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Original Document


Guest Contribution: Transcription of a Particular of Lands in Ewyas Lacy and Constituent Manors

Place name:

Ewyas Lacy




We are indebted to Dewi Bowen Williams BA for permission to include his transcription of a survey entitled  ‘A Particular of the Manors of Ewyas Lacy, Walterstone and Trewaylon’  in our collection of manorial surveys.  The properties inventoried were those formerly held by the monarch which were sequestrated by Parliament after the Civil War and ‘sold’ to Thomas Harrison in 1653 for the peppercorn price of five shillings:  the background to the transfer can be seen on this website at Ewyas Lacy and the English Civil War .

An office copy reference MAN/A/151/0077 held in the Gwent Archives made in 1830 (accessible here ) of the original Close Roll provides a clearly legible handwritten text for the transcription by Dewi Bowen Williams, who has cross-checked the source Close Roll 1653, part 31 which was in the Tower of London but is now at The National Archives, Kew for the spelling of Welsh place names, noting ‘many peculiarities in the spellings which suggest the clerks... were unacquainted with the Welsh language as the mistakes therein suggest they didn't understand the words they were endeavouring to copy.’  Where inaccuracies appear to have occurred, the probable correction of a Welsh name is shown in brackets.  An index of place names and suggested corrections added at the end of the transcription is a rich resource for the history of land use in this area..

The transcription was made in modern orthography.

Ewyas Lacy Study Group



A Particular


of the


Manors of


Ewyas Lacy,






Trewaylon (sic.) [1]  




This is a particular of lands in Ewyas Lacy and constituent manors which were bargained and sold. The sale was due to the following legislation -


An Act For The Sale Of Several Lands & Estates Forfeited To The Commonwealth For Treason .


This was entered in an Indenture made the 6th of September, 1653. 




Close Roll 1653 part 31 held at National Archives.




This transcript has been taken from the office copy of the Bargain & Sale held at Gwent Record Office[2] and checked with the original Close Roll 1653, part 31 which was in the Tower of London but now at The National Archives, Kew. [3] The main text in this edition has modern orthography. However place-names are the spellings in the above roll.

The one & thirtieth part of Close Rolls Anno Domini 1653.


Skynner & Harrison – This Indenture made the sixth day of September in the year of our lord God one thousand six hundred fifty and three. Between William Skynner, William Robinson, Samuel Gookin, Henry Sealy, William Lisle and Arthur Samwell Esquire surviving trustees nominated and appointed in and by an Act of Parliament entitled - An Act For The Sale Of Several Lands & Estates Forfeited To The Commonwealth For Treason .

And Mathias Valentine Esquire one other of the trustees for sale of the said lands appointed by another Act of Parliament in that behalf of the one part and Thomas Harrison of Westminster in the county of Middlesex Esquire of the other part. Witnesseth that the said William Skynner, William Robinson, Samuel Gookin, Henry Seale, William Lisle, Arthur Samwell and Mathias Valentine, who, or any five or more of them are by the said Acts authorised and empowered to treat contract and make sale of the said Premises in such sort as in the first mentioned Act is expressed In obedience to the said Acts and by virtue thereof and in Execucion of the power & trust thereby committed to them the said William Skynner, William Robinson, Samuel Goskin, Henry Sealy, William Lisle, Arthur Samwell and Mathias Valentine as aforesaid and in pursuance of several Resolves of Parliament bearing date the three and twentieth day of April in the year of our Lord God One thousand six hundred fifty and two whereby the said Trustees are authorised and required to convey to Major General Thomas Harrison his heirs and assigns Lands, Tenements, Hereditaments of an estate of Inheritance of the clear yearly value of five hundred pounds by the year over and above all reprises out of all delinquents’ estates forfeited to the Commonwealth for treason whereof the manor, capital messuage, or mansion house, the several other messuages or Tenements, cottages, mills, lands hereafter mentioned to be hereby bargained & sold are parcel and for and in consideration of the sum of five shillings of lawful money of England to the said Trustees, or one of them in hand paid by the said Thomas Harrison on or before the ensealing hereof the receipt whereof the said Trustees doe hereby acknowledge. Have Granted, aliened, bargained and sold And by these presents Do Grant, alien, bargain and sell unto the said Thomas Harrison his heirs and assignees for ever. All that the mannor or mannors of Ewyas Lacye, Waterston and Trewaylan with all & singular their rights members & appurtenances in the county of Hereford and all those yearly Rents or sums of money commonly called Quitt Rents, rents of Assize, Free Rents, Copyhold and Customary Rents And all other Rents & profits to the said Manor or manors belonging or appertaining. All Courts Leet, Courts Baron and other Courts whatsoever Services, Franchises, Advantages, Customs, Custom Works, Forfeitures, Escheats, Releases, Heriot, Fines, Issues, Amerciaments, Fines upon descent, or Alienation, Perquisites and profits of the said Court and Leets and every of them Waifs, Estrays, Deodands, goods and chattels of felons and fugitives, felons of themselves condemned persons, clerks, convicted outlawed persons, persons put in Exigent ways, Passages, Lights, Easements, streams, waters, watercourses, weirs, dams, stancks, mill pools, tolls, mulcture, suit, soaken commons, grounds used for common ways, woods, underwoods, timber trees and other trees, wastes, waste grounds, moors, marshes, hawking, hunting, fishing, fowling, rights, royalties, jurisdictions, liberties, privileges, munitions, profits, commodities, emoluments, possessions, hereditaments, and appurtenances whatsoever to the said manor or manors belonging, or in any wise appertaining, or therewith, or with any part thereof, heretofore used, reputed, taken, or known to be Part, parcel, or member of the same. 


And also all that capital messuage, or manor house with the appurtenances situate and being in the parishes of Clodock in the county of Hereford aforesaid commonly called or known by the name of -


Old Court .


One stable, two barns, one fold yard, one garden, thereunto belonging, Together with the site of the said Capital messuage containing by estimation one acre of land now or late in the tenure or occupation of Lewis Gilbert his assignee or assignes. And also all those several parcels of arable pasture and meadow ground with the appurtenances to the said capital messuage belonging or therewith let and used hereinafter particularly mentioned & expressed that is to say. -


All that close of meadow ground with the appurtenances called Guorlod Dany ty containing by estimation sixteen acres


And also all that other close of meadow ground with the appurtenances called Rosser Gutta containing by estimation ten acres.


And also all that close of pasture ground with the appurtenances abutting on the Fold Yard on the west containing by estimation one rood.


And also all that close of pasture and wood ground with the appurtenances called Prother Gutta containing by estimation ten acres.


And also all that close of pasture and arable land with the appurtenances called Rossier Gutta containing by estimation six acres.


And all that close of pasture ground with the appurtenances called Cayde Clawety containing by estimation twenty acres.


And also all that close of arable land with the appurtenances called Masey Benboll containing by estimation twelve acres.


And also those three closes of arable and wood ground with the appurtenances called Maes y Vedowe containing by estimation thirty acres.


And also all that close of pasture ground with the appurtenances called Cay y Skipor containing by estimation eighteen acres.


And also all that other close of pasture ground with the appurtenances called Cay Quarrell containing by estimation six acres.


And also all those two closes of arable and pasture ground with the appurtenances lying together & known by the name of Maes Porth (Mase Porth) containing by estimation fifteen acres.


And also all that close of pasture ground with the appurtenances called Ennis Henry containing by estimation twelve acres.


And also all that close of wood ground with the appurtenances called the Old Court Wood otherwise the Greate Wood containing by estimation twenty acres.


And also all that close of meadow ground with the appurtenances called Gworlod y Coodoogans containing by estimation five acres.


And also all those two closes of arable land with the appurtenances called Coodoogan’s Land lying together containing by estimation twenty and six acres now or late in the tenure or occupation of the said Lewis Gilbert his assignee or assignees.


And also all that messuage or tenement with the appurtenances situate and being in the [ blank ] commonly known by the name of Brin and Goughs Lands , one Barn and other outhouses and one garden thereunto adjoining containing by estimation one rood of land.


And also all those several parcels of arable pasture and meadow ground with the appurtenances to the last mentioned messuage belonging or therewith let and used hereinafter particularly mentioned & expressed that is to say –


All that close of rough pasture ground with the appurtenances called Mays Issa containing by estimation eight acres.


And also all that close of meadow ground with the appurtenances called Gworlod dan y ty Issa) containing by estimation three acres and two roods.


And also all those two closes of pasture ground with a fold thereunto adjoining known by the name of Maes Ycha containing by estimation ten acres.


And also all that close of pasture and wood ground with the appurtenances called Cay y Franc containing by estimation seven acres.


And also all that close of meadow ground with the appurtenances called Gworlod Franc containing by estimation six acres.


And also all that other close of meadow ground with the appurtenances called Gworlod dan y ty containing by estimation three acres.


And also all that close of pasture ground with the appurtenances called Cay y Skippor containing by estimation four acres.


And also all that close of arable land with the appurtenances called Tyre Stoken containing by estimation five acres.


And also all that pasture ground with the appurtenances called Cay Stoken containing by estimation five acres.


And also all that close of meadow ground with the appurtenances abutting on Tyre Stoken on the east and Mays Ycha on the north containing by estimation two acres and an half.


And also all those two closes of pasture and arable land with the appurtenances called Cayre Gownan containing by estimation nine acres.


And also that close of meadow ground with the appurtenances called Gwerlod Gwervill containing by estimation four acres.


And also all that close of pasture ground with the appurtenances called Cay John White[4] containing by estimation eight acres.


And also all that other close of pasture ground with the appurtenances called Tyre Maskerrie[5] containing by estimation eight acres now or late in the tenure or occupation of Lewis Gilbert his assignee or assignees.


And also all that other messuage or tenement with one barn, one stable, one fold yard, and garden thereunto adjoining, now or late in the tenure or occupation of Gregory Harrie his assignee or assignees.


And also all that other messuage or tenement with the appurtenances situate and being in the [       ] commonly known by the name of Harrie Lewis Land[6] one barn and fold yard thereunto adjoining.


And also all those several parcels of arable pasture and meadow ground with the appurtenances to the last mentioned messuage or tenement belonging or therewith let and used hereinafter particularly mentioned & expressed that is to say –


All that close of pasture ground called The Parke containing by estimation eighteen acres.


And also all those four closes of pasture ground known by the names of Caye Groyes, Tyr Tummey, Tyr Pullen and Cay Toulwith containing by estimation in the whole thirty and six acres.


And also all that close of meadow ground called Harrie Lewis Gworlod Vaure containing by estimation eight acres.


And also all that close of pasture ground called Cay Lloyd containing by estimation six acres.


And also all those two closes of pasture ground lying together known by the name of Cay y thin and Gworlod Bagh containing by estimation five acres.


And also all that close of pasture ground called Mays Gwin containing by estimation six acres.


And also all that other close of pasture ground called Cay Loinan containing by estimation twelve acres.


And also all that close of meadow ground called Gworlod de Cay y Dy containing by estimation three acres and three roods.


And also all that close of pasture ground called The Crofte containing by estimation three roods.


And also all that close of meadow ground called Gworlod Tyr Tummey containing by estimation four acres.


And also all that close of pasture ground called Cay Croone containing by estimation four acres.


And also all that other close of pasture ground called Cay Thin ar y Lan containing by estimation twelve acres now or late in the tenure or occupation of Lewis Gilbert his assignee or assignees Which aforesaid capital messuage the messuage called The Brin and Gough’s Land and the messuage called Harrie Lewis Land[7] Together with the before mentioned buildings lands with their and every of their appurtenances in the particular thereof are mentioned to have been by Mathew Barrowe and Walter Merrick sequestrated for the said county of Hereford by their indenture of lease bearing date the second day of October which was in the year of our lord God One thousand six hundred and fifty demised unto Lewis Gilbert his executors and assigns (except all woods and underwoods growing upon the said premises over and above all necessary boots for and during the term of seven years under the reserved yearly rent of threescore and one pound of lawful money of England payable unto Evan Lewis of Cardiff gentleman his executors and assigns at the two most usual days or times of payment in the year and to be upon improvement of the clear yearly value of four and twenty pounds and eight shillings of like lawful money over and above the said present yearly rent reserved.


And also all that Pigeon House standing and being near the village of Longtown in the parish of Clidock in the said County of Hereford in a place there called Cay Tompson near adjoining to a meadow there called Gworlod de Clombhend Ty.


And also all that close of meadow ground called Gworlodd Vagh containing by estimation one acre and one rood.


And also all that other close of meadow ground with the appurtenances called Croft Vonin containing by estimation two acres and two roods.


And also all those two closes of meadow ground lying together and known by the names of Gworlod Vile and Gworlod Sixan containing by estimation ten acres now or late in the tenure or occupation of Roger Jenkins or his assigns.


And also all that messuage or tenement with the appurtenances situate and being in Longtown aforesaid commonly known by the name of The Castle one fold yard, and garden thereunto belonging containing by estimation one rood of land.


And also all those parcels of arable pasture and meadow ground with the appurtenances to the last mentioned messuage belonging or therewith let & used hereinafter mentioned that is to say –


All those two closes of pasture and meadow ground lying together abutting on the said messuage on the northwest and Gworlod y Pull on the east and Gworlod de Porth on the south east and southwest containing by estimation seven acres.


And also all that close of meadow ground called Gworlod y Pull containing by estimation two acres.


And also all that close of arable land called Ricewall containing by estimation eight acres now or late in the tenure or occupation of Walter Jenkins or his assigns.


And also all that close of arable land with the appurtenances called Kill Dayre containing by estimation three acres now or late in the tenure or occupation of John Jenkins or his assigns.


And also all that messuage or tenements with the appurtenances one barn, one garden, thereunto adjoining situate and being in the [                  ] aforesaid and now or late in the tenure or occupation of John William Harry John or his assigns.


And also all those parcels of arable, pasture and meadow ground with the appurtenances to the last mentioned messuage belonging or therewith let & used hereinafter mentioned that is to say –


All that close of arable land with the appurtenances called Era vron containing by estimation two acres and an half.


And also all that other close of arable land called Gworlod Diss containing by estimation two acres.


And also all that close of pasture and wood ground called The Werne containing by estimation two acres.


And also all that close of pasture ground called Pim Kever containing by estimation five acres.


And also all that close of pasture ground called Erra Lloyd containing by estimation four acres.


And also all that close of arable land abutting upon Gwin Thomas Upper Close on the south containing by estimation two acres.


And also all that close of pasture and broom ground abutting upon the last mentioned close on the east containing by estimation two acres.


And also all that close of arable land abutting upon the last mentioned close on the south east containing by estimation two acres and two roods.


And also all that close of pasture ground abutting upon the last mentioned close on the west containing by estimation two acres and an half.


And also all that close of meadow ground with the appurtenances called Gworlod Dan y ty containing by estimation five acres now or late in the occupation of the said John William Harry John or his assigns.

And also all that other messuage or tenement with the appurtenances situate and being in the [             ] aforesaid one close of pasture thereunto adjoining containing by estimation one acre and two roods now or late in the tenure or occupation of Lewis Lucas or his assigns.

And also all those parcels of arable pasture and meadow ground with the appurtenances to the last mentioned messuage belonging or herewith let & used hereinafter mentioned that is to say –

All that close of meadow ground called Gworlod Dan y ty containing by estimation one acre and an half.

And also all that close of pasture ground called Cay Gwerne containing by estimation three acres.

And also all those two closes of arable and pasture ground called Caer Ithin containing by estimation eight acres.

And also all that close of pasture ground called Yr Yn ys containing by estimation four acres.

And also all that close of meadow ground called The Meadow ground between the Two Waters containing by estimation one acre now or late in the tenure or occupation of the said Lewis Lucas or his assigns.

And also all that other messuage or tenement with the appurtenances situate and being in the [       ] one garden thereunto adjoining now or late in the tenure or occupation of Rowland Lewis or his assigns.

And also all those parcels of arable and pasture ground with the appurtenances to the last mentioned messuage belonging or therewith let and used hereinafter mentioned that is to say –

All that close of arable and pasture ground called Cay Garrow now divided into three parts containing by estimation nine acres.

And also all that close of ground called Errawen containing by estimation five acres.

And also all that close of arable land called Cay yr Win containing by estimation four acres.

And also all that close of pasture ground called Cay Whitwall containing by estimation four acres now or late in the tenure or occupation of the said Rowland Lewis or his assigns.

And also all that other messuage or tenement with the appurtenances situate and being in the [          ] one barn, one fold yard, and two orchards thereunto adjoining containing by estimation one acre of land.

And also all those parcels of arable pasture and meadow ground with the appurtenances to the last mentioned messuage belonging or thereunto let and used hereinafter mentioned that is to say –

All those two parcels of meadow ground called Tyr Ciscon[8] containing by estimation eight acres.

And also all that close of arable and pasture ground called The Maynes containing by estimation six acres.

And also all those three closes of arable land called Pulghle Merla containing by estimation two acres.

And also all those other three acres closes of arable lying together abutting upon Pulghle Merla on the south and upon Cagmuar on the north containing by estimation twelve acres.

And also all those three closes of arable and pasture ground called Cay Maure containing by estimation fifteen acres now or late in the tenure or occupation of George Pritchard or his assigns.

And also all that other messuage or tenement with the appurtenances situate and being in the [          ] commonly called or known by the name of Peny Lan one barn, one fold yard, and garden thereunto adjoining now or late in the tenure or occupation of George Powell or his assigns.

And all those several parcels of arable pasture and meadow ground with the appurtenances to the last mentioned that is to say –

All those three closes of arable and pasture ground called Cay Quarrell containing by estimation nine acres

And also all that close of meadow ground abutting on the said fold yard on the east containing by estimation two acres and an half.

And also all that other close of meadow ground called The Meadow Below the house containing by estimation four acres.

And also all that close of pasture ground called The Elders Close containing by estimation eight acres.

And also all that close of meadow ground called The Little Meadow containing by estimation one acre and an half.

And also all that close of arable land called White Close containing by estimation four acres.

Close of arable and pasture ground called Stoney Ground containing by estimation sixteen acres.

And also all those two closes of pasture ground called The Broomy Grounds lying together containing by estimation five acres now or late in the tenure or occupation of the said George Powell or his assigns.

And also all that other messuage or tenement with the appurtenances situate and being in the [             ] one barn, one stable, one fold yard, one garden and orchard thereunto adjoining containing by estimation one acre and one rood of land

And also all those several parcels of arable pasture and meadow ground with the appurtenances to the last mentioned messuage belonging a therewith let and used hereinafter mentioned that is to say –

All that close of meadow ground called Gworlod Bagh containing by estimation two acres.

And also all that other close of meadow ground called Gworlod Newell[9] containing by estimation four acres.

And also all that close of arable land called Cay Bagh Dan y ty containing by estimation three acres.

And also all those two closes of arable land called Ynnis containing by estimation four and twenty acres.

And also all that close of arable and pasture ground called Cay Glase containing by estimation seven acres.

And also all that close of meadow ground called Gworlod Tummey containing by estimation four acres.

And also all that close of pasture and wood ground called Gwerne Yssa containing by estimation four acres.

And also all that other close of pasture and wood ground called Cay How containing by estimation six acres.

And also all those three closes of arable land lying together and known by the name of Cair Pen y Llan containing by estimation fourteen acres.

And also all that close of underwood called Gwerne Ycha together with the site thereof containing by estimation three acres.

And also all those two closes of arable land called Cay Myne containing by estimation seven acres now or late in the tenure or occupation of Rice Prosser gentleman or his assigns.

And also all that close of pasture ground with the appurtenances called The Maynes containing by estimation four acres.

And also all those two closes of pasture and wood ground lying together abutting on the said close called The Maynes on the northeast containing by estimation three acres.

And also all those two closes of pasture and wood ground lying together abutting on the said close now or late in the tenure or occupation of Joan Powell widow or her assigns.

And also all that close of pasture ground with the appurtenances called Cay don Dre wern containing by estimation four acres.

And also all that parcel of arable land lying in close called Tir Blethin containing by estimation one acre.

And also all that close of pasture ground called Cair Gwin containing by estimation three acres.

And also all that other close of pasture ground called Tir Newid containing by estimation on acre and an half.

And also all that other close of pasture ground called Mays y Bessella containing by estimation six acres.

And also all that close of meadow ground called Gworlod Vayne containing by estimation one acre and two roods now or late in the tenure or occupation of Benjamyn Parrie or his assigns.

And also all that parcel of arable land with the appurtenances lying and being in a field called Ynnis y Goytre containing by estimation four acres now or late in the tenure or occupation of [          ] Proger or his assigns.

And also all that close of arable land with the appurtenances called Tir Gil (Tir Gill) containing by estimation six acres.

And also all that other close of arable land called Gwirdir containing by estimation six acres.

And also all that other close of arable land called Cay Gwernog containing by estimation four acres.

And also all that close of meadow ground called Gworlod Gron containing by estimation one acre.

And also all that other close of meadow ground called Gworlod Vayne containing by estimation two acres now or late in the tenure or occupation of Lewis Powell or his assigns.

And also all that other messuage or tenement with the appurtenances situate and being in Longtown aforesaid one garden and close of arable land thereunto adjoining containing by estimation one acre now or late in the tenure or occupation of Elizabeth Parrie widow or her assigns.

And also all that close of pasture ground called Mays Ycha containing by estimation six acres.

And also all that close of pasture ground called Alcerlth[10] containing by estimation one acre and an half.

And also all that close of meadow ground called Gworlod Delhay containing by estimation two acres and an half.

And also all that parcel of arable land called Coeld Rogit containing by estimation half an acre.

And also all that close of pasture ground called Altwagh containing by estimation one acre and two roods.

And also all that close of arable land called Cair Lloyd containing by estimation four acres.

And also all that close of pasture ground called Cay Croone containing by estimation two acres.

And also all that other close of pasture ground called Cay Mynes containing by estimation three acres now or late in the tenure or occupation of Gwyn Thomas or assigns.

And also all that close of meadow ground called Gwerlod Olghan containing by estimation three acres and an half.

And also all that close of arable land called Cae Crwn (Cay Croone) containing by estimation two acres and three roods now or late in the tenure or occupation of Hugh Thomas or his assigns.

And also all that cottage with the appurtenances situate and being in [            ] one garden thereunto adjoining.

And also all those three closes of pasture & arable land lying together known by the name of Berth Ddy containing by estimation seven acres and an half.

And also all that close of meadow ground abutting on the said cottage and three closes on the north and the land of William Gilbert on the south containing by estimation one acre now or late in the occupation of David Thomas and his assigns.

And also all that messuage or tenement with the appurtenances situate and being in [      ] one barn and other outhouses, one garden thereunto belonging containing by estimation one rood of land.

And also all those parcels of arable meadow and pasture ground with the appurtenances to the said messuage belonging or therewith let & used hereinafter mentioned that is to say –

All that close of meadow ground called Gworlod y Werne Dd containing by estimation six acres.

And also all that other close of pasture ground now divided into two called Cair Cybren containing by estimation fourteen acres.

And also all those two closes of meadow and pasture ground called Cair Lloyd containing by estimation fourteen acres.

And also all that close of arable land called Cair Skipper containing by estimation nine acres.

And also all those two closes of arable land called Gwerne Yvan Voyle containing by estimation eighteen acres now or late in the occupation of Phillip Watkin or his assigns.

And also all that close of pasture ground called Cae Tŷ Hen (Cay ty hen) containing by estimation four acres and two roods.

And also all that close of arable land called Parlor de Velin containing by estimation one acre and three roods now or late in the occupation of Katherin Walbeefe widow or her assigns.

And also all that close of meadow ground called Brook Meadow containing by estimation nine acres now or late in the occupation of Howell Ychan or his assigns.

And also all that messuage or tenement with the appurtenances situate and being in [      ] one orchard and backside thereunto adjoining containing by estimation one rood of land now late in the occupation of Hugh Harry or his assigns.

And also all those several parcels of arable pasture and meadow ground with the appurtenances to the said messuage or tenement belonging or therewith let and used hereinafter mentioned that is to say –

All that close of meadow ground called Gworlod Bagh containing by estimation one acre.

And also all those two parcels of arable land called Cay Quarrell and Caymawre lying together containing by estimation eight acres.

And also all that close of arable land called Cay de Clawre Hule containing by estimation one acre and an half.

And also all that close of meadow ground called Gworlod dan y Tŷ (Gworlod don y toy) adjoining to the first mentioned close containing by estimation one acre and an half.

And also all that close of pasture and wood ground called Wrinlek containing by estimation three acres.

And also all that parcel of arable land adjoining to the meadow before mentioned on the west containing by estimation two acres and one rood.

And also all that close of arable land called Kay Lloyre containing by estimation two acres now or late in the occupation of the said Hugh Harrie or his assigns.

And also all that other messuage or tenement with a water grist mill thereunto adjoining situate and being in [    ] known by the name of Velline Lloyne Dd dee & now or late in the occupation of Myles Thomas or his assigns.

And also all those several parcels of arable pasture and meadow ground with the appurtenances to the last mentioned messuage belonging or therewith let and used hereinafter mentioned that is to say –

All that close of meadow ground called Gworlodd Loyne Dd ee containing by estimation two acres.

And also all that close of arable land called Cay Dynter containing by estimation two acres and two acres and two roods.

And also all that close of arable land called Cay Hyre containing by estimation four acres.

And also all that other close of arable land called Cay Innis Lloyd containing by estimation two acres and an half.

And also all that close of meadow ground abutting on the lane leading from Clodock towards Michaell Church Escly on the north containing by estimation half an acre.

And also all that other close of meadow ground abutting on the said lane on the north and the lands of Rowland Jenkins on the west containing by estimation one rood.

And also all that close of pasture and wood ground called Gwerne Vayne containing by estimation four acres now or late in the occupation of the said Miles Thomas his assign or assigns.

And also all those several parcels of arable pasture and meadow ground with the appurtenances now or late in the occupation of Michael Thomas or his assigns hereinafter mentioned that is to say –

All that close of pasture ground called Cay Cloyd containing by estimation four acres.

And also all that close of arable land called The Close at Mescoyd containing by estimation seven acres.

And also all those two closes of pasture ground with the appurtenances called Caire next David Jenkins House (David Jenkins House containing by estimation two acres.

And also all that parcel of pasture grounds lying in a close called Cay Dan y toy containing by estimation five acres.

And also all that parcel of arable land lying and being in a close called Cay Ghove containing by estimation nine acres.

And also all that close of meadow ground called Gworlod y Guppa containing by estimation two acres now or late in the tenure or occupation of the said Michaell Thomas or his assigns.

And also all that parcel of arable land lying together in a close with William Gwilliam’s land containing by estimation two acres now or late in the occupation of William Gwilliam or his assigns.

And also all that messuage or tenement with the appurtenances situate and being in [       ] one barn and other outhouses, one fold yard and three gardens thereunto belonging containing by estimation three roods of land now or late in the occupation of Robert Jenkins or his assigns.

And also all those several parcels of arable pasture and meadow ground with the appurtenances to the last mentioned messuage belonging or therewith let and used hereinafter particularly mentioned and expressed that is to say –

All those three closes of arable land called Caymyne containing by estimation eight acres.

And also all that two closes of arable land called Cay de Lloyn ty containing by estimation five acres and an half.

And also all that close of meadow ground called Gworlod dan y ty containing by estimation three acres.

And also all that close of pasture ground called Cay y wch lawr ty containing by estimation six acres.

And also all that two closes of arable called Cay Fossed containing by estimation six acres.

And also all that close of pasture ground called Ynis ty Hunt yr Dwr containing by estimation five acres.

And also all that close of arable land called Cay Gwin containing by estimation four acres.

And also all that close of meadow ground called Gworlod Vagh containing by estimation two acres.

And also all that other close of meadow ground called Gworlod Coodrogan containing by estimation six acres.

And also all that close of pasture ground and underwood called Y Werne containing by estimation four acres now or late in the occupation of the said Robert Jenkins or his assigns.

And also all that close of arable land with the appurtenances called Cay Mor Sith containing by estimation four acres and an half, situate and being in the township of Craswall abutting on the freeland of William Rice Harris on the north now late in the occupation of Rice Phillip Harry or his assigns.

And also all that close of meadow ground with the appurtenances called Davolegg Vagh [11] containing by estimation one acre.

And also all that close of meadow and pasture ground called Hendwr containing by estimation nine acres now or late in the occupation of Arnold Price or his assigns.

And also all those messuage lands & premises with the appurtenances lying and being within the township of Walterston hereafter particularly mentioned that is to say –

All that messuage or tenement with the appurtenances now or late in the occupation of Joan Gunter or her assigns.

And also all that close of arable and pasture ground called Cay Ty containing by estimation ten acres.

And also all that other close of arable and pasture ground called Cay Bagh containing by estimation seven acres.

And also all that close of arable land called Cay Garrow containing by estimation nine acres.

And also all that close of underwood called Cay Treiult with the Soil thereof containing by estimation ten acres.

And also all that part of arable and pastures called Cay Basseley[12] containing by estimation ten acres now or late in the occupation of the said Joan Gunter or her assigns.

And also all that close of arable land with the appurtenances called Ynnis Mawre containing by estimation eighteen acres now or late in the occupation of William John or his assigns.

And also all that messuage or tenement one barn and other outhouses, one foldyard, two gardens and one orchard thereunto adjoining containing by estimation three roods of land.

And also all those several parcels of arable pasture and meadow ground with the appurtenances to the last mentioned messuage belonging or therewith let & used hereinafter mentioned that is to say –

All that close of meadow ground called The Quorlod containing by estimation six acres.

And also all that close of pasture ground called Tranes Mawre containing by estimation eight acres.

And also all that close of arable land called Ennis Lloyd containing by estimation seven acres.

And also all that close of pasture ground called Cay Velline containing by estimation four acres.

All that close of arable land called Cay Dan y ty containing by estimation five acres.

And also all that other close of arable land called Cay Lloyn containing by estimation three acres and an half.

And also all that close of pasture and underwood with the soil thereof called Cay Bagh containing by estimation five acres.

And also all that parcel of arable land lying in a close called Ennis Ycha containing by estimation three roods.

And also all that other parcel of arable land lying in a place called Ennis Gwoitry containing by estimation four acres now or late in the occupation of Henry Pritchard or his assigns.

And also all that close of meadow ground called Gworlod Vaure containing by estimation six acres and two roods.

And also all those several messuages or tenements and parcels of land with the appurtenances situate lying and being within the manor of Ewyas Lacy (Ewa Lacie) aforesaid in the said County of Hereford and heretofore parcel thereof that is to say –

All that messuage or tenement commonly called or known by the name of David Phillip Jakes Land with one barn, one fold yard and one garden thereto adjoining and belonging now or late in the occupation of Edward Thomas David or his assigns.

And also all those several parcels of arable pasture and meadow ground belonging to the same messuage or therewith used and enjoyed hereafter particularly mentioned that is to say –

All that close of arable land commonly called Caymayne containing by estimation three acres.

And all that close of meadow ground commonly called Gworlod dan Skipper containing by estimation six acres.

And all that close of pasture ground commonly called Croft Vaure containing by estimation four acres.

And all that close of pasture ground commonly called Cay Werne containing by estimation three acres.

And all that close of pasture ground commonly called Cay Kennell containing by estimation three acres.

And all those two closes of pasture ground commonly called Cay Ithin containing by estimation six acres.

And all that close of arable land commonly called Kay Bannell containing by estimation four acres now or late in the occupation of the said Edward Thomas David or his assigns, Which last recited messuages or tenements and lands with the appurtenances in the particular thereof are mentioned to have been by Robert Hopton Esquire by his Indenture of lease bearing date the fourth day of October which was in the third year of the reign of the late king Charles demised unto Edward Thomas David and Mauld his wife for and during the term of fifty years from the date thereof if he the said Edward and Mauld or either of them should so long live under the reserved yearly rent of six shillings & eight pence payable on the nine and twentieth day of September and the five and twentieth day of March and paying seven pence half penny for a chief rent yearly and forty shillings in money for an heriot upon the death of every tenant of the premises during the said term and to be upon improvement of the clear yearly value of seven pounds four shillings and eight pence half penny of like money over and above the last mentioned yearly rent reserved.

And all that barn with the appurtenances situate and being on the east side of the way called Longtown Street.

And all that close of meadow ground to the same adjoining commonly called Gworlod y Porth containing by estimation three acres and an half lying and being in Longtown now or late in the occupation of Thomas Delahay or his assigns,which premises last mentioned in the said particular are certified to have been by Dorothy Hopton widow by Indenture of lease bearing date the sixteenth day of September which was in the eighth year of the reign of the late King James demised unto the said William Lewis for and during the term of four score years if the said William, Sible and Blanche his daughter or either of them should so long live under the reserved yearly rent of ten shillings payable on the nine and twentieth day of September and the five and twentieth day of March by equal portions and paying twenty shillings in money for an heriot as aforesaid and one shilling and eight pence for a quit rent and to be upon improvement of the clear yearly value of three pounds eight shillings and four pence of lawful money of England over and above the last mentioned yearly rents and heriot reserved as aforesaid.

And all that messuage or tenement with one garden situate and being in Longtown aforesaid near the place there called Penticer Therion now or late in the occupation of Gabriell Griffin or his assigns.

And all that Water Grist Mill with the appurtenances.

And all that fulling mill with the appurtenances near adjoining to the said messuage.

And all that close of rough broomy ground with the appurtenances commonly called Cay Maior) containing by estimation eight acres.

And all those other several parcels of pasture arable and meadow ground belonging to the aforesaid messuage or therewith used & enjoyed hereafter particularly mentioned that is to say –

All that close of arable land commonly called Cay Try Lloyne containing by estimation five acres.

And all that close of arable land commonly called Cay Furnon containing by estimation five acres.

And all that close of arable land commonly called Cay Brest containing by estimation five acres.

And all those three closes of arable and pasture ground commonly called Cay Meadow Cay Kennell and Cay Boagh lying together and containing by estimation in the whole twelve acres.

And all that close of meadow ground commonly called Rack Meadow containing by estimation one acre and two roods.

And all that close of arable land commonly called The Weare Close containing by estimation one acre and an half.

And all that close of arable land commonly called The Gworlod between the waters containing by estimation one rood now or late in the occupation of the said Gabriell Griffin or his assigns, which said last recited premises with the appurtenances in the said particular are measured to have been by Sir Ralph Hopton, Knight of the Bath by his Indenture of lease bearing date the twelfth day of November, which was in the seventeenth year of the reign of the late king Charles granted unto the said Gabriell Griffin for and during the term of fourscore years of the said Gabriell, hold so long live under the reserved yearly rent of two pounds six shillings and eight pence payable on the five and twentieth day of March and the nine and twentieth day of September by equal portions and to be upon improvement of the clear yearly value of six pounds nineteen shillings and four pence of lawful money, over and above the last mentioned yearly rent reserved.

And all that messuage or tenement with a garden hereunto adjoining and belonging situate and being within the borough of Longtown aforesaid containing by estimation twenty perches now or late in the occupation of Henry Pritchard or his assigns which last recited messuage or tenement with the appurtenances in the said particular is mentioned to have been by the said Sir Ralph Hopton by his Indenture of lease bearing date the third day of June which was in the eleventh year of the reign of the said late king Charles demised unto the said Henry Pritchard for and during the same of one and twenty years commencing from the five and twentieth day of March then last past before the date thereof of the said Henry, Sible his wife and Richard his nephew or either of them should so long live under the reserved yearly rent of five shillings payable on the two most usual days or times of payment in the year and paying four pence for an heriot at the decease of each tenant of the premises and to be upon Improvement of the clear yearly value of eight shillings and four pence of lawful English money over and above the last mentioned yearly rent reserved.

And all that close of pasture ground commonly called Tir Gurney Cay otherwise Cay Furnon lying in the same township of Longtown containing by estimation four acres.

And all that close of meadow ground lately enclosed out of the last mentioned close abutting upon Hattrill Hill on the west containing by estimation two acres now or late in the occupation of Mary Winston or her assigns, which last recited premises with the appurtenances in the said particular, are mentioned to have been by the said Sir Ralph by the indenture of lease bearing date the twentieth day of October, which was in the sixth year of the reign of the said late king Charles demised unto the said Mary Winston, for and during the term of four score years of the said Mary and Johan her daughter or either of them should so long live under the reserved yearly rent of three shillings and four pence payable on the nine and twentieth day of September and the five and twentieth day of March by equal portions and paying one couple of capons at the feast of all saints yearly and for an heriot six shillings an eight pence at the decease of every one being tenant of the premises and to be upon improvement of the clear yearly value of twelve shillings and eight pence of lawful English money over and above the last mentioned yearly rents and heriots reserved as aforesaid.

And all that messuage or tenement with one barn and one garden thereunto adjoining situate and being within the township of Newton in the county of Hereford aforesaid and now or late in the occupation of William David or his assigns.

And all those parcels of arable pasture and meadow ground belonging to the same messuage or therewith used and enjoyed hereafter particularly mentioned that is to say –

All that close of arable land commonly called Cay Gwin containing by estimation six acres.

And all that close of arable land commonly called Cay Hire containing by estimation six acres.

And all that close of arable land commonly called Cay Croone containing by estimation seven acres.

And all that close of arable land commonly called Gollwyn (Gothlwin) containing by estimation six acres.

And all that close of pasture ground commonly called Cay disse Clawre containing by estimation eight acres.

And all that close of arable land abutting upon Gworlod Glandor on the north east containing by estimation five acres.

And all that close of meadow ground called Gworlod Glandor containing by estimation two acres and an half.

And all that close of meadow ground commonly called Gworlod de Pant containing by estimation half an acre.

And all that close of meadow ground commonly called Hen Gworlodd containing by estimation half an acre.

And all that close of arable land commonly called Farre Close containing by estimation six acres.

And all that close of meadow ground commonly called the Meadow below the House containing by estimation six acres now or late in the occupation of the said William David or his assigns which last recited premises with the appurtenances in the said particular are mentioned to have been by the said Robert Hopton by his Indenture of Lease bearing date the tenth day of May which was in the fifteenth year of the reign of the late King James demised unto David Thomas Powell for and during the term of fourscore and nineteen years from the second day of May then last past before the date thereof of the said David, Joan verch Powell his wife and Thomas David Powell his son or either of them should or long live under the reserved yearly rent of four shillings and one penny half penny payable in the nine and twentieth day of September in ever year only and three pounds six shillings of eight pence for an heriot at the decease of each tenant of the premises or any part thereof. And to be upon improvement of the clear yearly value of nine pounds fifteen shillings and ten pence half penny of lawful money of England over and above the last mentioned yearly rent of heriot reserved as aforesaid

And all that messuage or tenement known by the name of Tir y Dyke with a backside and garden thereunto belonging situate and being in the township of Lanveinoe containing by estimation one acre now or late in the occupation of Thomas Rice Phillips or his assigns and all those parcels of arable and pasture ground belonging to the last mentioned messuage or therewith used & enjoyed hereafter particularly mentioned that is to say –

All that close of arable land commonly called Cay dan y ty containing by estimation five acres.

And all that two closes of arable and pasture ground commonly called Erowe Yvan containing by estimation three acres and two roods.

And all those three closes of arable land commonly called Cay Bagh containing by estimation three acres and an half.

And all those three closes of arable land commonly called Tyr Dyke containing by estimation two acres and an half now or late in the occupation of the said Thomas Rice Phillip which premises with the appurtenances last mentioned in the particular aforesaid ar certified to have been by the said Robert Hopton by his Indenture of lease bearing date the last day of June which was in the seven and twentieth year of the reign of the late queen Elizabeth demised unto Simon ap Richard Hugh his executors and assigns for and during the term of four score and nineteen years under the reserved yearly rent of ten shillings payable at the two most usual times or days of payment in the year by equal portion. And one couple of capons at the Feast of Easter and paying twenty shillings for an heriot upon the decease of each tenant of the premises or any part thereof. And to be upon improvement of the clear yearly value of three pounds fourscore shillings and eight pence of lawful money of England over and above the said yearly rent of heriot reserved as aforesaid.

And all that other messuage or tenement called Thomas ap Harry John’s messuage situate and being near the Forest of Olgham now in the occupation of Richard Charles.

And all those parcels of ground belonging to the same messuage or therewith used or enjoyed hereafter mentioned that is to say –

All those two closes of arable land called Dolehire and Cay Evac containing by estimation five acres.

And all that other close of arable land called Three Acres containing by estimation two acres.

And all those two closes of meadow or pasture ground called Kay Velleine containing by estimation five acres.

And all that close of meadow ground called Gworlod Vagh containing by estimation one acre.

And all that close of meadow ground called Gworlod Vaure containing by estimation four acres.

And all that close of arable land called Cay Drissiogg containing by estimation two acres and two roods.

And all that other close of arable land called Cay Gloyd containing by estimation three acres now or late in the occupation of the said Richard Charles which last recited premises in the said particular are mentioned to be holden by the said Richard Charles by Indenture of lease bearing date the eighteenth day of April which was in the seventeenth year of the reign of the said late king James granted by the said Robert Hopton Esquire during the term of four score and nineteen years from the date thereof of Robert Charles and Hugh Charles or either of them should see long live under the reserved yearly rent of twelve shillings and six pence payable on the nine and twentieth day of September and the five and twentieth day of March by equal portions and the best beast or three pounds in money for an heriot. And to be upon improvement of the clear yearly value of four pounds thirteen shillings and nine pence of lawful money of England over and above the said last mentioned yearly rent of heriot reserved as aforesaid.

And all that other messuage or tenement with one garden and one backside thereunto adjoining and belonging situate and being near the way called Hewly Veline leading from Pwllsoond towards Hatrill Hill now in the occupation of Humphrey George Griffith.

And all that water corn mill with the appurtenances called Olgams Mill near adjoining to the said House.

And all those parcels of ground belonging to the same messuage or thereunto used and enjoyed hereafter particularly mentioned that is to say.

All that close of meadow ground called Croft a Pond containing by estimation one rood.

And all that other close of meadow ground called Gworlodde Ellis Lloyd containing by estimation eight acres.

And all that three closes of arable wood and pasture ground called Carre Wernecontaining by estimation six acres.

And all that close of arable land called Cair Win containing by estimation four acres.

And all those two closes of arable and pasture ground with the appurtenances called Croft y Warne containing by estimation two acres.

And all that close of meadow ground called Gworlodd de Velin containing by estimation five acres.

And all that other close of meadow ground called Croft de Velin containing by estimation half an acre now in the occupation of the said Humphrey George Griffith which last recited premises in the said particular are mentioned by Indenture of lease bearing date the third day of June which was in the eleventh year of the reign of the said late king Charles to be granted by Sir Ralph Hopton aforesaid except the timber trees for and during the sum of four score years if the said Humphrey, Joan his wife and Sible their eldest daughter or any of them should so long live under the reserved yearly rent of six pounds payable on the five and twentieth day of March and the nine and twentieth day of September and two capons or two shillings in money for an heriot and to be upon improvement of the clear yearly value of three pounds three shillings and three pence of lawful money of England over and above the said yearly rent and heriot reserves as aforesaid.

And all that close of meadow ground called Gworlod y Coppy containing by estimation two acres lying within the parish of [       ] now in the occupation of Simon John Phillip which close of meadow ground last recited in the said particular is mentioned to have been by the said Robert Hopton  by his indenture of lease bearing date the twentieth day of December which was in the seventieth year of the reign of the late King James demised unto John Phillip for and during the term of fourscore and nineteen years of the said John Phillip, Elinor verch Johan his daughter and Symon his son or other of them should so long live under the reserved yearly rent of three pence payable on the nine and twentieth day of September in every year only during the said term and paying six shillings in money for an heriot. And to be upon improvement of the clear yearly value of thirteen shillings and a penny of lawful money of England over and above the said yearly rent of heriot reserved as aforesaid.

And also all those seven several parcels of arable and pasture ground with the appurtenances lying together in the said township of Llanvinoe commonly called by the name of Y Llynloy don) containing by estimation thirty and two acres now or late in the occupation of Symon John Phillip or his assigns which last recited premises in the said particular are mentioned to have been by Indenture of lease bearing date the eight and twentieth day of February which was in the forty second year of the reign of the late queen Elizabeth granted by Owen Hopton Esquire and Elizabeth his wife for and during the term of fourscore and nineteen years from the date thereof under the reserved yearly rent of ten shillings payable on the five and twentieth day of March and the nine and twentieth day of September by equal portions. And paying the sum of two pounds and ten shillings for an heriot. And to be upon Improvement of the clear yearly value of twenty shillings of lawful money of England over and above the said last mentioned yearly rent and heriot reserved as aforesaid.

And also all those parcels of arable pasture and meadow ground with the appurtenances now or late in the occupation of Abraham Watkin or his assigns lying and being within the said township of Llanveino hereafter particularly mentioned that is to say –

All that close of arable land commonly called Glin Mauer containing by estimation two acres and an half.

And all that close of pasture ground commonly called Glin Bagh containing by estimation two acres and a half.

And all that close of pasture ground commonly called Cay Tolke containing by estimation four acres.

And all that close of arable land commonly called Kay Gorth containing by estimation four acres.

And all that close of arable land called Kay Kenell yssa containing by estimation three acres.

And all that close of arable and pasture ground called Key Kenell ycha containing by estimation five acres and two roods.

And all that close of pasture ground commonly called Tirr Gronowe containing by estimation eight acres.

And all that close of meadow ground commonly called Gworlod Grownow containing by estimation seven acres now or late in the occupation of the said Abraham Watkin which last recited premises with the appurtenances in the said particular are mentioned to have been by the said Robert Hopton by the Indenture of lease bearing date the second day of April which was in the six and twentieth year of the reign of the late Queen Elizabeth demised unto Margaret Meredith and Water John Thomas for and during the term of fourscore and nineteen years under the reserved yearly rent of ten shillings payable on the nine and twentieth day of September and the five and twentieth day of March by equal portions and one couple of capons at the feast of All Saints yearly and fifteen pence for a quit rent and also paying the best beast or one pound and ten shillings for an heriot. And to be upon improvement of the clear yearly value of seven pounds five shillings and a penny of lawful money of England over and above the last mentioned yearly rent and heriot reserved as aforesaid.

And all that close of arable land commonly called Caer Grosse Ycha containing by estimation five acres.

And all that close of underwood with the soil thereof called and known by the name of Gwerne Tirey Picha containing by estimation eight acres.

And all that close of arable land commonly called Cay Gwin containing by estimation five acres.

And all that close of pasture ground commonly called The Plock containing by estimation two acres.

And all that close of meadow ground commonly called Gworlod Tyry Picha containing by estimation five acres the last mentioned premises lying within the township of Llanvinoe now or late in the occupation of David Thomas Madock which last recited premises wtain the said particular are mentioned to have been by the said Robert Hopton by his Indenture of lease bearing date the four and twentieth day of April which was o the eighteenth year of the reign of the late king James demised unto Thomas Williams, Madock David Thomas and Howell Thomas for and during the term of their natural lives and the longest liver of them under the reserved yearly rent of five shillings payable at the two most usual times or days of payment in the year by equal portions and one couple of capons upon the first day of January in every year and also paying the best beast or thirty shillings in money for an heriot and to be upon improvement of the clear yearly value of two pounds fifteen shillings and six pence of lawful money of England over and above the last mentioned yearly rent and heriot reserved as aforesaid.

And also all those messuages lands and premises with their appurtenances lying and being within the township of Michaelchurch Escley hereafter particularly mentioned that is to say –

All that messuage or tenement commonly called Lloyn Rosser with one garden thereto belonging now or late in the occupation of Thomas Clarke or his assigns.

And all that close of meadow ground belonging to the said messuage commonly called Gworlod Carne y ddcontaining by estimation four acres.

And all that other close of meadow ground commonly called The Plock containing by estimation one acre.

And all that moiety of one close of pasture ground called Cay Mawre and Cay Cood containing by estimation thirty acres now or late in the occupation of the said Thomas Clarke or his assigns which premises with the appurtenances last recited in the said particular and certified to have been by Dorothy Hopton widow by her indenture of lease bearing date the twentieth day of June which was in the eight year of the reign of the late King James demised unto Symon Clarke his executors and assigns for and during the term of four score years from the five and twentieth day of March then last past before the date thereof [of in] the said Symon, Sarah his wife and James Clarke his brother or either of them should and long live under the reserved yearly rent of twelve shillings and six pence payable on the nine and twentieth day of September and the five and twentieth day of March by equal portions and paying nine pence for a quit rent and one couple of capons at the Feast of St Andrews and thirty shillings in money for an heriot upon the decease of each life And to be upon Improvement of the clear yearly value of five pounds thirteen shillings and ten pence of lawful money of England over and above the said last mentioned yearly rent and heriot reserved as foresaid.

And also all those parcels of meadow and pasture ground lying within the Parish of Michaell Church Escley aforesaid near a place called Royne Rosser sic. now or late in the occupation of Katheren Powell or her assigns hereafter particularly mentioned that is to say –

All those two parcels of meadow containing by estimation four acres.

And all that close of meadow ground commonly called Gworlod Bagh to the said Great Meadow adjoining abutting upon the fold yard of Thomas Clarke aforesaid containing by estimation one acre.

And all that moiety of one close of pasture ground called Cay Maure and Cay Cood containing by estimation thirty acres which last mentioned premises with the appurtenances in the said particular are mentioned to have been by the said Dorothy Hopton by her Indenture of lease bearing date the third day of February which was in the eighth year of the Reign of the late king James demised unto Harry David his executors and assigns for and during the term of fourscore years of the said Harry David, Griffith Harry and Margaret Harry son and daughter of the said Harry David or either of them should so long live under the reserved yearly rent of twelve shillings and six pence payable on the five and twentieth day of March and the nine and twentieth day of September by equal portions and paying nine pence for a quit rent at Michaelmas only and one couple of capons at the Feast of Saint Andrew’s. And to be upon Improvement of the clear yearly value of five pounds and four shillings of lawful money of England on and above the said last mentioned yearly rent reserved.

And all that messuage or tenement commonly called by the name of Price Putta in the parish aforesaid now or late in the occupation of Marcus Gilbert or his assigns.

And all those several parcels of ground with their appurtenances belonging to the same messuage or therewith used and enjoyed hereafter particularly mentioned that is to say –

All that close of pasture and wood ground near adjoining to the same messuage called Cay Garrowe and containing by estimation four acres.

And all that close of pasture and wood ground called by the name of Price Pitta containing by estimation two acres.

And all that close of meadow ground commonly called Gworlod Dan y ty containing by estimation three acres and an half.

And all those three closes of arable and pasture ground with their appurtenances commonly called Cair Panta Issa, Cair Panta Icha and Cair Panta Kennell lying together and containing by estimation nine acres and two roods now or late in the occupation of the said Marcus Gilbert or his assigns which last recited premises with their appurtenances in the said particular are mentioned to have been by Robert Hopton aforesaid by his indenture of lease bearing date the eleventh day of June which was in the seven and twentieth year of the reign of the late queen Elizabeth demised unto Phillip Thomas Prees Maddy for and during the term of fourscore and nineteen years under the reserved yearly rent of one pound and five shillings payable at the two most usual time or days of payment in the year by equal portions and paying one couple of capons at the Feast of All Saints and twenty shillings in money for an heriot upon the death of each tenant and to be upon improvement of the clear yearly value of four pounds and thirteen shillings of lawful money of England over and above the last mentioned yearly rent reserved.

And all that messuage or tenement with one barn one fold yard and one garden thereto adjoining and belonging now or late in the occupation of [                  ] Lord widow or her assigns.

And also all those parcels of ground belonging to the same messuage or therewith used and enjoyed hereafter particularly mentioned that is to say –

All that close of pasture ground commonly called Cay dan y tycontaining by estimation one acre.

And all that close of pasture ground abutting upon the said barn on the north called Cay Skibbar containing by estimation two acres.

And all that close of arable land called Cay Quarrell containing by estimation four acres.

And all that close of arable land commonly called Cay Bedowe containing by estimation five acres.

And all that close of arable land abutting upon Cay Bedowe on the north containing by estimation two acres.

And all that close of pasture ground commonly called Cay Lloyne containing by estimation three acres abutting upon the said Cay Bedowe on the south.

And all that close of pasture ground commonly called Cay Lloy containing by estimation four acres.

And all that close of meadow ground commonly called Gworlod Ycha containing by estimation three acres.

And all that close of arable land commonly called Cay Yssa containing by estimation three acres

And all that close of meadow ground commonly called Cay Hybocke containing by estimation one acre now or late in the occupation of the said [                ] Lord widow or her assigns which last recited messuage or tenement and lands with the appurtenances in the said particular are mentioned to have been by the said Robert Hopton by his Indenture of lease bearing date the five and twentieth day of May which was in the fifteenth year of the reign of the late King James demised unto Alexander Lord his executors or assigns for and during the term of fourscore and nineteen years of the said Alexander, Kathren his wife and Hugh his eldest son or either of them should so long live under the reserved yearly rent of three pounds payable on the nine and twentieth day of September and the five and twentieth day of March by equal portions. And to be upon Improvement of the clear yearly value of five pounds of lawful money of England over and above the last mentioned yearly rent reserved.

And also all that close of meadow ground abutting upon Upper Weston on the east and upon the lands of Michaell Thomas Esquire on the south West and upon the lands of Edward Wright on the west and north containing by estimation two acres now or late in the occupation of Lewis Powell or his assigns which close of meadow ground with the appurtenances last expressed in the aforesaid particular is mentioned to have been by the said Robert Hopton, Arthur Hopton, William Capell and Anthony Stocker Esquires by their indenture of lease bearing date the fourth day of October which was in the third year of the Reign of the late king Charles demised unto Howell Watkin Simon his executors and assigns for and during the term of three score and ten years of the said Howell Watkin Symon, Evan Powell and Lewis Powell or either of them shall long live under the reserved yearly rent of five shillings payable on the five and twentieth day of March and the nine and twentieth day of September by equal portions and paying one couple of capons at the Feast of St John Baptist and five shillings in money for an heriot upon the decease of each tenant of the premises during the said term And to be upon improvement of the clear yearly value of six shillings and four pence of lawful money of England over and above the said last mentioned yearly rent and heriot reserved as aforesaid.

And also all that messuage or tenement with the appurtenances situate and being within the parish of Michael Church Escley aforesaid now or late in the occupation of Thomas Powell Maddy or his assigns.

And also all that water grist mill with the appurtenances near adjoining to the said messuage.

And all those parcels of ground belonging to the messuage aforesaid hereafter particularly mentioned that is to say –

All that close of pasture ground commonly called Cay Filo whereupon the said messuage and mill are standing containing by estimation ten acres.

And all that close of arable land commonly called Cay Garrowe lying between the said close called Cay Filo and the Free land late of William Prees Maddy called Kydrich containing by estimation seven acres.

And all that close of arable and pasture ground commonly called Cay Gerralt containing by estimation nine acres abutting upon the River Escley at the one end and upon Cay Garrowe Yssa at the other end.

And also all that other close of pasture ground commonly called Cay Garrowe Yssa between the said closes called Cay Gerralt and the Forest Yage sic. containing by estimation twelve acres now or late in the occupation of the said Thomas Powell Maddy or his assigns which last recited premises with the appurtenances in the said particular are mentioned to have been by the said Robert Hopton by his indenture of lease bearing date the last day of May which was in the six and twentieth year of the reign of the late Queen Elizabeth demised unto William Prees Maddy his executors and assigns for and during the term of fourscore and nineteen years from the date of the said indenture under the reserved yearly rent of ten shillings payable on the nine and twentieth day of September and the five and twentieth day of March by equal portions and paying two couple of capons at Easter and five pence for a quit rent and two best beasts or forty shillings in lieu thereof for an heriot upon the decease of each tenant of the premises And are upon improvement of the clear yearly value of seven pounds five shillings and seven pence of lawful money of England over and above the last mentioned yearly rent and heriot reserved as aforesaid.

And also all those several messuages or tenements lands and premises lying and being within the township of Waterstone in the said county of Hereford hereafter particularly mentioned that is to say –

All that messuage or tenement with one barn, one fold yard, one garden and one close of arable land thereunto belonging and adjoining, containing by estimation one acre and two roods now or late in the occupation of John Hugh or his assigns.

And all those several parcels of ground belonging to the same messuage hereafter particularly mentioned that is to say –

All that close of arable land commonly called Cay Bagh abutting upon the brook called The Dingle on the north and the land in the tenure of Hugh Prichard on the east and west containing by estimation two acres and two roods.

And all that close of arable land and underwood ground commonly called Ywerne abutting upon the land of Hugh Pritchardon the northeast and west parts containing by estimation three acres.

And all that close of pasture ground called Cay Gwin abutting on the said Croft on the east containing by estimation six acres.

And also all that close of meadow ground commonly called Gworlod Lloyd abutting upon the river Munowe on the west, Y Croft on the east and the said brook called Dingle containing by estimation six acres.

And all that close of meadow ground commonly called Gworlod Vagh abutting upon Y Crofty on the north containing by estimation two acres and two roods.

And all that close of arable land commonly called Y Crofty abutting upon Cay Gwin on the east, Gworlod Vagh on the south and Gworlod Lloyd aforesaid on the west, containing by estimation five acres and an half.

And all that close of arable land commonly called Cay Watkin abutting upon Kae Keven on the east, Cay Gwin on the west and Cay Veddowe on the south, containing by estimation four acres.

And all that close of pasture ground commonly called Cae Fedw (Cay Veddoe) abutting upon Cae Watkin (Cay Watkin) on the north, and upon Cay Keven on the east, containing by estimation four acres.

And all that close of arable and pasture ground commonly called Cae Keven abutting upon Cay Watkin aforesaid on the west, containing by estimation thirteen acres.

And also all that close of arable land commonly called Cay Dingles now divided into two parts abutting upon the land of [          ] Genkins widow on the north and upon a way leading from Alterrenis to Hereford on the east, containing by estimation eight acres now or late in the occupation of the said John ap Hugh or his assigns which last recited premises with the appurtenances on the said particular are mentioned to have been by the said Sir Ralph Hopton by his indenture of lease bearing date the third day of June which was in the eleventh year of the reign of the late King Charles demised unto John ap Hugh his executors and administrators for and during the term of one and twenty years from the five and twentieth day of March then last past before the said date if the said John ap Hugh, John ap John, his son and John Phillip nephew of the said John ap Hugh or either of them should so long live paying the yearly rent of twelve pounds and ten shillings on the five and twentieth day of March and the nine and twentieth day of September by equal portions and the second best beast for an heriot upon the decease of each tenant. And to be upon improvement of the clear yearly value of ten shillings of lawful money of England over and above the yearly rent and heriot expressed reserved as aforesaid.

And also all those parcels of ground with their appurtenances lying within the said parish of Walterston now or late in the occupation of Marcus Pritchard or his assigns hereafter particularly mentioned that is to say –

All that close of arable land and pasture ground lately divided into four parts commonly called or known by the name of Cay Lloyd abutting upon a Lane leading from Wateston towards Coed Cravell on the south and upon a lane leading from Alterennis towards Hereford on the north and west containing by estimation ten acres.

And all that close of arable and pasture ground called Cae Cwm (Cay Combe) abutting upon the lands of John Delahaye gentleman on the north and south and the brook called Nant Gravell on the east, containing by estimation ten acres.

And all that close of arable and pasture ground with the appurtenances commonly called Cay Richline abutting upon Nant Gravell on the east and upon the lane leading from Alterennis to Hereford on the west and the lands of John Delahay aforesaid on the south and north containing by estimation eight acres now or late in the occupation of the said Marcus Pritchard or his assigns which last recited premises in the said particular are mentioned to have been by the said Robert Hopton by his indenture of lease bearing date the fourth day of October which was in the third year of the reign of the late King Charles demised unto David Richard John Watkin his executors and assigns for and during the term of three score and ten years of the said David Pritchard John Watkin, Marcus David Pritchard and John David Pritchard his sons or either of them should or long live under the reserved yearly rent of two pounds sixteen shillings and eight pence payable on the five and twentieth day of March and the nine and twentieth day of September by equal portions and paying five shillings in money for an heriot as aforesaid and to be upon improvement of the clear yearly value of eight shillings of lawful money of England over and above the said last mentioned yearly rent and heriot last reserved as aforesaid.

And also all that other messuage or tenement commonly called The Slough, with one barn thereunto belonging now or late in the occupation of David John William or his assigns.

And all those parcels of meadow pasture and arable land belonging to the same messuage or therewith used and enjoyed hereafter particularly mentioned that is to say –

All that close of arable and pasture ground commonly called Cay Dych Lawr Tuy abutting upon the said messuage on the north and upon Yewtree Close on the west, containing by estimation five acres.

And all that close of pasture and wood ground commonly called Ewetree Close abutting upon Cay Dych Lawre Ty on the east and Cay Kennellon the west, containing by estimation five acres.

And all that close of rough pasture ground commonly called Cay Kennell abutting upon Ewetree Close on the east and Kay Mawr Griffith on the west, containing by estimation seven acres.

And all that close of arable land commonly called Cae Fach (Cay Vagh) abutting upon Cae Cenol (Cay Kenell) on the north and Cae’r Ywen (Ewetree Close) on the east, containing by estimation one acre.

And all that close of pasture ground commonly called Cae Mawr Gryffudd (Cay Mawre Griffith) abutting upon Cae Cenol (Cay Kenell) aforesaid on the east, containing by estimation twelve acres now or late in the occupation of David John William or his assigns which last recited premises with the appurtenances in the said particular are mentioned to have been by the said Sir Ralph Hopton by his indenture of lease bearing date the third day of May which was in the Eleventh year of the reign of the late King Charles demised unto John William, Margaret his wife and David John their son for and during the term of fourscore years from the five and twentieth day of March then last past before the date thereof if the said John Margaret and David or either of them should so long live under the reserved yearly rent of five pounds payable on the nine and twentieth day of September and the five and twentieth day of March by equal portions and paying ten shillings for an heriot as aforesaid And to be upon improvement of the clear yearly value of five shillings of lawful money of England over and above the said last mentioned yearly rent and heriot reserved as aforesaid.

And also all those parcels of pasture and arable land with their appurtenances lying and being within the parish of [   ] aforesaid now or late in the occupation of William Philip or his assigns hereafter particularly mentioned that is to say –

All that close of pasture and arable land with the appurtenances commonly called Croft y Gwenith abutting upon the common called Gwaeny Fothoge on the east and north containing by estimation one acre.

All that close of arable and pasture ground with the appurtenances commonly called Carrwayen abutting upon the said common on all parts containing by estimation two acres which premises with the appurtenances last recited in the said particular are mentioned to have been by the said Sir Ralph Hopton by his indenture of lease bearing date the [?twentieth] day of October which was in the fifth year of the reign of the late King Charles demised unto Philip William his executors and assigns for and during the term of four score and nineteen years from the date thereof if Philip Griffith Philip and William Philip his son or either of them should so live under the reserved yearly rent of two shillings payable on the nine and twentieth day of September and the five and twentieth day of March by equal portions and paying one shilling for an heriot upon the decease of each of them being tenant of the premises. And to be upon the improvement of the clear value of ten shillings of lawful money of England over and above the said last mentioned yearly rent and heriot reserved as aforesaid.

And also all that tenement or cottage with the appurtenances situate and being within the parish aforesaid.

And all that parcel of arable pasture and wood ground with the appurtenances belonging to the same cottage or therewith let and used commonly called by the name of Keven Coyde Wyis being late parcel of the Forest of Ewiaslacy lying between the well spring called Nant Garroe and the said Forest containing by estimation twenty acres now or late in the occupation of William John Lewis or his assigns which said last recited premises in the said particular is mentioned to have been by the said Robert Hopton by his indenture of lease bearing date the seventeenth day of June which was in the thirteenth year of the reign of the late queen Elizabeth demised unto John ap John his executors and assigns for and during the term of one thousand years from the date thereof under the reserved yearly rent of five shillings and four pence payable on the nine and twentieth day of September and the five and twentieth day of March by equal portions and paying five shillings in money for an heriot upon the decease of each tenant And to be upon improvement of the clear yearly value of one pound and ten shillings of lawful money of England over and above the last mentioned yearly rent of heriot reserved as aforesaid.

And all that parcel of arable pasture and wood ground with the appurtenances lying within the parish aforesaid now divided into several enclosures late parcel of the Forest of Ewias called Keven Coyd Ewyas abutting upon the said brook or spring called Nant Garrowe on the east and extending in length between the brook called Groney Vaure on the south and certain trenches there on the north containing by estimation fifty acres now or late in the occupation of Jane Prosser widow or her assigns which premises with the appurtenances last expressed in the said particular are mentioned to have been by the said Robert Hopton by his indenture of lease bearing date the eighteenth year of the reign of the late queen Elizabeth demised unto David Powell Lewis and his assigns for and during the term one thousand years from the date thereof under the date thereof under the reserved yearly rent of two shillings and eight pence payable on the nine and twentieth day of September and the five and twentieth day of March by equal portions and paying five shillings in money for an heriot at the decease of each tenant of the premises And to be upon improvement of the clear yearly value of two pounds and four shillings of lawful English money over and above the yearly rent and heriot last mentioned.

And all that parcel of underwood and arable land lying in the parish aforesaid late parcel of the said Forest called Keven Coid Ewias abutting upon the land of John Thomas and William Jones on the north and south containing by estimation forty acres now or late in the occupation of William Price or his assigns which last recited premises with the appurtenances in the said particular are certified to have been by the said Robert Hopton by the indenture of lease bearing date the three and twentieth day of May which was in the eighteenth year of the reign of the said late queen Elizabeth granted unto William Price for and during the term of one thousand years from the said date under the reserved yearly rent of eight shillings payable on the nine and twentieth day of September and the five and twentieth day of March by equal portions and to be upon improvement of the clear yearly value of one pound and twelve shillings of lawful money of England over and above the last mentioned yearly rent reserved.

And also all that parcel of wood ground and arable land and parcel of the Forest aforesaid extending in length between the lands of William John Lewis and certain Trenches containing by estimation twenty acres now or late in the occupation of Thomas John Lloyd or his assigns which premises last expressed in the aforesaid particular are mentioned to have been by the said Robert Hopton by the indenture of lease bearing date the twelfth day of May which was in the eighteenth year of the reign of the said queen Elizabeth demised unto William Williams for and during the like term of one thousand years from the date thereof  under the reserved yearly rent of ten shillings payable on the nine and twentieth day of September and the five and twentieth day of March by equal portions and to be upon improvement of the clear yearly value of two pounds and ten shillings of lawful money of England over and above the reserved yearly rent last aforesaid.

And all that other parcel of arable and woody ground parcel of the forest aforesaid lying between the lands in the occupation of Jane Prosser widow and the land of Thomas Williams containing by estimation twenty acres now or late in the occupation of Thomas John Lloyd or his assigns which last recited premises with the appurtenances in the aforesaid particular are mentioned to have been by the said Robert Hopton by his indenture of lease bearing date the twelfth day of May which was in the eighteenth year of the reign of the said late queen Elizabeth demised unto James ap Price otherwise Parry[13] his executors and assigns for and during the like term of one thousand years from the date thereof under the reserved rent of eight shillings payable on the nine and twentieth day of September and the five and twentieth day of March by equal portions and paying five shillings in money for an heriot at the decease of each tenant of the premises. And to be upon improvement of the clear yearly value of one pound and twelve shillings of lawful money of England over and above the yearly reserved as aforesaid.

And also all those parcels of pasture and woody ground parcels of the forest aforesaid part thereof abutting upon the river called Groney Vaur on the south and upon the tenement of Henry William on the north and the other part thereof abutting upon the land of William John Lewis on the west and upon the land of Thomas William on the south, containing in the whole by estimation twenty and eight acres now or late in the occupation of Phillip Lewis or his assigns which last mentioned premises with their appurtenances are in the said particular certified to have been by the said Robert Hopton by his indenture of lease bearing date the four and twentieth day of May which was in the eighteenth year of the reign of the said late queen Elizabeth demised unto Lewis William Prosser his executors and assigns for and during the like term of one thousand years under the reserved yearly rent of six shillings and to be upon improvement of the clear value of two pounds and fourteen shillings o lawful money of England over and above the said last mentioned yearly rent reserved as aforesaid.

And also all that other parcel of pasture and wood ground commonly called Pantry Furne late parcel of the Forest of Ewyas aforesaid called Keven Cood Ewias extending in length between a ditch there called Newditch and the river called Groney Vaure aforesaid containing by estimation twenty acres now or late in the occupation of John Thomas or his assigns which last recited premises in the said particular are certified to have been by the said Robert Hopton by his indenture of lease bearing date the sixteenth day of June which was in the thirteenth year of the Reign of the late queen Elizabeth demised unto William Watkin and his assigns for and during the term of one thousand years under the reserved yearly rent of five shillings payable at the two most usual times or days of payment in the year by equal portions. And to be upon improvement of the clear yearly value of forty shillings of lawful English money over and above the said yearly rent reserved as aforesaid.

And also all those two parcels of arable and woody ground late parcel of the aforesaid Forest of Eiwas called Keven Coed Eiwas one part thereof lying upon Tilgarth towards the west and the other part thereof lying between the lands of Jane Prosser widow on the east and the land lands of John Thomas on the west and the said Groney Vaure on the south, containing in the whole by estimation four score acres now or late in the occupation of John Thomas and William John or their assigns which premises last recited in the aforesaid particular are certified to have been by the said Robert Hopton by his indenture of lease bearing date the sixteenth day of June which was in the thirteenth year of the reign of the late queen Elizabeth demised unto Griffith Harry his executors and assigns for and during the like term of one thousand years under the reserved yearly rent of ten shillings of eight pence payable on the nine and twentieth day of September and the five and twentieth day of March by equal portions and paying ten shillings in money for an heriot. And to be upon improvement of the clear yearly value of three pounds and nine shillings and four pence of lawful money of England over and above the said last mentioned yearly rent and heriot reserved as aforesaid.

And also all houses outhouses gardens orchards yards backsides ways passages lights easements waters watercourses woods underwoods timber trees and other trees commons commons of pasture toll multure suit soaken liberties privileges immunities profits commodities advantages emoluments possessions hereditaments and appurtenances whatsoever to the said several messuages or tenements mills lands and premises with their appurtenances belonging or in anywise appertaining or with them or any or either of them or any part or parcel of them or any or either of them now or heretofore used occupied possessed or enjoyed as member of the same respectively. All which manor or manors to be bargained and sold were late parcel of the possessions of Sir Ralph Hopton aforesaid one of the persons in the first mentioned act named whose estate hath been and is thereby declared and adjudged to be mostly forfeited by him for his treason against the parliament and people of England. And the reversion and reversions remainder and remainders rents issues and profits of all and singular the above bargained premised and of every part and parcel thereof (except and always reserved out of this present indenture of bargain and sale all messuages cottages lands tenements and hereditaments in possession or reversion parcel of the manor or manors aforesaid not herein particularly mentioned (other than customary lands and tenements holden by copy of Court Roll commons and grounds used for common ways and waste grounds. And also all rectories, impropriate parsonages, impropriate tithes, compensations for tithe portions of tithe, donatives, oblations, obventions and rent issuing out of tithes and all other things saved and excepted as not to be sold by the said first mentioned Act to have and to hold the aforesaid manor or manors, capital messuage or manor house, several messuages or tenements, cottages, mille, lands, wood and all and singular other the premises hereby granted aliened bargained or sold or herein before meant mentioned or intended to be hereby granted aliened bargained or sold with their and every of their appurtenances (except before excepted and the said Thomas Harrison his heirs and assigns To the only proper use and behoof of him the said Thomas Harrison his heirs and assigns for ever as amply as the said trustees or any five or more of them are by the said Acts enabled to convey the same premises discharged of and from all demands payments and encumbrances whatsoever had made committed or done by the said trustees or any of them. And as amply as in and by the said Acts or either of them it is enacted and [provided?] in that behalf. In witness whereof to the one part of this Indenture remaining with the said Thomas Harrison the said trustees have set their hands and seals. And to the other part thereof remaining with the said trustees the said Thomas Harrison hath set his hand and seal dated the day and year first above written. –

And be it remembered that the sixth day of September the year above written the aforesaid William Skynner, William Robinson, Arthur Samuell, Matthias Valentine and Henry Sealy came before the Keepers of the liberty of England by authority of Parliament in chancery and acknowledged the indenture aforesaid and all and every thing therein contained and specified in form aforesaid. –


Enrolled the seventh day of September in the year aforesaid.



March 1830

This is a true copy of the original                  This is a true copy from the original

record having been examined therewith        record remaining in the chapel of the rolls having been examined

Henry Wm Herlett

Great James Stret                                                                   [                     ]

Bedford Row 




capons, 1


[         ] ap Rhoser

([          ] Proger), 1

[   ] ap Siencyn

([          ] Genkins)

widow, 1

Abraham ap Watkyn

(Abraham Watkin), 1

Abraham Watkin, 1

Alexander Lord, 1

Anthony Stocker

Esquires, 1

Arnold ap Rhys

(Arnold Price), 1

Arthur Hopton, 1

Arthur Samuell, 1

Arthur Samwell

Esquire, 1

Benjamyn Parrie, 1


daughter of

William Lewis, 1

Catrin ap Hywel

(Katheren Powell), 1

Cathrine Walbeef

(Katheren Walbeefe)

widow, 1

Dafydd ap Hywel ap Lewis

(David Powell Lewis), 1

Dafydd ap Philip

(David Phillip), 1

Dafydd ap Rhisiart ap Siôn ap Watcyn

(David Pritchard John Watkin), 1

Dafydd ap Siencyn

(David Jenkins), 1

Dafydd ap Siôn ap Wiliam

(David John son of John William), 1

(David John William), 1

Dafydd ap Thomas

(David Thomas), 1

Dafydd ap Thomas ap Hywel

(David Thomas Powell), 1

Dafydd ap Thomas ap Madog

(David Thomas Madock), 1

Dorothy Hopton, 1

widow, 1

Edward ap Thomas ap Dafydd

(Edward Thomas David), 1

& Mallt


his wife, 1

Edward Wright, 1

Elinor ferch John ap Philip

(Elinor verch John d. of John Phillip), 1

Elis Llwyd

(Ellis Lloyd), 1


wife of

Owen Hopton

Esquire, 1

Elizabeth ap Harri

(Elizabeth Parrie)

widow, 1

Gabriel ap Gryffudd

(Gabriell Griffin), 1

George ap Hywel

(George Powell), 1

George ap Rhisiart

(George Pritchard), 1

Gregori ap Harri

(Gregory Harrie), 1

Gryffudd ap Harri

(Griffith Harry), 1

Gryffudd ap Harri ap Dafydd

(Griffith Harry)

son of Harri ap Dafydd

(Harry David), 1

Gwyn ap Thomas

(Gwin Thomas), 1

Harri ap Dafydd

(Harry David), 1

Harri ap Llywelyn

(Harrie Lewis), 1

Harri ap Rhisiart

(Henry Pritchard), 1

Harri ap Wiliam

(Henry William), 1

Harrison, 1

Henry Sealy, 1


eldest son of

Alexander Lord, 1

Huw ap Charles

(Hugh Charles), 1

Huw ap Harri

(Hugh Harrie), 1

Huw ap Rhisiart

(Hugh Prichard), 1

Huw ap Thomas

(Hugh Thomas), 1

Hywel ap Thomas

(Howell Thomas), 1

Hywel ap Watcyn ap Simon

(Howell Watkin Simon), 1

Hywel Ychan

(Howell Ychan), 1

Ifan ap Hywel

(Evan Powell), 1

Ifan ap Lewis

(Evan Lewis)

of Cardiff, 1

James Clark

brother of


(Symon), 1

Jane Prosser

widow, 1

John Delahay, 1

John Delahaye

gentleman, 1


wife of

Alexander Lord, 1

Lewis ap Hywel

(Lewis Powell), 1

Lewis ap Lucas

(Lewis Lucas), 1

Lewis ap William ap Rhoser

(Lewis William Prosser), 1

Lewis Gilbert, 1

Madog ap Dafydd ap Thomas

(Madock David Thomas), 1

Mail ap Thomas

(Myles Thomas), 1



wife of

Edward ap Thomas ap Dafydd

(Edward Thomas David), 1

Marc ap Dafydd ap Rhisiart

(Marcus David Pritchard), 1

Marc ap Gilbert

(Marcus Gilbert), 1

Marc ap Rhisiart

(Marcus Pritchard), 1

Marcus Gilbert, 1

Marcus Pritchard, 1


wife of

John ap Wiliam

(John William), 1

Marged ferch Harri ap Dafydd

(Margaret Harry) d. of

Harry ap Dafydd

(Harry David), 1

Marged Meredudd

(Margaret Meredith), 1

Mary Winstwn

(Mary Winston), 1

Matthias Valentine, 1

Mathew Barrowe, 1

Mathias Valentine

Esquire, 1

Michael Thomas

(Michaell Thomas), 1

Esquire, 1

(Michell Thomas), 1

Owen Hopton

Esquire, 1

Philip ap Gryffudd ap Philip

(Philip Griffith Philip), 1

Philip ap Lewis

(Phillip Lewis), 1

Philip ap Thomas ap Rhys ap Mady

(Phillip Thomas Prees Maddy), 1

Philip ap Watcyn

(Phillip Watkin), 1

Philip ap Wiliam

(Philip William), 1

Ralph Hopton

Knight of the Bath

Sir, 1

Sir, 1

Ralph Hopton, Sir, 1

Rice Prosser gentleman, 1

Robert ap Charles

(Robert Charles), 1

Robert ap Siencyn

(Robert Jenkins), 1

Robert Hopton, 1

Esquire, 1

Rowland ap Lewis

(Rowland Lewis), 1

Rowland ap Siencyn

(Rowland Jenkins), 1

Rhisiart ap Charles

(Richard Charles), 1

Rhosier ap Siencyn

(Roger Jenkins), 1

Rhys ap Philip ap Harri

(Rice Phillip Harry), 1

Samuel Gookin, 1


wife of

Simon Clark

(Symon Clarke), 1

Siams ap Rhys ap Harri

(James ap Price otherwise Parry), 1

Siân ap Rhoser

(Jan Prosser)

widow, 1

(Jane Prosser)

widow, 1


eldest daughter of

Wmffre ap George ap Gryffudd

(Humphrey George Griffith), 1

Simon ap George ap Gryffudd

(Simon John Phillip), 1

Simon ap Rhisiart ap Huw

(Simon ap Richard Hugh), 1

Simon ap Siôn ap Philip


s. of John Phillip), 1

(Symon John Phillip), 1

Simon Clark

(Symon Clarke), 1

Siôn ap Dafydd ap Rhisiart

(John David Pritchard), 1

Siôn ap Hugh, 1

Siôn ap Huw

(John ap Hugh), 1

(John Hugh), 1

Siôn ap Philip

(John Phillip), 1

nephew of

John ap Huw

(John ap Hugh), 1

Siôn ap Siencyn

(John Jenkins), 1

Siôn ap Siôn, 1

Siôn ap Siôn ap Huw

(John ap John)

son of

John ap Huw

(John ap Hugh), 1

Siôn ap Thomas

(John Thomas), 1

Siôn ap Wiliam

(John William), 1

Siôn ap William ap Harri ap Siôn

(John William Harry John), 1



wife of

Wmffre ap George ap Gryffudd

(Humphrey George Griffith), 1


daughter of

Mary Winstwn

(Mary Winston), 1

Siwan ap Hywel

(Joan Powell)

widow, 1

Siwan ferch Hywel

(Joan verch Powell), 1

wife of

David ap Thomas ap Hywel

(David Thomas Powell), 1

Siwan Gunter

(Joan Gunter), 1

(Joane Gunter), 1

Skynner, 1

Thomas ap Dafydd ap Thomas ap Hywel

(Thomas David Powell) son of

David ap Thomas ap Hywel

(David Thomas Powell), 1

Thomas ap Harri ap Siôn

(Thomas ap Harry John), 1

Thomas ap Hywel ap Mady

(Thomas Powell Maddy), 1

Thomas ap John Llwyd

(Thomas John Lloyd), 1

Thomas ap Rhys ap Philip

(Thomas Rice Phillips), 1

Thomas ap Wiliam

(Thomas William), 1

(Thomas Williams), 1

Thomas Clark, 1

Thomas Delahay, 1

Thomas Harrison, 1

Major General, 1

of Westminster

in the county of

Middlesex Esquire, 1

Walter ap Meurig

(Walter Merrick), 1

Walter ap Siencyn

(Walter Jenkins), 1

Walter ap Siôn ap Thomas

(Water John Thomas), 1

Wiliam ap Dafydd

(William David), 1

Wiliam ap Gwiliam

(William Gwilliam), 1

Wiliam ap Philip

(William Philip), 1

Wiliam ap Rhys

(William Price), 1

Wiliam ap Rhys ap Mady

(William Prees Maddy), 1

Wiliam ap Siôn

(William John), 1

(William Jones), 1

Wiliam ap Siôn ap Lewis

(William John Lewis), 1

Wiliam ap Watcyn

(William Watkin), 1

Wiliam ap Wiliam

(William Williams), 1

William ap Rhys ap Harri

(William Rice Harris), 1

William Capell, 1

William David, 1

William Gilbert, 1

William John, 1

William Lewis, 1

William Lisle, 1

William Price, 1

William Robinson, 1

William Skynner, 1

Wmffre ap George ap Gryffudd

(Humphrey George Griffith), 1


Allt Fach

(Altwagh), 1

Allt yr Ynys

(Alterennis), 1

(Alterrenis), 1

Berth Ddu

(Berth Ddy), 1

Brook Meadow, 1

Bryn and Gough’s Lands

(Brin and Goughs Lands), 1

Cae Bach

(Cay Bagh), 1

(Cay Boagh), 1

Cae Bach dan y Tŷ

(Cay Bagh Dan y ty), 1

Cae Banal

(Kay Bannell), 1

Cae Baselli

(Cay Basseley), 1

Cae Bedw

(Cay Bedowe), 1

Cae Brest

(Cay Brest), 1

Cae Cefn

(Cae Keven), 1

(Cay Keven), 1

(Kae Keven), 1

Cae Cenel

(Cay Kennell), 1

Cae Cenol

(Cay Kanell), 1

(Cay Kenell), 1

(Cay Kennell), 1

Cae Cenol Isa

(Kay Kenell yssa), 1

Cae Cenol Ucha

(Kay Kenell ycha), 1

Cae Clwyd

(Cay Cloyd), 1

Cae Cood

(Cay Cood), 1

Cae Crwn

(Cay Croone), 1

Cae Crwn (Cay Croone), 1

Cae Cwarel

(Cay Quarell), 1

(Cay Quarrell), 1

Cae Cwm

(Cay Combe), 1

Cae dan Drewern

(Cay don Dre wern), 1

Cae dan y Tŷ

(Cay Dan y toy), 1

(Cay dan y ty), 1

(Cay Dan y ty), 1

Cae Deintur

(Cay Dynter), 1

Cae Dingles

(Cay Dingles), 1

Cae dislaw’r

(Cay disse Clawre), 1

Cae Drysïog

(Cay Drissiogg), 1

Cae duwch law’r Tŷ

(Cay Dych Lawr Tuy), 1

(Cay Dych Lawre Ty), 1

Cae duwchlaw’r Heol

(Cay de Clawre Hule), 1

Cae duwchlaw’r Tŷ

(Cayde Clawety), 1

Cae Eithin

(Cay Ithin), 1

(Cay y thin), 1

Cae Eithin ar y Lan

(Cay Thin ar y Lan), 1

Cae Evac

(Cay Evac), 1

Cae Fach

(Cay Vagh), 1

Cae Fedw

(Cay Veddoe), 1

(Cay Veddowe), 1

Cae Felin

(Cay Velline), 1

(Kay Velleine), 1

Cae Ffosed

(Cay Fossed), 1

Cae Ffynnon

(Cay Furnon), 1

Cae Ffynnon (Cay Furnon), 1

Cae Garw

(Cay Garrow), 1

(Cay Garrowe), 1

Cae Garw Isa

(Cay Garrowe Yssa), 1

Cae Gerallt

(Cay Gerralt), 1

Cae Glas

(Cay Glase), 1

Cae Glwyd

(Cay Gloyd), 1

Cae Gof

(Cay Ghove), 1

Cae Gorth

(Kay Gorth), 1

Cae Groes

(Caye Groyes), 1

Cae Gwern

(Cay Gwerne), 1

Cae Gwernog

(Cay Gwernog), 1

Cae Gwyn

(Cair Gwin), 1

(Cay Gwin), 1

(White Close), 1

Cae Hebog

(Cay Hybocke), 1

Cae Hir

(Cay Hire), 1

(Cay Hyre), 1

Cae How

(Cay How), 1

Cae Isa

(Cay Yssa), 1

Cae Lleian?

(Cay Loinan), 1

Cae Lloer

(Kay Lloyre), 1

Cae Lloi

(Cay Lloy), 1

Cae Llwyd

(Cay Lloyd), 1

Cae Llwyn

(Cay Lloyn), 1

(Cay Lloyne), 1

Cae Llwyn Du

(Cay de Lloyn ty), 1

Cae Main

(Cay Myne), 1

(Cay Mynes), 1

(Caymayne), 1

(Caymyne), 1

Cae Mawr

(Cagmuar), 1

(Cay Maior), 1

(Cay Maure), 1

(Caymawre), 1

Cae Mawr Gryffudd

(Cay Mawre Griffith), 1

(Kay Mawr Griffith), 1

Cae Mawr Syth

(Cay Mor Sith), 1

Cae Medw

(Cay Meadow), 1

Cae Pell

Farre Close, 1

Cae Pen y lan

(Cair Pen y Llan), 1

Cae Philo

(Cay Filo), 1

Cae Sgubor

(Cay Skibbar), 1

Cae Siôn White

(Cay John White), 1

Cae Stocen

(Cay Stoken), 1

Cae Tanllwyth

(Cay Toulwith), 1

Cae Treiwlt

(Cay Treiult), 1

Cae Tri Llwyn

(Cay Try Lloyne), 1

Cae Twlc

(Cay Tolke), 1

Cae Tŷ

(Cay Ty), 1

Cae Tŷ Hen

(Cay ty hen), 1

Cae Thompson

(Cay Tompson), 1

Cae Ucha Gwyn Thomas

(Gwin Thomas Upper Close), 1

Cae uwchlaw’r Tŷ

(Cay y wch lawr ty), 1

Cae Watkin

(Cay Watkin), 1

Cae Wern (Cay Werne), 1

Cae Whitwall

(Cay Whitwall), 1

Cae wrth Dŷ Dafydd ap Siencyn

(Caire next David Jenkins House), 1

Cae Ynys Llwyd

(Cay Innis Lloyd), 1

Cae’r Ceubren

(Cair Cybren), 1

Cae’r Eithin

(Caer Ithin), 1

Cae’r Eithin?

(Cay Richline), 1

Cae’r Ffranc

(Cay y Franc), 1

Cae’r Gored

(The Weare Close), 1

Cae’r Groes Ucha

(Caer Grosse Ycha), 1

Cae’r Llwyd

(Cair Lloyd), 1

Cae’r Llwyd (Cair Lloyd), 1

Cae’r Panta Cenol

(Cair Panta Kennell), 1

Cae’r Panta Isa

(Cair Panta Issa), 1

Cae’r Panta Ucha

(Cair Panta Icha), 1

Cae’r Sgubor

(Cair Skipper), 1

(Cay y Skipor), 1

(Cay y Skipper), 1

Cae’r Waun

(Carrwayen), 1

Cae’r Wern

(Carre Werne), 1

Cae’r Ŵyn

(Cair Win), 1

(Cay yr Win), 1

Cae’r Ywen

(Ewetree Close), 1

(Yewtree Close), 1

Cae'r Gownen

(Cayre Gownan), 1

Castle, The, 1

Cefn Coed Ewyas

(Keven Coed Eiwas), 1

(Keven Coid Ewias), 1

(Keven Cood Ewias), 1

(Keven Coyd Ewyas), 1

(Keven Coyde Wyis), 1



freeland, 1


(Pigeon House), 1

Close at Mescoyd, The), 1

Coed Rogit

(Coeld Rogit), 1

Coed y Crafel

(Coed Cravell), 1

Craswall, 1

Crofte, The, 1

Crofft Fawr

(Croft Vaure), 1

Crofft Fenyn

(Croft Vonin), 1

Crofft y Felin

(Croft de Velin), 1

Crofft y Gwenith

(Croft y Gwenith), 1

Crofft y Pond

(Croft a Pond), 1

Crofft y Wern

(Croft y Warne), 1

Crofft, Y

(Y Croft), 1

Croffty, Y

(Y Crofty), 1

Dafolog Fach

(Davolegg Vagh), 1

David Phillip Jakes Land, 1

Demesnes, The

(The Maynes), 1

Dingle, 1

Dol Hir

(Dolehire), 1

Erw Fron

(Era vron), 1

Erw Ifan

(Erowe Yvan), 1

Erw Lwyd

(Erra Lloyd), 1

Erw Wen

(Errawen), 1

Felin Llwyn Dafydd Ddu

(Velline Lloyne Dd dee), 1


of Ewiaslacy, 1

Fforest Ewyas

(Forest of Eiwas), 1

(Forest of Ewias), 1

(Forest of Ewyas), 1

Fforest Gou

(Forest Yage), 1

Fforest Olchon

(Forest of Olgham), 1

Glyn Bach

(Glin Bagh), 1

Glyn Mawr

(Glin Mauer), 1


(Gothlwin), 1

Gough’s Land, 1

Gough’s Lands

(Goughs Lands), 1

Great Wood, The, 1

Grwyne Fawr

(Groney Vaur), 1

(Groney Vaure), 1

Gwaun y Ffwddog

(Gwaeny Fothoge), 1

Gwern Fain

(Gwerne Vayne), 1

Gwern Ifan Foel

(Gwerne Yvan Voyle), 1

Gwern Isa

(Gwerne Yssa), 1

Gwern Tir y Pica

(Gwerne Tirey Picha), 1

Gwern Ucha

(Gwerne Ycha), 1

Gwirdir, 1

Gworlod Bach

(Gworlod Bagh), 1

Gworlod Carn y Defed

(Gworlod Carne y dd), 1

Gworlod Coed Rogan

(Gworlod Coodrogan), 1

Gworlod dan Sgubor

(Gworlod dan Skipper), 1

Gworlod dan y tŷ

(Gworlod dan y ty), 1

Gworlod dan y Tŷ

(Guorlod Dany ty), 1

(Gworlod dan y ty), 1

(Gworlod Dan y ty), 1

(Gworlod don y toy), 1

(Meadow below the House), 1

(The Meadow Below the house), 1

Gworlod dan y Tŷ Isa

(Gworlod dan y ty Issa), 1

Gworlod Delahay

(Gworlod Delhay), 1

Gworlod Deuntur

(Rack Meadow), 1

Gworlod Dis

(Gworlod Diss), 1

Gworlod Ellis Lloyd

(Gworlodde Ellis Lloyd), 1

Gworlod Fach

(Gworlod Vagh), 1

(Gworlod Vagh), 1

(Gworlod Vagh), 1

(Gworlod Vagh), 1

(Gworlodd Vagh), 1

(The Little Meadow), 1

Gworlod Fain

(Gworlod Vayne), 1

Gworlod Fawr

(Great Meadow), 1

(Gworlod Vaure), 1

Gworlod Fawr Harri Lewis

(Harrie Lewis Gworlod Vaure), 1

Gworlod Fil

(Gworlod Vile), 1

Gworlod Ffranc

(Gworlod Franc), 1

Gworlod Glandŵr

(Gworlod Glandor), 1

Gworlod Gron, 1

Gworlod Gronw

(Gworlod Grownow), 1

Gworlod Gwerfyl

(Gwerlod Gwervill), 1

Gworlod Llwyd

(Gworlod Lloyd), 1

Gworlod Llwyn Dafydd Ddu

(Gworlodd Loyne Dd ee), 1

Gworlod Newell, 1

Gworlod Olchon

(Gwerlod Olghan), 1

Gworlod Rhosier Gwta

(Rosser Gutta), 1

Gworlod rhwng y Deuddwr

(The Gworlod between the waters), 1

(The Meadow ground between the Two Waters), 1

Gworlod Sicsan

(Gworlod Sixan), 1

Gworlod Tir Twmau

(Gworlod Tyr Tummey), 1

Gworlod Tir y Pica

(Gworlod Tyry Picha), 1

Gworlod Twmau

(Gworlod Tummey), 1

Gworlod Ucha

(Gworlod Ycha), 1

Gworlod y Cadwgan

(Gworlod y Coodogans), 1

Gworlod y Cae Du

(Gworlod de Cay y Dy), 1

Gworlod y Clomendy

(Gworlod de Clombhend Ty), 1

Gworlod y Copi

(Gworlod y Coppy), 1

Gworlod y Felin

(Gworlodd de Velin), 1

Gworlod y Gwpa

(Gworlod y Guppa), 1

Gworlod y Pant

(Gworlod de Pant), 1

Gworlod y Porth, 1

(Gworlod de Porth), 1

Gworlod y Pwll

(Gworlod y Pull), 1

Gworlod y Wern Ddu

(Gworlod y Werne Dd), 1

Hatterall Hill

(Hatrill Hill), 1

(Hattrill Hill), 1

Hen Worlodd

(Hen Gworlodd), 1

Hendwr, 1

Hereford, 1

house of

David ap Siencyn

(David Jenkins), 1

Iarll, Y

(Alcerlth), 1


(Kill Dayre), 1

Longtown, 1

Longtown in the parish of Clodock

(Clidock), 1


(Lanveinoe), 1

(Llanveino), 1

(Llanvinoe), 1

Llwyn Rhoser

(Lloyn Rosser), 1

(Royne Rosser), 1

Llyn Lwydon, Y

(Y Llynloy don), 1

Maes Gwyn

(Mays Gwin), 1

Maes Isa

(Mays Issa), 1

Maes Porth

(Mase Poeth), 1

Maes Ucha

(Maes Ycha), 1

(Mays Ycha), 1

Maes y Baselli

(Mays y Bessella), 1

Maes y Fedw

(Maes y Vedowe), 1

Maes y Penbwl

(Masey Benboll), 1

manor of Ewyas Lacy

(Ewa Lacie), 1

messuage of

Thomas ap Harri ap Siôn

(Thomas ap Harry John, 1

Michaelchurch Escley, 1


Olchon Mill

(Olgams Mill), 1

water corn, 1

water grist, 1

near Pont y Cerddorion, 1

Nant Garw

(Nant Garroe), 1

(Nant Garrowe), 1

Nant y Grafel

(Nant Gravell), 1

Newditch, 1

Newton, 1

Old Court, 1

Old Court Wood

otherwise the Great Wood, 1

Parc, Y

(The Parke), 1

Parlwr y Felin

(Parlor de Velin), 1

Pen y lan

(Peny Lan), 1

Pentre Ffwrn

(Pantry Furne), 1

Pigeon House. See Clomendy

Plock, The, 1

Pont y Cerddorion

(Penticer Therion), 1

Price Pitta, 1

Price Putta, 1

Prother Gwta

(Prother Gutta), 1

Pum Cyfer

(Pim Kever), 1

Pwll Sond

(Pwllsoond), 1

Pylle Merla

(Pulghle Merla), 1



(Munowe), 1


Escley, 1

Rys Wall

(Ricewall), 1

Rhosier Gwta

(Rossier Gutta), 1

Slwch, Y

(The Slough), 1

Stoney Ground, 1


(Tilgarth), 1

Tir Bleddyn

(Tir Blethin), 1

Tir Cadwgan

(Coodoogan’s Land), 1

Tir Ciscon

(Tyr Ciscon), 1

Tir Gil

(Tir Gill), 1

Tir Gronw

(Tirr Gronowe), 1

Tir Gurney Cay

otherwise Cae Ffynnon

(Cay Furnon), 1

Tir Harri ap Llywelyn

(Harrie Lewis Land), 1

(Harry Lewis Land), 1

Tir Maskerrie

(Tyre Maskerrie), 1

Tir Newydd

(Tir Newid), 1

Tir Pwllen

(Tyr Pullen), 1

Tir Stocen

(Tyre Stoken), 1

Tir Twmau

(Tyr Tummey), 1

Tir William ap Gwiliam

(William Gwilliam’s land), 1

Tir y Dyke, 1

(Tyr Dyke), 1

Trans Mawr

(Tranes Mawre), 1

Tre Ysgallen

(Trewaylan), 1

Trenches, 1

The Broomy Grounds, 1

The Dingle, 1

The Elders Close, 1

Three Acres, 1

Upper Weston, 1

Walterston, 1


manor of, 1

(Waterstone), 1

(Wateston), 1

Wern, Y

(Werne, The), 1

(Y Werne), 1

(Ywerne), 1

Worlod, Y

(The Quorlod), 1

Wrinlek, 1

Y Bryn

(The Brin and Goughs Land), 1


(Ynnis), 1

Ynys Goetre

(Ennis Gwoitry), 1

Ynys Henri

(Ennis Henry), 1

Ynys Lwyd

(Ennis Lloyd), 1

Ynys Mawr

(Ynnis Mawre), 1

Ynys tu hwnt i’r Dŵr

(Ynis ty Hunt yr Dwr), 1

Ynys Ucha

(Ennis Ycha), 1

Ynys y Goetre

(Ynnis y Goytre), 1

Yr Ynys

(Yr Yn ys), 1


Heol y Felin

(Hewly Veline), 1

Longtown Street, 1




[1] Likely a transcription error for Trescaylon

[3] CP 54/3738 part 31

[4] Survey of John Jeffries 1702-1706 has Cae Shon White. Possibly the same as Tyr Jack Gwin mentioned with Pen y Lan (1701-1702 Lord Abergavenny Survey)

[5] Poss. a family name or perhaps refers to the Barony of Muskerry near Cork in Ireland.

[6] Tir Harry Lewis =Tir Harri ap Llywelyn

[7] Poss. same as Henry Lewis ap John / Harri ap Llywelyn ap Siôn of The Brooks

[8] The “sc” could be an “x” Cixon.

[9] Poss. Gworlod Newydd.

[10] Poss. Y Ieerlth >  Y Iarll?

[11] Poss. Tafolog Fach.

[12] Walterstone Tithe Map 233, 234 Cappercelty

[13] James ap Rhys ap Harry (James Price Parry or James Aprice Aparry)

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