
Digital Archive: Craswall Grandmontine Society Website Archive - Further Reading




Further reading


The following sections are extracts from a short guide to Craswall Priory written in the late 1980s by one of the co-founders of the Craswall Grandmontine Society, the late Carole Hutchison.


The Order of Grandmont


Craswall Priory – historical outline


A few copies of Carole Hutchison’s standard book on the Grandmontine order, ‘The Hermit Monks of Grandmont’ (1989), are still available from the Society, at £10 plus p&p at cost – contact the Treasurer,  johnhg . shearman @btinternet.com (please remove the spaces to use).



An online digital version of the complete book is now available to read here, free of charge  

Note that scanning and conversion to web page format may have introduced some transcription and layout artefacts; if in doubt please refer to the original print version.



The print edition can be ordered through Norwich Books:


Norwich Books and Music 13A Hellesdon Park Road, Norwich, Norfolk NR6 5DR, UK

Phone: 01603 785925 Fax: 01603 785915


E-mail: orders@norwichbooksandmusic.co.uk


Web: https://litpress.hymnsam.co.uk


Also available (from Amazon) is G. Bresson, ‘Monasteres de Grandmont: Guide d’histoire et de visite’ (2000, 2nd ed. 2013)


You might also like to know that Hereford Cathedral Library now holds the following collection of Grandmontine related books donated by Christopher Armstrong, a former Vice-Chairman of the Society.

The Library would welcome researchers who might like to use this collection.  See ‘Visiting the library’ Hereford Cathedral for details of opening hours etc.


Gilles Bresson, Monasteres de Grandmont : Guide d’histoire et de visite (2000)


R.P. Jean Fouquet & Frere Philippe-Etienne, Histoire de l’Ordre de Grandmont, 1074-1772 (1985)


L’art grandmontain Zodiaque (1984)


Cahiers Grandmontains


Cahier no.1 – Aout 1990


Pascale GADE – La Meilleraie

Michel FOUGERAT – Les celles grandmontaines de Navarre


Cahier no.2 – Decembre 1990


Carole HUTCHISON -The hermit monks

Gérard JOHN – le prieure de la Carte

Michel FOUGERAT -Les celles des departements 02, 03, 10, 12, 16, 17 (prieures no.1 a 18)


Cahier no.3 – Mai 1991


Gilles BRESSON – La croix reliquaire d’Epoisses

Pascale GADE – Une charte de Richard Cœur de Lion

Michel FOUGERAT – Les celles des departements 18, 19, 21, 23, 24, 27, 28, 30 (prieures no.19 a 43)


Cahier no.4 – Aout 1991


Pere Jean BECQUET – Le premier siecle de Grandmont

Michel FOUGERAT – Les celles des departements 31, 32, 33, 34, 36, 37, 39, 41 (prieurs no. 44 a 66)


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