Held at:

Gwent Record Office


D.668.71 (bundle of loose folded sheets)


ELSG digital images & transcription


Notice of Court, Manor of Wilbrook alias Wirkbrook to be held at various places, November 1833

Place name:

Michaelchurch Escley, Urishay, Peterchurch




This is a series of nine Notices issued by F L Bodenham on the same day with variations on the location of the Court and the names of the Manors . Mr Bodenham was apparently in a state of some confusion regarding local practice and perhaps newly appointed as Steward? Click here for other versions of the same date


General transcription of images 420_426
[note variations]




Manor of Urishay Clothy Hopkin ^ Wilbrook [?          ], and ^ Wirkbrook Trellershope otherwise Trenant.        To Bailiff of the said manors.

                      These are in his majesty’s name to will and require you forwith to give due and lawful summons to all and singular the tenants inhabitants and residents within the said manors that they and every of them be and personally appear before me at the dwelling house of Thomas Delahay esquire the lord of the said manor known by the name or sign of the Urishay Castle within the manor of Clothy Hopkin aforesaid being the place accustomed for keeping court within the manor on Tuesday the third day of December next by one of the clock in the afternoon of the same day at the court Leet of our sovereign lord the king and view of Frankpledge and also the court baron of the said Thomas Delahay lord of the said manors then and there to do suit and service and you are likewise required to give due and lawful summons to twenty four able freeholder that are tenents within the said manors that they and every of them be and personally appear before me at the time and place aforesaid at the said court to be sworn and impanelled to inquire for our sovereign lord the king and the lord of the said manors of all such matters and things as shall be given them in charge and have you then and there the names of the said tenants inhabitants residents and jurors and this precept Given under my hand and seal this nineteenth day of November, One thousand eight hundred and thirty three.


ELSG image accession ref. cwmbran1 – 420 & 421`
A version with changed Manor details
note large cross – deletion?

ELSG image accession ref. cwmbran1 – 422
A draft version with changed location details

ELSG image accession ref. cwmbran1 – 424
A version with changed Manor details

ELSG image accession ref. cwmbran1 – 425
A draft with changed Manor details


ELSG image accession ref. cwmbran1 – 426
A vesion with changed Manor details





Transcription details are based on the work of Dewi Bowen Williams, see http://www.ewyaslacy.org.uk/Michaelchurch-Escley-and-Peterchurch/Manorial-Court-Records-for-the-Manors-of-Clothy-Hopkin-Urishay-Trenant-amp-Wellbrook/1466-1833/tg_mic_0127


For zoomable images see http://www.ewyaslacy.org.uk/docs/rs_ewy_0060_7.pdf


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