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National Library of Wales




Photocopy of original document


Probate Collection; The will and documents for Philip David, yeoman




Will dated 9 May1713

Beneficiaries: Elizabeth, wife, one yoke of oxen and a cow, plus all goods, cattle and chattels for her lifetime or as long as she remains a widow.
On wife's death or remarriage all, except the oxen and cow to two eldest sons, Phillip and David on condition they pay out bequests.
To Thomas, son, £25 plus a couple of best bullocks , a cow, a two year old colt, and two ewes plus the 'liberty to make one wayn, one car, one yoke'. Also one bed and an iron pot.
[Thereafter the bequests of money to daughters and grandchildren are ambiguous and difficult to un-entangle]
To granddaughter Elizabeth Watkins, one two year old heifer, two ewes and two lambs, one bed, coverlet, blanket and two sheets.
To granddaughter Anne Watkins, one old brass pot, one bed one couple of ewes and lambs.

Elizabeth , wife.

Marked by testator.

Witnesses: Mary Gwyn, Walter Price & Samuell Rawlins.
Date of Probate:
23 October 1718

Inventory: [plus copy] Dated 16 January1716 value £147 10 0d, Appraisers Richard Jenkins, Walter Jenkins & Joseph Symonds.




This will is not in good condition wth holes and ink blots that make it quite difficult to read not to mention the difficulty of understanding the testator's intentions over the monetary bequests to his daughters and grandchildren. 3 sheets in all.

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Ref: ldhsarchive_mfs_row_0354