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SD/PC/11 (1827)


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Report on the clergy in Ewyas Lacy

Place name:

Ewyas Lacy




A report to the Privy Council on the clergy is given by handwritten replies to questions on a printed pro-forma. Replies under the heading of Herefordshire include churches and chapels in Ewyas Lacy, which at that time were in the Diocese of St Davids: for this reason some of the clergy serving in Ewyas Lacy also served in nearby churches listed elsewhere in the report under the heading of Monmouthshire.  The information requested covers the name of incumbent and curate, place of residence of each, grounds of exemption for non-local residence, distance of residence from the church, other churches served, frequency of services and stipend.

Summary of replies:

Incumbent, John Rogers; resident in the Glebe House; services held once weekly; duly performed last year; also serving as curate in Llanveynoe, 2 miles away.
No other replies given.

Craswell [Craswall]
Incumbent, Morgan Walters; non-resident living in Hay 5 miles away; services held once weekly; duly performed last year; also serving as curate in Cusop, 3 miles away.
No other replies given.

Llansillo [Llancillo]
Incumbent, John Morris; resident within 2 miles there being no Glebe House; services held once weekly; duly performed last year; also serving as incumbent in Rowlestone, 1 mile away.
No other replies given.

Llanwino [Llanveynoe]
Incumbent, William Rowlands; non-resident living in Brecon 15 miles away; grounds for non-residence by bishop’s permission; services held once weekly; duly performed last year; also serving as incumbent in Longtown, 1½ miles away.
No other replies given.

Incumbent, William Rowlands; non-resident living in Brecon 15 miles away; grounds for non-residence by bishop’s permission; services held once weekly; duly performed last year; also serving as incumbent in Llanveynoe,1½ miles away.
No other replies given.

St Margarets
Incumbent, David Rodney Murray; grounds for non-residence by residence in another benefice; services held once weekly; duly performed last year.
Curate, Morgan Jones; resident in Vowchurch, 2 miles away; also serving as curate in Vowchurch; stipend £60, surplice fees £5, total emolument £65.
No other replies given.

Michaelchurch Eskley [Michaelchurch Escley]
Incumbent, David Rodney Murray; grounds for non-residence by residence in another benefice; services held once weekly; duly performed last year.
Curate, Morgan Jones; resident in Vowchurch, 2 miles away; also serving as curate in Vowchurch.
No other replies given.

Rawlstone alias Rowlstone [Rowlestone]
Incumbent, John Morris; resident within 2 miles there being no Glebe House; services held once weekly; duly performed last year; also serving as incumbent in Llancillo, 1 mile away.
No other replies given.

Incumbent, Morgan Morgan; resident within 2 miles there being no Glebe House; grounds for non-residence by cataract forming on the eyes; services held once weekly; duly performed last year.
Curate, Peter Jones Lewis; resident in Cwmyoy, 1½ mile away; also serving as incumbent in Cwmyoy.
No other replies given.

[Under the heading of Monmouthshire churches, Morgan Morgan is also listed as incumbent at Oldcastle, and Peter Jones Lewis as curate at Oldcastle]



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Ref: nw_ewy_4034