
The Macnamaras of Llangoed Hall and their property in the Black Mountains


1790s – 1840s


Two guest contributions by Miriam Griffiths report her research on John and Mary Macnamara of Llangoed Hall who owned property in the Black Mountains, including The Hermitage and lands marked by boundary stones inscribed ‘Mrs Macnamara’.  To access the articles click on the titles below.


Macnamara Myths

Mary’s Stones
Investigating the ‘Mrs Macnamara’ Boundary Stones in the Black Mountains


The Macnamara residence, Llangoed Hall, today

The Hermitage ruins


Tal y Maes bridge on Macnamara’s road


Tal y Maes bridge on Macnamara’s road


Boundary stones on Gader ridge


Boundary stones on Pen Twyn Glas


Boundary stones on Pen Twyn Glas


Boundary stones on Pen Twyn Glas


Boundary stones near Pen Twyn Glas


Boundary stones in the Black Mountains




Pictures from various sources as published on the internet

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