
Digital Archive: Craswall Grandmontine Society Website Archive - Visiting Craswall




Visiting Craswall


Craswall Priory is open to the public by kind permission of the landowners, Mr & Mrs C Richards. Please let them know by phone (01981 510276) or email (richardsabbey@hotmail.com ) .


Map   Crown Copyright: Ordnance Survey


Turn at the sign to Abbey Farm.  Go down to the bottom of the steep track and a short way up the other side.  You may park either on the hard standing on the right-hand side of the track next to the site itself, opposite the barns, or further up the track near to the gate.  Please note that parking is only available while visiting the site of the priory.

NB this is not an English Heritage site!  It is rough and may be muddy – appropriate footwear recommended.

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Ref: cgs_cra_0008