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Newton Church Room Renovation Project


Memories of my School Days by Margaret Price

Place name:





When did you go to Newton school?

I went from 1934 to 1939, I went to Hereford 1 year early, I returned as a Teacher in 1949 to 1957.

Where did you live and who with?

I lived with my parents at Holling Grange. Then I lived at the Villa with my Auntie and Uncle.

Bacton school was closer but Stan Smith's mother asked if I would go to Newton with Stanley and she would take us in the pony and trap, We always had a ride to school but we walked home by the road because there was no short cut, Stanley Smith only went to school for eighteen months, I had to decide which school I wanted to go to, So I moved to the Villa to be close to Newton.

How did you go to Newton school?

I use to walk with Bronwin Buffton, Ray and Beatie Powell and Jeff Prosser. We went up to Yatts turn and across to the school.

Who were your Teachers

Miss Jordon from the Fountain was the infant teacher but she died when she was 49 yrs old. We had a lot of supply teachers. Then Mrs Dunabin.

What did you do through your school day?

I remember the baby corner; we were given beads and clay to play with, I was bored with that very quickly. In the juniors we had reading dictation, maths , music, I remember you had to learn every thing by heart, Dictation was my best subject and reading.

What did you have for lunch?

Sandwiches of meat, red jam, fruit cake and if you were lucky a piece of swiss roll and water from the pump.

Did you have any jobs to do before or after school?

No but I had to clean the fowl house out on a Saturday, Scrub the kitchen table and the floors, I would clean brass now and then.

Can you remember any local event or any thing else about your school days?

Our big day out was to go down to White House to Mr and Mrs Woods, we would walk to school then walk up to Shobdon and down through the woods, with your mug slung across you shoulder for your tea, We had a lovely tea and played Treasure Hunt then you could choose a present to come home with, I had a doll and a ball. We were always warned not to do any thing wrong, because Vowchurch school used to go there and they were naughty and were never invited again. We had half days off to go to the ploughing match which was mostly at New House. Also we had a concert at school.

When I returned to Newton as a teacher in 1949 I took over from Dorothy Price, Mr Bosley was head, Mrs Van Caille.
Things had changed there was a taxi drove by Eddie Smith. We had school dinner which came from Longtown canteen which came in a van, Enid Smith would give the dinners out then later Gladys Watkins took her place. After Mr Bosley left there was a lot of supply teachers.
The first time we had a school inspection Mr Bosley turned up dressed in his best suit with his watch and chain, I was so scared. I was getting ready to go into the Police Force, but the report came and every thing was fine. We had local people as governors.
Mr Bosley had worked in a remand centre. He believed that you should keep the children busy at all times, it did not matter what they did as long as they had something to do.
We had great trust from the parents because they would send the children at 5 years old on their first day with a piece of paper telling you when they were born and date of birth. Sometimes we never saw the parents, only when the school doctor came to look at the children, if a child was poorly we would give him an aspirin also if a child was unhappy he stayed that way until he went home. If a job needed doing you just got on and did it.
I got married to Leslie Price on the 14th April1955, we had the wedding reception at Newton school. I left Newton in 1957.


This contribution from Margaret Price, maiden name Smith, January 2003

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