Held at:

National Library of Wales




Photocopy of original documents


Probate collection: Will and documents for Rachel Jones

Place name:

Clodock, Longtown




1. Will dated 12 March 1804 with mark:

Beneficiaries: To Philip Jones, nephew, of the Merdee, Penhee [?Penthee] on
Lower Mesecod [Mescoed].
To William Thomas, servant, 'All my other leasehold cottages ..... situate on
Lower Mesecod '.
To Thomas Jones son of James Jones late of the Merdee £5.
To Elizabeth Jones daughter of Philip Jones of the Merdee £5.
To Elizabeth Jones daughter of John Jones of Cwm bullog £5.
To Mary Jones, servant, wife of John Jones, labourer, of
Lower Mesecode [sic] £5.
To Catherine Jones, wife of Thomas Jones of Trevenbach, parish of Dulas £5.
To John Thomas of
Lower Mesecode , shoemaker £4.
To Mary Phillips wife of Evan Phillips, labourer, of
Lower Mesecod £5.
To Mary Davis daughter of William Davis 'the sum of ten pounds being a legacy left her by my late husband Phillip Jones in his will'.
Residual beneficiary William Thomas 'my servant'.

Executor: William Thomas.

Witnesses: John Parry, Thomas Williams & W Marsh.

Marked by testator

Date of Probate:
24 October 1805

2. Inventory: [plus copy] dated
26 September 1805 , value £383 7 0d. Appraisers W Marsh & Samuel Thomas.




Docs include separate Registration Instruction and a cover sheet. 5 items in total.
Inventories provide a room by room list in the house and building by building list outside.

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Ref: ldhsarchive_mfs_lon_0151