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Digital Archive: Richard Jenkins Photograph Collection

Place name:

Newton St Margarets




Jenkins Collection:


A collection of photographs by amateur photographer and reluctant farmer Richard Jenkins [1891 - 1964] provides an unrivalled record of life in south-west Herefordshire in the early part of the twentieth century. He became a familiar sight to the residents of Newton and St Margarets travelling the lanes on his motorbike with his Thornton-Picard camera and tripod loaded into the sidecar when he should have been tending the family farm at Quarrelly, overlooking the Black Mountains. In a remote community such as Newton it was expected that a farmer's son would take up the plough not the camera, but Richard Jenkins had little interest in working the land. Fortunately for posterity he chose to go his own way and exercise his talent for observation and photographic composition, leaving a legacy of hundreds of glass photographic plates that survive as a unique insight into local affairs at a time of great social and technological change. We have not been able to access the full original collection but the examples below are from prints that have been contributed piecemeal from a variety of local sources and are presented by us here as a specimen portfolio.

Ewyas Lacy Study Group


The Photographer

Richard Jenkins

Richard Jenkins and his sister


Farming Life

In the farmyard ready for work

Off to school?

In the garden

Feeding the chickens

Sewing and mending

A young farmer

An early introduction to farm equipment




The ploughing team

Seed drilling

Sheep shearing

Combine harvesting at Quarrelly Farm in WW2



First set of wheels

Cycling to work - Bert Smith the pig slaughterman

Cycling for fun?

Delivering the mail

Off to town

Getting about by pony and trap

Heavy haulage

Motor cycles make their appearance

Early motoring at Quarrelly

The age of the family motor car dawns


Road Maintenance


The Newton road gang

Steam power

Rolling the roads


Contractors and Journeymen

The cider press gang

Threshing Contractors

Threshing Contractors

Threshing Contractors

Threshing Contractors

Threshing Contractors



School picnic in the Black Mountains

Newton School c.1900

Newton School play




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Ref: rs_nwt_0061