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Hereford Public Library


Royal Commission on Historical Monuments: Herefordshire, Volume 1: H 936.244


Transcript of Original Publication


Olchon Court Farm: architecture, construction and history

Place name:



Up to 1700



(25) Olchon Court Farm (Plate 14), farmhouse, 1,053 yards N.N.W. of (24), is partly of two storeys and partly of one storey and attics. The dressings to the W. end of the building are of ashlar. This end is of late 15th or 16th-century date, the eastern end being a 17th-century extension which possibly incorporated an existing dairy or outbuilding. A lean-to addition was built on the S. side of the E. end of the extension about the same time or a little later and the roof of the original building was raised. The porch and a barn at the E. end of the house were added in modern times. The entrance doorway in the W. end of the S. wall is original and his stop-chamfered jambs and a four-centred head. On either side of the doorway is an original window, each of two narrow lights with chamfered head, sill, jambs and wide mullion. In each of the lights to the westernmost window is an iron grate. In the W. wall by the lean-to additions is a doorway with an old stop-chamfered frame and battened door. A stone doorway in the W. wall has a stop-chamfered lintel. Inside the building, on the ground floor, in the stone cross-wall between the older part and the later extension is an original doorway with chamfered jambs and a centred head. There is a 17th-century battened door in the attics.


Plate 14



Description documented c 1930 by the Royal Commission on Historical Monuments


Ordnance Survey Map Reference and Index of Parish Properties


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Ref: rs_llv_0030