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Private Collection




Original Document [photocopy]


Conveyance: Clodock Mill

Place name:





Conveyance of Clodock Mill and lands in the township of Longtown in the parish of Clodock, County of Hereford, dated 9th August 1851, made between Thomas Griffiths late of Longtown but now of the hamlet of Bwlch Trewyn in the parish of Cwmyoy, Miller, Walter Harris of Longtown, Miller, and James Gilbert Price of Abergavenny, Gentleman. The conveyance refers to an indenture of release of 1st May 1844 between Walter Lewis, William Lewis, Thomas Griffiths and Philip Price, and to an indenture of the 13th [?July] 1848 between John Rogers, Aaron Rogers, Thomas Griffiths and Philip Price. Thomas Griffiths has agreed with Walter Harris for the sale to him of the messuage Mill Land pieces of land and hereditaments described for £760 paid by Walter Harris.

The property is described as all that messuage or tenement wherein James Powell did formerly dwell afterwards in the occupation of Francis Ballard afterwards of Henry Williams late of Anthony Harris as tenant to the said Thomas Griffiths and now of the said Walter Harris, together with the stable and water corn mill called Clodock Mill and one parcel of meadow ground adjoining and two parcels of Orchard adjoining and one parcel of arable land adjoining and the garden adjoining all containing four acres two roods and thirty perches. Also three closes of meadow and pasture land known by the name of Button’s [?Bulton’s] Land (formerly consisting of three closes of Meadow and pasture land and one close of arable land) of which two closes are on the east side of the Road from Longtown to Walterstone abutting to lands late of William Lewis, deceased, and now or late of John Lewis and to lands now or late of John Lucy Scudamore Esquire formerly in the possession of David Watkins and now of Samuel Griffiths as tenant, and the other close of  meadow ground called Gworlod Dis Law yr heol is situate on the west side of the same road mereing and abutting to lands late of Sarah Davies widow and now of John Edwards and to lands formerly of David Prosser deceased afterwards of his widow late of Edwin Prosser and now of James Price, all of which are in the township of Longtown and were for many years in the occupation of Thomas Gains deceased as tenant to James George and were afterwards in the tenure of Mary Gains widow as tenant to Richard Ricketts and Henry Ricketts subsequently of John Rogers deceased afterwards of John Lewis late of Thomas Griffiths and now of John Lewis as tenant of Walter Harris.

Provision is made that in the event of determination of the estate of Walter Harris during his lifetime the property shall be for the use of James Gilbert Price [presumably as part of a mortgage arrangement, though this is not specifically referred to].

A receipt signed by Thomas Griffiths for £760 from Walter Harris is attached



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Ref: rs_clo_0027