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Transcription of Agent’s pocket book. Map 15 items

Place name:



1760 -1862



Map No 15 – Fwthog

(map taken from D1583/208)


No. 1 to 5 inclusive
Lease granted 29 Sept 1831 to John Mason of Abergavenny, Yeoman
for the Lives of Wm Mason  then aged 30 and Ann and Elizabeth Mason aged 28 and 24 (children of Lessee) Ann dead
in possession of Wm Mason


No. 6 to 22 inclusive
Lease granted 29 Sept 1831 to John Evans the younger of Talgarth, Farmer
for the Lives of Lessee then aged 29 and John and Wm Evans then aged resptly 5 & 3 (sons of Lessee)
Lessee and John Evans both dead
Wm Evans last life, went to America many years ago.
Lease in possession of Wm Williams of the “Little Green” Cross Buchan.
Premises called “Coed Deas”


No. 23, 24
Now in possession of David Dodd, who took the premises under his Grandfathers Wm Lewis’ Will
Lease granted 28 Feb 1760 to Hugh Price - Reserved Rent 1/8
portion Land renewed1807 to Wm Lewis
[..?..pash] described as Abutting - “ to the other Lands of said H Price on the one head, to a lane leading to Coed y Cerrig on the other head in length and in breadth to Lands Earl of Oxford and Lands of Hugh Price”


No. 25, 26, 27
Also in the possession of said David Dodd
Lease granted 29 Sept 1807 to Wm Lewis
for the Lives of Walter Lewis, William Lewis and John Lewis a nephew of Lessee the later being aged 3
Walter and William Lewis both dead


No. 28, 29, 30 31
Lease granted 29 Sept 1826 to Wm Jones of Futhog, Yeoman
for the Lives of Martha (wife of Lessee) then aged 52 (dead), William Morgan then aged 10 (son of Wm Morgan of Abergavenny, Banker) and John Morgan another son (dead)
Wm Morgan sole life
now in Possession of Wm Morgan Llanfoist


No. 32, 33, 34
Lease granted 25 March 1805 to Nicholas Price of Llantillo Pertholey, Yeoman
for the lives of Nicholas, William and Enock Price then aged resptly 21, 19 and 15 (sons of Lessee)
now in possession of James Perrott
Enock Price sole life


No. 35
Lease granted 24 May 1859 to David Lewis of Foothog, Laborer
for the Lives of James Lewis then aged 46 and Geo V. David Lewis then aged resptly 13 & 11
Query sold by David Lewis to Thomas Howells


No. 36
Now in possession of David Dodd
No Lease ever granted it being formerly waste and cultivated by said David Dodd


No. 37
Lease granted 29 April 1800 to Mary Price of Cwmyoy, Widow
for the Lives of Lessee (dead) John Price her son then aged 17 and John Price (son of John Price of Cwmyoy, Yeoman) then aged 2
Also in possession of said David Dodd
Lessee and said John her son both dead. John Price said to be alive and residing in Blaenavon.


No 38 , 39
Now in possession of Walter Dodd
Lease granted 3 April 1775 to Ann Beynon for three lives all of whom are now dead


No. 40, 41
Lease granted 29 Sept 1800 to Edward Lewis Of Foothog
for the Lives of Lessee (dead), James Davies (son of James Davies of Cwmyoy) 7 and Sarah Homes (natural daur of Thos Hughes) 13
James Davies alive in Cwmyoy and Sarah Holmes now the Widow of John Dodd resides in Llanelly
Premise in possession of Walter Dodd


No. 42
Lease granted 29 Sept 1801 to Philip Price of Foothog
for the Lives of Lessee (dead), William Price  his son then aged 6 and Wm Watkins (son of John Watkins of Cwmyoy, Farmer) 7 (dead)
Wm Price sole life resides at Cwm Du near Crickhowell
now in possession of Thos Lewis who lives on premises


No. 43, 44
Lease granted 29 Sept 1826 to Philip Price of Foothog
for the Lives of Jane (daur of Lessee) then aged 27 John Price (natural son of said Jane) 9 and Thomas Price (son of Wm Price of Llanigon Farmer) 7
Jane Price dead and query Thomas – John alive at Crickhowell and is a Mason
also in Possession of Wm Lewis


No. 45, 46
lease granted  29 Sept 1800 to said P Price

for the Lives of John Williams (son of John Williams of Talgarth, Framer) then aged 6, Thos Griffiths (son of Griffiths Griffiths of Partishow, Farmer) 5 and Elizabeth Price daur of Lessee 7
Also in possession of said Wm Lewis
All the lives dead.


No. 47
Lease granted 29 Sept 1797 to David Watkins of Foothog
for the lives of Lessee (dead), John his son (dead) and David Watkins (son of John Watkins of the Farm Cwmyoy) then aged 2½ years
David Watkins sole life left for America many years ago
Lease in possession of John Arthur, Llanviangel, Cooper


No. 48, 49
Forms part of “Old Foothog” Farm, the Property of Revd J A. Gabb
Thomas Davies tenant


No. 50 to 55 inclusive
Now in possession of David Morgan of “Grwyneyvachen” Crickhowell, Farmer
called the “Pika”
lease granted 29 Sept 1788 to Jane Morgan
for the Lives of lessee (dead) John Lewis (dead) and said David Morgan son of Lessee then aged 5 last life
Rent £7 per ann.-expired
Now held by Thos Davies, Rent £10 per ann.


The Encroachments are- one by Walter Dodd adjoining No. 38,. ditto adjoining No. 40.
One in possession of Wm Luter (who pays 1/- per ann.) near No. 45 and another by Thos Williams (pensioner) adjoining No. 47. The last being claimed as freehold- query



Use of capitals, spelling and punctuation have been retained. To ease readability some line breaks have been introduced. Some abbreviations have been expanded. Brackets - ( ) are as document. Brackets - [ ] indicate text struck out or added information. The Field numbers used for primary identification are those used in a survey made before 1800 (see D/1583/208) and predate those of the Tithe surveys of the 1840’s.

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