
Digital Archive: Craswall Grandmontine Society Website Archive - Foundation and Archaeological History




Foundation and archaeological history

The sections which follow are based upon the 2014 Presidential Address given to the Woolhope Club by the Chairman of the Craswall Grandmontine Society, Joe Hillaby, with amendments from subsequent research.

The address, ‘Walter II de Lacy and the Foundation of Craswall Priory: I. The Archaeological Evidence’, has been reprinted for Craswall Grandmontine Society from the Transactions of the Woolhope Naturalists Field Club, vol 62 (2014) 29-73.

With thanks to the Woolhope Club, Hereford Museum Resource & Learning Centre, Monmouth Museum, Martin and Alison Wright for permission to use Cecil Wright’s report and photographs, and Bob Tolley.


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Ref: cgs_cra_0003