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Transcription of Agent’s pocket book, Map 1 items

Place name:

Upper Maescoed, Michaelchurch, St Margarets


1760 -1862


Map No 1 - Upper Maescoed
Map taken from D1583/208) 
click here for down load of a zoomable map (large file wait for download)
for a useful more modern map of this area see gc_stm_2006

In Michaelchurch Parish

No. 1,2,3,
Lease granted 9 May1805 to John Jenkins of Kings Road, London Gent.
For the lives of Lessee then aged 33 (dead) Barnard Davies Habgood (dead) and James Habgood resptly 9 and 7 (sons of James Habgood of Friday St. Cheapside, London).
Now in possession of Jas Habgood, (sole life), London.
James Lilliwall of Ewyas Harold receives the rent.
Tithe Map 945,947,948
Quantity 12 a.0r.34p


No. 4, 5
Lease granted 21 Sept 1861 to Richard Francis
For the lives of H.R.H the Prince of Wales, Prince Alfred and Prince Arthur.
called “Birches” situate in Michaelchurch.
Tithe Map 930, 939,940
Quantity 3a.1r.30p


No. 6,7,8
Lease granted 25 March1819 to Robert Francis.
for the lives of Lessee (dead), Robert Francis aged 19 and Richard Francis then aged 7 yrs (sons of Lessee)
Lands called “Old Shop” in the parish of Michaelchurch.

Lease purchased by Henry Smith
Tithe Map 943, 950,951
Quantity 3a.2r.5p


No. 9
Claimed as freehold, in possession of Wm Francis who bought it of Warburton Solc. of Hereford
Tithe Map 957
Quantity 3r.17p


No. 10
Lease granted 29 Sept 1833 to Eliz. Prosser of Brainton, Co Hereford, Spinster
for the lives of Lessee then aged 24, Eliza Francis then aged 15 yrs, Wm Francis then aged 14 (daur and son of Mary Francis)
situate in Michaelchurch
Lease purchased  by Henry Smith. Called “Pen Coed”
Tithe Map 958, 959
Quantity 3a.3r.4p


No. 11, 12, 13
[struck out - Lease granted 25 Dec 1782 to Nicholas Johnson, Inn Keeper of Michaelchurch
for the lives of Francis, Thomas and Jane Johnson then aged resptly 16,11, & 9 (children of Lessee). John Smith purchased this lease of Johnson, Smith by his will gave it his wife Hester, who afterwards married Samuel Madocks of St Margarets.]
Now in the possession of Thos Williams who married Madock’s daughter. Called “Gig Farm”
Expired – Worth 12s/- per acre
Tithe Map 954, part 955, 960, 961, 962
Quantity on Parish Map 8a.2r.15p.
Let to Thos Williams at £8 per annum from 2nd February 1865


No. 14, 15, 16, 17, 18
Lease granted 29 Sept 1839 to Samuel Webb of Monington Co Hereford Gent and John Jones of Ballingham City Hereford, Yeoman.
for the lives of Samuel Prosser then aged 18, Eliz Prosser then aged 16 and Wm Prosser then aged 14 (children of Samuel Prosser of Michaelchurch Yeoman)
Land situate in Michaelchurch, called the “Tump” and now in possession of Mrs Prosser.
Tithe Map 944, 946, 949, 952, 953, other part 955, 956.
Quantity 8a.1r.16p


No. 19, 20, 21,22
Lease granted 29 Sept 1847 to Samuel Seaborne of Michaelchurch
for the lives of Lessee then aged 46, Eliz. His wife 36 and Susan their daur 15 (these lives are for the present [?] 1stly described in the lease. For the present [?] 2ndly described, the lives are Eliz and Sarah Seaborne 11 and 9 (daur of lessee) and Thomas Thomas (son of Thos Thomas of Urishay Common)
Tithe Map 935, 939, 937, 938, 940, 941, & 942
Quantity 7a 1r 8p
Purchased by Henry Smith


No 23
Called the “Kites Nest”, claimed as freehold by Theophilas [?] Lane
Tithe Map 895
Quantity 2a 1r 35p


in St Margarets Parish

No. 24, 25, 26, 27, 28
Lease granted 29 Sept 1812 to Wm Legg of St Margarets Yeoman
for the lives of Samuel Seaborne then aged 20, Ann Seaborne then aged 18 (children of Thos Seaborne of Michaelchurch Farmer) and Eliz Havard (daur of Robert Harvard of same place Farmer & Granddaur of Thos Seaborne) then aged 4.
Lease sold to James Griffiths of the “Mayoress” St Margarets Shoemaker by Walter Morris of Yazor in Hereford about 2 years ago. Called “Cat and Wheel”
Tithe Map 261, 262, 263, 264, 265 & 269
Quantity 6-0-35


No. 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34
Lease granted [struck out -5 April 1804] 29 Sept 1793 to Clement Price of St Margarets Cordwainer
for the lives of Lessee then aged 33 (dead) [struck out - Thos Munkley (son of Wm Munkley of Crasswall) then aged 1 and Mary Jones (daur of David Jones of St Margarets & niece of lessee) then aged 10.] Thos Pritchard (dead) and Wm Munkley then aged 6, said to be alive in Birmingham.
Now in possession of Thos Munkley who says Nos 29, 30 & 31 only in lease and claims 32, 33 & 34 as freehold. Has committed an encroachment adjoining 32 & 34 which must be recovered, has also cut Timber down on part claimed as freehold. To be served with notice to prove life.
Tithe Map 266, 267 268, 270, & 271
Quantity 5-1-23


No. 35, 36, 37, 38, 39, 40
Lease granted 29 Sept 1826 to Thos Seaborne of St Margarets Yeoman for the lives of James Seaborne (Grandson of Lessee) Hannah Evans then aged 7 (daur of Eliz Seaborne) and Ann Howard then aged 6 (daur of Robert Howard of Michaelchurch Farmer) Hannah Evans and Ann Howard dead – James Seaborne only life.
Lately sold to James Griffiths of the “Mayoress” by Walter Morris.
Tithe Map 273, 274, 275,277, 281& 282
Quantity 7-1-35


No. 41, 42, 43, 45, 57, 58, 59 60, 61
Query - In two Leases granted 21 Sept 1861 to Joseph Pitt of St Margarets the one cont 7a.1r.33p for the Lives of Jos Wadkins (son of P Wadkins of Llanelly Breconshire) then aged 18, Wm Eskins (son of Jno Eskins of Rowlston) then aged 3 and Jos Hughes (son of Thos Hughes of Blackwood Co Mon.) then aged 4 – the other for the lives of Jhn Pitt (son of [line unread]) aged 2 and Thos Pitt (son of Lessee) then aged 8
first Lease contains Nos 41, 59, 60, 63 & 64
Tithe Map 272, 311, 312, 314 & 315
Second lease contains Nos 45, 57 & 58
Tithe Map 238, 239, 248, 249, 250 251
Quantity 3-3-29
Query – Nos. 42, 43, & 44
Tithe Map 256, 257, 260 & portion 258 (44)
Quantity 2-0-0
[struck out - said to be in possession of Thos Prosser- Eliz Williams Tenant]
Nos. 42 & 43 in possession of Henry Smith - No 44 held with 73 by Richard Francis


No. 46, 47 “ see over page”


No. 50, 51, 52, 53, 54
Lease granted 2 February 1838 to Henry Smith of Michaelchurch Farmer
for the Lives of Lessee then aged 53, Edward Rudge then aged 10 (son of Thos Rudge of Walford Co Hereford, Farmer) and Edmund Harper then aged 15 (son of John Harper of Kingstone Farmer), called “Widows”. Nos 52, 53, & 54 now in one Field

Tithe Map 233, 234 & 235
Quantity 8a.1r.17p


No. 55, 56
Lease granted 29 Sept 1826 to John Collins of Township of Trevill Co Hereford
for the Lives of Samuel Waters then aged [blank], Lessee then aged 31 and Ann his wife then aged 30. Samuel Waters and Ann Collins (dead). John Collins sole life.
Tithe Map 231, 232, 240 & 241
Quantity 4-0-7


No. 46, 47, 48, 49
Lease granted 25 March 1819 to Robert Francis of St Margarets Blacksmith.
for the Lives of Wm Francis then aged 12, Eliz Francis 10 and Thomas Francis 2 (children of Lessee)
Lease purchased by Wm Bullock Solc Hereford. All Lives good.
Tithe Map 237 & 259
Quantity 5-2-30


No. ? 65, 66, 67, 68, 69, 70, 71
Lease granted 29 Sept 1839 to Richard Francis
for the Lives of Lessee then aged 26, Thos Prosser then aged 4 (son of Thos Prosser of the Birches Crasswall Farmer) and Philip Seaborne then aged 9 (son of John Seaborne of St Margarets Yeoman)
Lease sold to Henry Smith Michaelchurch, Inn Keeper about 3 or 4 years ago
Tithe Map 252, 253 254, 308, 309, 310, & 334
Quantity 8a 0r.39p
No 66, Tithe Map 304, 305 & 306
Quantity 1-2-2


No. 72, 73
Lease granted 29 Sept 1839 to Richard Francis
for the Lives of Lessee 26, Eliz his wife 22 and Wm Prosser 6 (son of Thos Prosser of Birches, Crasswall)
No. 73 Tithe Map258 (including 44)
Quantity -2-13
No. 72 included in 252
Eliz Francis & Wm Prosser dead.

No. 74, 75
Lease granted 10 June 1851 to Thos Smith of Newton Farmer
for the Lives of John Smith then aged 18, Edwin aged 12 (sons of Lessee) and John Watkins 17 (son of David Watkins of Blackhill Farmer)
Tithe Map 220, 221, 222 & 223
Quantity 4-3-28


No. 76, 77, 78
Lease granted 29 Sept  1847 to Thomas Williams of Michaelchurch Yeoman
for the Lives of Mary Ann, Elizabeth and Margaret Williams then aged respect 17,14 & 12 (daurs of Lessee) – Mary Ann now the wife of Wm Prosser the “Tump” and Margaret now the wife of Philip Powis St Margarets
Tithe Map 225, 227, 228, 229 & 230
Quantity 3-3-15


No. 84, 85, 86, 87, 88, 89, 90, 91
Lease granted 10 June 1851 to Wm Davies of St Margarets Farmer
for the Lives of Samuel Andrews then aged 19 (son of Wm Andrews of St Margarets Sawyer) William Andrews 7 (son of Wm Andrews of Abergavenny, Blacksmith) and Joseph Phillips 8 (son of Thos Phillips of Michaelchurch, Farmer)
Tithe Map 210, 211, 212, 218 & 219
Quantity 7-3-1


No. 83
Called “Castle Higo”- in possession of Richard Francis – last life Mrs Lloyd alias “Lady Oxford” [struck out - resides nr Hay] dead
Tithe Map 213, 214, 215 & 216
Quantity 1-1-39
[pencil note added] “Let to Richard Francis from Xmas 1863 at the rent of £2 per ann”


No. 92, 93
Lease granted 29 Sept 1831 to Geo Hughes of St Margarets, Yeoman
for the Lives of Lessee then aged 50 and Caroline & Catherine Hughes ages resptly 18 & 16 (daurs of Lessee) Lessee dead
Tithe Map 198, 199, 200, 203 & 204
Quantity 6-1-27


No. 94, 95, 96, 97
Lease granted 29 Sept 1826 to Philip Seaborne
for the Lives of Mathew Seaborne then aged 22 (son of Lessee), John Seaborne 12 (son of John Seaborne of Hay Turner & grandson of Lessee) and Mary Brampton 5 (daur of of Edward Brampton of Hereford Labourer and Grand daur of Lessee)
now in possession of Richard Seaborne
Tithe Map 247, 316, 317, 318, 319 & 197
Quantity 5-0-11


No. 98, 99, 100, 101
Lease granted 29 Sept 1812 to John Hughes of Peterchurch Laborer
for the Lives of Samuel Hughes then aged 15, Wm Hughes 13 & Eliz Hughes 17 (children of Lessee) all alive
Tithe Map 194,195, 320, 321, 322, 323, 324
Quantity 5-2-11


No. 102, 103, 104, 105
Lease granted 25 March 1803 to Wm. Williams of Wormbridge Yeoman
for the Lives of Lessee 33 (dead) Thos Prosser (eldest son of Phillip Prosser of Newton Cordwainer) 6 and Eleanor Prosser (daur of said P Prosser) 2, which said Philip and Eleanor Prosser are a niece & Nephew of Lessee . Lessee and Thos Prosser dead- Eleanor (late House keeper at Simmond’s the “Minde”) said to be alive. In possession of Wm Williams (son of Lessee)
Tithe Map 328 to 333 inclusive
Quantity 5-1-30


No. 106
Purchased by Thos Gwillim “Old House” Farm Michaelchurch
Claimed as freehold
Tithe Map 337
Quantity -3-14


No. [struck out -106], 107, 108, 109, 110
Lease granted 5 April 1804 to Clement Price
for the Lives of Lessee, Thos Munkley then aged 1, Mary Jones 10 –Lessee dead, Mary Jones said to be alive and the wife of Samuel Price of Pontypool and Thos Munkley also alive and residing on premises. No 106 contained in this Lease
Tithe Map 299, 300, 301, 307, 336& 339
Quantity 4-2-10


No. 111, 112, 113, 114, 115
Lease granted 2 February 1858 to Wm Gwillim of St Margarets
for the Lives of Jane Ann Kinsey then aged 8 (daur of Edwin Kinsey of the Parish of Marden Co. Hereford Farmer) and Wm & James Gwillim ages resptly 6 & 2 (sons of Lessee)
Tithe Map 295, 296, 297,293, 294 & 448
Quantity 8-2-18


No. 116, 117, 118, 119, 120, 121
Lease granted 29 Sept 1849 to Thomas Day of Credenhill, Butcher
for the Lives of Sarah Ann then aged 14, Charlotte 11 and Geo Wyatt 6 (children of Lessee)
Tithe Map 279, 289, 290, 291 & 292
Quantity 5-1-9


No. [struck out 122], 123, 124,125
Lease granted to Mary Price, expired
Now in possession of Mrs Price of the “Bank” Longtown who claims to have paid a Fine of  £60 for the renewal of which no entry can be found – John Williams (the Tenant) has received notice to pay  the rent to me until the matter be settled.
Tithe Map 338, 350, 351 & 352
Quantity 4-1-32


Other part of 125
Lately purchased by Wm Davies of “Castle Higo” Upper Maescoed
Claimed as freehold
Tithe Map 357
Quantity 2-1-10


No. 126, 127 [struck out -128]
Lease granted 29 Sept 1813  Philip Harris of Michaelchurch
for the Lives of Lessee 47 (dead), Philip Harris his eldest son 21 and Mary his daur then aged13 (dead). Philip (the son) said to be alive and residing at Tregord nr Hay – Lease sold to Thos Gwillim “ Old House” Michaelchurch
Tithe Map 353 & 354
Quantity 2-2-38


No. [struck out -128],129, [struck out - 142],128, 122
129 In possession of Sam. Seaborne. claimed as freehold
342, 343, 344, 346 in possession of John Seaborne. Quantity 3-3-6
In possession of Thomas Haines - claimed as freehold
these three Nos. [?129, 128, 122,?] with encroachments are Nos. on Tithe Map 340 & 341
Quantity 1-1-14, in possession of John Harris


No. 130, 131, 132, 133, 134, 135
Lease granted 29 Sept 1831 to Robert Francis
for the Lives of Wm Francis then aged 25, Richard Francis 20 and Thos Francis 15 (sons of Lessee) and John Watkins 17 (son of XX)
Tithe Map 355, 356, 360, 361,362 & 363
Quantity 8-3-14


No. 136, 137, 138
Lease granted 29 Sept 1840 to John Jones of St Margarets
for the Lives of Wm Jones then aged 18 (son of John Jones of Lanigon Co Brecon) Thos Davies 11 (son of David Davies of Llandor same Coy) and Jane Williams 16 (daur of Sam Williams of same place)
[struck out - No 136 claimed as freehold]
Lease sold a few months ago to said Thos Gwillim of “Old House”
Tithe Map 171, 326, 327, 359
Quantity [struck out - 1-3-1 ] 3.1.16


No. 139, 140, 141, 143, 144, 145
[line unread] - Seaborne
for the Lives of Philip H Seaborne then aged 11 (son of Samuel Seaborne of London) Philip Seaborne 9 (son of Matthew Seaborne of Newton Farmer) and John Watkins 6 (son of Edward Watkins of Newton Farmer)
no. 142 In the above but fence between it and No 143 taken up
Tithe Map 191, 192, 193 196 and 201
Quantity 7-1-25


No. 146, 147, 148, 149, 150, 151,152
Lease granted 29 Sept 1834 to Mrs Eliz Waters
for the Lives of Lessee 40, Ann Waters 6 (daur of Lessee) and Charles Hughes 11 (son of Clement Hughes of Upper Maescoed Labourer
Tithe Map 174, 173, 175, 172, 166, 183, 182, 325
Quantity 14a.1r.9p
Eliz Waters & Chas Hughes dead
Lease purchased Dec 1868 by Revd Chas Roberts


No. 153, 154, 155, 156, 157, 158
Lease granted 10 June 1837 to Wm Watkins of Tregadivor St Margarets
for the Lives of Lessee 28, David Watkins (brother of Lessee) 12 and Wm Powell 4 (son of Thos Powell of Snowdall Peterchurch Farmer)
Called Cwm Ground)
Tithe Map 365, 366, 168, 167, 165, 169 & 364
Quantity 11-0-36


No. 159
Lease granted 23 March 1803 to Thos Jennings of Veo Farm Rowlstone
for the Lives of Elizabeth (dead) Sarah and Thomas Jennings ages resptly 7 4 & 1 (children of Lessee)
In possession of Wm Watkins by purchase – Thomas Jennings dead
Tithe Map 372
Quantity 3.2.0 ,Sarah last life now the wife of John Jenkins residing at “Castle Green” Hereford



Encroachment between 82 & 83 by Thos Cole
Ditto by – Wood Esq taken in to Lower House Farm
Ditto adj No 93 Tithe Map 245 Quantity -1-13 by Geo Hughes called “Old Shop”
Large Encroachments adj 92, 93, 56, 85 & 84 by Elizabeth Phillips – Tenant Wm Davies
tithe Map 202, 205 206, 207. 208, 242, 243 & 244 Quantity 9a.1r 15p
Ditto adj 110, Tithe Map 447, Quantity1r.4p by John Seaborne – Jas Jenkins Tenant
Ditto adj 122, Tithe Map 345, Quantity 0.0.39 by John Seaborne
several encroachments adj 173 - Tithe Map176,177, 178 & 179 (Cottages & Gardens)
Common adj 35 & 36 Quantity 2.3.0, Tithe Map 749
Encroachment adj 50 & 46 – Tithe map 236 Quantity 0-1-26, In possession Thos Francis
Waste – Tithe map 749 Quantity 28.1.24


Total Quantity of Land on Upper Maescoed Common according to the Tithe Map and exclusive of Waste & ?Lanes? 237a. 3r. 2p




Use of capitals, spelling and punctuation has been retained. To ease readability some line breaks have been introduced. Some abbreviations have been expanded. Brackets.- ( ) are as document. Brackets - [ ] indicate text struck out or added information. The Field numbers used for primary identification are those used in a survey made before 1800 (see D/1583/208) and predate those of the Tithe surveys of the 1840’s.

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