
Digital Archive: Olchon Development Project - Rural Business Needs report




Olchon Development Project - Rural Business Needs report


This Report forms part of the material for the Olchon Development Project, whose brief was

“to create an information base and recommendations for the development of sustainable economic regeneration and landscape/ wildlife protection and enhancement in the Longtown Group of parishes comprising Craswall, Llanveynoe, Longtown with Clodock, and Walterstone”


The report addresses the local economy in the Longtown Group of parishes, investigates how aspects of public policy impact on this and makes recommendations for the future to the community and to public agencies.


The overall summary report for the Olchon Development Project  is available in our digital archive. An index and links to digital archive copies of the five more detailed reports and eight Appendices that underpin it can also be found there.




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Ref: rs_lon_0304