Held at:

Voss Collection




Original document


Digital Archive – Voss Collection: Working at Newton Farm Westbrook

Place name:

Golden Valley 




Dietrich Voss was a German prisoner of war at Dorstone Camp between 1946 and 1948, and was allocated to work at Newton Farm, Westbrook some 2 miles away. Supervision at the camp was minimal post-war, and Dietrich records in his biography that he walked unaccompanied to and fro between the camp and the farm each day, though he was later allowed to drive on the farm tractor.


At work, Newton Farm


Dietrich Voss on ‘Kit’ the horse at Newton Farm


Dietrich Voss at work with another POW, Newton Farm


Dietrich Voss with another POW, Franz Marson, on a day trip out from Dorstone


Cattle at Newton Farm



Another resident at Newton farm


Family group [identities unknown – possibly the Timmins family at Newton Farm]


Kathleen, Mr Timmins’ daughter, with the car at Newton Farm


At Newton Farm, identity unknown – perhaps Mrs Timmins




Mr Timmins, owner of Newton Farm


Dietrich Voss on the tractor at Newton Farm; he was permitted to drive himself to the camp at Dorstone


Other documents and photographs relating to Dorstone Prisoner of War Camp and its occupants can be accessed from the Index page of the Voss Collection.


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Ref: rs_gdv_0144