
Digital Archive: Craswall Grandmontine Society Website Archive - Reports





Aerial survey of site

In July 2020 Aerial-Cam Ltd carried out an aerial photogrammetry survey of Craswall Priory and surrounding land, commissioned by Craswall Grandmontine Society.

The survey recorded numerous features of probable archaeological interest, including possible building platforms, former land boundaries and hollow ways.

The detailed report of the survey can be found here

Arm Relic Osteological Report

In November 2021 Ossafreelance produced an Osteological analysis of the Craswall Arm Relic for the Craswall Grandmontine Society. Their report can be seen here

Arm Relic conservation report

In 2022 the Society funded a conservation survey of the arm relic.  The report of the expert conservation team can be seen here .

Geophysical Survey of site

In February 2024 TigerGeo Limited conducted a magnetic survey to prospect for buried

features of potential archaeological interest at the Grandmontine Priory of St Mary at Craswall, Herefordshire.

This report describes the work undertaken and presents the results of the survey with an interpretation informed by the best available information at the time of writing.

The detailed report of the survey can be found here


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Ref: cgs_cra_0017