
Digital Archive: Craswall Grandmontine Society Website Archive - Further Reading; Additional Sources




Additional sources

There are a number of articles in the Transactions of the Woolhope Club (TWNFC, see link):

(1904) Field Meeting notes on ‘Ruins of Craswall Priory’, pp.  267-73; report of Lilwall’s account of excavations, including photographs by Alfred Watkins and Robert Clarke, pp. 346-7; stained glass from Craswall priory, presented to the Museum by Lilwall, p. 351

(1905) Lilwall’s account of 1904 excavation and George Marshall’s letter reported on p. 234. Mention is made of the apsidal east end, sedilia, piscina, aumbry, boss, Norman doorways, deeply-splayed windows and fragments of stained glass, decorated plaster, as well as the leaden box containing the bones of the left forearm and hand.

(1908) details of the 1908 visit, pp. 36-40; includes Watkins’ photographs of chapter-house

1915) Basil Stallybrass’s report to the Society for the Protection of Ancient Buildings on his 1913 visit, pp. 49-52.

(1918) Lilwall’s gift to the Club of ‘the relics, consisting of a leaden casket with bones of a woman, found among the excavations …, together with fragments of stained glass and other objects from the same source’, p. xxxii. The casket with bones was accessioned by the Museum in 1927: Acc. No. 501.

(1942) G. Marshall, ‘Craswall Priory and Bones of one of St Ursula’s 11,000 Virgins of Cologne’, pp.18-21, includes photographs of the bones before they were sent in 1966 to London University’s Institute of Archaeology for cleaning and repair (see below, 1966). However, the estimated date of 1046-1270 precludes St Ursula’s virgins martyred c400.

(1964) Cecil Wright’s Report of a field Study made in 1962, with photographs, pp.76-81

(1965) Report on a talk, ‘The Historical Significance of Craswall Priory’, by Rev Preb A. L. Moir, urging the importance of the site and the need for something to be done to prevent its continuing deterioration, pp.103-4.

(1966) I. W. Cornwall, ‘A Human Relic from Craswall Priory, Herefordshire’, pp.251-4, includes photographs of the arm bones ‘cleaned and mended as far as possible’.

(1998) In ‘Tufa Formation Today and in the Past Craswall Priory’ Beryl Harding discusses the origin of the tufa used at Craswall Priory, pp. 173-4.

(2014) Hillaby, Joe, ‘Craswall Priory and the de Lacy family, foundation and archaeological history’, pp. 29-73, includes 13 colour plates, 38 figs and 3 plans.

(2016) Freeman, John, ‘Charters of the de Lacy family in favour of Craswall Priory’, pp. 43-61; Hillaby, Joe, ‘Walter II de Lacy and the foundation of Craswall Priory: the historical contexts’, pp. 62-83.

In addition, the Woolhope Club Library holds (726.709):

(1904) Excavations at Craswall Priory. Photographs

(1955) ‘Craswall Priory’ – a manuscript of a paper on its history by E W Lovegrove.

(1962)  Craswall Priory field study by C F Wright: photographs and site plan.



(1910) C. J. Lilwall, Something about Craswall Priory near Hay

(1926) R. Graham & A. W. Clapham, ‘The order of Grandmont and its houses in England’ Archaeologia 75, pp. 159-246.

(1931) Royal Commission on Historical Monuments I, pp. 42-4.

(1991) C. Hutchison, ‘Two Grandmontine Priories: Pinel and Craswall’, Current Archaeology 126, pp. 274-9.

(2000/2013) Gilles Bresson, Monastères de Grandmont: Guide d’histoire et de visite


Herefordshire Archive and Record Centre (HARC)

Chief amongst HARC’s holdings are two boxes, catalogued by TNA as Headland Archaeology survey, in reality Ron Shoesmith’s City of Hereford Archaeological Unit files. They include bound reports by Cecil Wright (1962), Jeff Nicholls (1977-9) and Bob Tolley (1990); plans by Richard Kay (1960) and Wright; copies of articles by Graham and Clapham; notes regarding the clearance project (1985); the Winter 1986 edition of Rescue News by the British Archaeological Trust; a copy of the agreement with Mr & Mrs Richards (1989); notebooks including notes and sketches of loose stones in the cloister area (1994); plus notes on Grandmontine architecture, photocopies of articles, and various photographs.

Other files include:

AB61/12, ‘Notes on Craswall Priory and the Grandmontine Order’ by Prebendary AL Moir, 1972, evidently for a lecture.

BG17/10, a copy of Kay’s handwritten files, the originals held by the National Library of Wales; and CY25/2/4/2 a report by Kay.

CY25/2/4/3, Carole Hutchison’s notes on the Grandmontine Order, including a map and list of the best preserved sites, together with those of architectural interest only.

CH19/10, an A level archaeological project by Steffi Warner, 2007, ‘How effective an Archaeological assessment is it possible to make of the remains of Craswall Priory?’.       

M90/1, extracts from Hereford Journal, 16/6/09: ‘Observations at Craswall Priory’ by Sir Henry Howorth, President of the Archaeological Institute, who had joined the first visit to Craswall Priory in 1908 (see TWNFC (1908) pp41-9), plus letter by Lilwall.

PAM707, photocopy of printed article, ‘Craswall Priory, Herefordshire (Order of Grandmont)’, author, publication details and date not given.


Historic England at Swindon also holds a volume containing photographic, graphic, textual and miscellaneous material relating to Craswall Priory (BF038974), as well as various plans and sections. Contact historicengland.org.uk.


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