), 80

Tir Dafydd Hoddni ([Tyre] David Hothney), 128; (Tyr David Hetheny), 167

Tir Dafydd Lacy (Tyr David Lace), 160; (Tyre David Lace), 141

Tir Dolward (Dolwardes Groundes), 115

Tir Dyffryn (Tyre Duffryn), 46

Tir Edward (Tire Edward), 132; (Tyr Edward), 174

Tir Fatel (Tyr Vattell), 163

Tir Figan(Tyr Vigan), 168

Tir Gerallt (Garrettes land), 141; (Garretts Land), 160

Tir Gerallt Fychan (terras Garrold Vaughan), 165

Tir Gryg (Tire Greige), 121; (Tyr Greige), 165

Tir Harri ap Siôn Goch (Tire Henry John Goughe), 130; (Tyr Henry John Gough), 171

Tir Harri Hen (Tyre Harry Heane), 109, 145

Tir Hoddni (Hothnyes Land), 73

Tir Ifan ab Iorwerth y Giach (Tyre Yerworth ap Giaugh), 60

Tir Ifan ap Iorwerth (Tyre Jevan Jroth), 141

Tir Ifan ap Iorwerth y Giach (Tire Jevan Yroth), 56; (Tyre John Ioroth y Gyah), 90; (Tyre John Joroth y Gyah, 143; (Tyre Yerworth ap Gyaugh), 59

Tir Ifan Lipa (Tyre Jevan Lippa), 74

Tir Jac Fawr (Tyr Jack Vaure, 144; (Tyre Jack Vaure), 104

Tir Jac Gwyn (Tyr Jack Le Gwyn), 163

Tir John Gwyn (Tire John Gwin), 126

Tir Lewis ap Hywel (Tyre Lewys ap Howell), 85

Tir Lipa (Tire Lippa), 125; (Tyr Lippa), 168

Tir Llain Llwyd (Tyr Llein Lloyd), 163

Tir Llwyd (Tyre Lloyd), 72

Tir Mab (Tyr Mabe), 163

Tir Mab Llwyd (Tyre Ma[b] Lloyd), 142; (Tyre Mab Lloyd), 79

Tir Madog ab Ifan Hen (Tire Maddock ap Jevan Hen), 141; (Tyre Maddock ap Jevan Hen), 52

Tir Madog ap Philip ap Siencyn (Tire Madock Phillipp Jenkyn), 125

Tir Maerdy (Tyre Mairdy), 134

Tir Maes Gwyn (Tyr Maes Gwin), 166; (Tyre Maes Gwynn), 126

Tir Maes y Cenol (Tire Maes y Kenoll), 126; (Tyr Maes y Kenoll), 169

Tir Merddin (Tyre Merthyn), 140; Tir Merddin? (Tyr Mertlin), 162

Tir Merthyr (Tyr Merthyr), 38

Tir Moel (Tyre Moyle), 90

Tir Mwdy (Moody), 162; (Tyre Muddy), 28; (Tyre Muddy/Muilly?), 36

Tir Nest ferch Dafydd (Tyre Neste vergh David), 67

Tir Neuadd Newydd (Tyr Neth Newith), 170; (Tyre Neth Newith), 129

Tir Nichol (Tyre Nichol), 30

Tir Pen y Lan (Tyr Pen y Lan), 163

Tir Penhitha (Tyre Penhitha), 72

Tir Perthi (Tyre Perthy), 101, 102, 127

Tir Philip ab Ifan (Tire Phillipp Bean), 129; (Tyr Phill Bean), 167

Tir Rhisiart Llwyd (Tyre Rich[ard?] Lloyd), 60; (Tyre Richard Lloyd), 59

Tir Saesneg (Tire Saisneck), 105

Tir Saeson (Tire Sayson), 120

Tir Shaino (Tire Shaino), 30; (Tyr/Tye Jayno), 36; (Tyre Jaino), 27, 140, 150

Tir Siôn Gwyn (Tyr John Gwyn), 168

Tir Stwmp (Stump’s Land), 168; (Stumpes land), 125; (Tyre Stump), 59

Tir T? Bach (Tire Tuy B[a]ugh), 59

Tir Walsted (Tire Walsted), 150; (Tyr Walsted), 161; (Tyre Walsted), 24, 140

Tir Whalw (Tyre ?[Wh]allowe), 142

Tir y [    ] (Tyre y [         ], 144

Tir y Carth (Tyre y Carth), 97

Tir y Cloch (Tyre y Clough, 144; (Tyre y Clough), 97

Tir y Fenlon (Tyre y Venlon), 16

Tir y Ferdon (Tyre y Verdon), 136

Tir y Ffos Cou (Tyre y Ffos Coy), 136

Tir y Ffosi (Tyre y Ffossy), 16

Tir y Gryg (Tire y Greig), 122; (Tyr y Greig), 169

Tir Ysbryngyn (Tyre Springing), 52

Tire Gil? (Tirey Gill), 171

Treforgrug? (Trevor Grigge), 157

Trelandon barony, 147

Tremoreiddig (Trever Irig) quarter barony, 147

Trewern (Trewerne), 129, 170

Trewyn barony, 147

Turnant (Tyrnant), 14

Turnastone (Turneys Towne), 128

T? Nant (Tye Nant), 8

Ty’n Glöyn Gwyn (Tynn Gloyn Gwin), 167

Tyn Gwyn (Tynn Gwynn), 129

the croft, 106


Walterstone, 156, 157, 158, 159, 171, 172

water courses: a little gutter of water, 82; litle brooke or gutter of water, 109; Olchon, 105; smale guttur of water adioyning to Mr Greenwich coppihold, 47; small gutter of water, 98

watercourses: brooke, 114; brooke, 114; little brook, 115; little guttur of water which boundeth on the landes of David ap Hywel ap Robert (David Howell Probert), 48

Waun Fawr (Waine Vawre), 34

Waun Herbert (Wayne Herbert), 110, 111, 113

Ways from Michelchurch to Blackhill, 46; from Pondiscible towards Pulley Clay, 20

Weyney, 132

Wood of Howell Lewys John, 31; under Hottrell Hill, 101


Y Cefn (The Keven), 79

Y Llwyn (Yr Lloyn), 163

Ynys David Cae Du (Enys David Cae Duy), 127

Ynys Llain Dew (Enis Llein Dew), 163

Ynys Sprental (Enys Sprentall), 167

Ynys Sprentl (Enys Sprentll), 128

Ynys yr Iarll (Ennys y Yarld), 12; (Ennys y Yarle), 136 (Enys y Earle), 159

Yorniglase, 143




from Abergavenny to Dules, 18

from Abey Dore (Abidoore) to Abergavenny; (Abergayny), 42

from Cefn Bach (Keven Baugh) to Rhedynnog Fawr; (Redunnock Vawre), 49

from Clodock to Walterston, 16

from Clydog (Clodock) to Walterston, 16

from Coydrobbyn to Michelchurch, 73

from Hattrell Hill to Hereford, 36

from Longtown to Hereford, 24; to Hottrell Hill, 40 to Llanwynnog house, 10; to Lloynrosser, 46; to Llwyn Rhoser (Lloynrosser), 46; to Michaelchurch, 28, 47, 62, 111; to Michelchurch, 76, 81; to Michelchurch Escley, 59; to Michelchurch Esclie, 80

to Newton, 107; to Old Forrest, 54, 89; to the Hay, 60

from Llwyn Rhoser (Lloynerosser) to Michaelchurch, 82

from Maescoed (Mescott) to Abergavenny (Abergayny), 44

from Michaelchurch, 34

from Michelchurch to Blackhill, 62; to Longtown, 70; to Maescoed (Mescotts), 50; to Mescott, 44; to Middle Maescoed (Mescot), 49 Messcott), 50

from Middle Maescoed (Mescott) to Michaelchurch, 72; to Old Court, 113; to St Margaret’s, 116

from Olchon Mill to Hottrell Hill, 106

from Old Forest to Longtown, 100

from Pen Pwll Sownd (Pen Pull Sounde) [           ] Gwayne Felen, 30

from Pondiscible towards Pulley Clay, 20

from Rhedynnog Fawr (Redunnock Vaure) to Cefn Bach (Keven Baughe), 32; to Longtown, 70, 81

from the Hay to Longtown, 107 from Upper Maescoed (Mescott) to Longtown, 71, 72, 110

from Waun Herbert (Wayne Herbert) to Llydiat y Garn (Lidiat Agarne), 113


Heol y Turnant (Turnent Lane), 101


King’s High Way leading to Michelchurch Esclie, 77

king’s highway, 64

King’s Highway, 63, See kinges highway, 44


Lane of Alexander Lord, 62

leading [     ] [       ] [the] sayd George Gryffittes howse, 106

little blind lane leading to Longtown, 42

little lane leading to the common, 48

long lane, 56 near Michelchurch & the river Esclie, 64; to [            welles] Howse, 46; to Abergavenny from Longtown, 12; to Black Hill, 103; t;  Hottrell Hill, 102; to Longtown, 99; to Michaelchurch, 49; to Rhedynnog Fawr (Redunocke Faur), 30; to Watkin Lewys’ howse, 32

Y Cefn (The Keven), 56, 57, 62, 75, 79




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