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Probate Collection; The Will for Elizabeth Monkley

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1. Will dated 7 May 1855.
To Thomas Lewis, £10, a feather bed with clothes and bed-frame, and a linen wheel to be given to him when he reaches 21.
To granddaughter, Sarah, wife of John Williams, £5.
To grandsons, Thomas and David, 'sons of my late son Thomas Monkley', £10 each when they reach 21. The £20 to be invested in the meantime by the executors and the interest added to their separate legacies. Should one or other die before he is 21 and leaves no issue then the survivor inherits both legacies.
If any money left after payment of these legacies the:
£5 to 2 granddaughters, daughters of Sarah Robert to be shared equally between them.
Any residue to be given to son, William Monkley.
All legatees over 21 to have their legacies within 12 months of the testator's death.
Executors to sell at Auction all household goods and chattels, except those bequeathed, to provide funds for the legacies.

Executors: nephew, William Farr of Tyr Craddock, Michaelchurch Escley, farmer and
Edward Farr of Llancillow Court, Llancillow, farmer.

Marked by testator.
Witnesses: John Williams, Maescoed and Ann Price, Sunny Bank.

Date of Probate:
7 April 1856 .




As this is taken from a copy of the will deposited at the Prerogative Court of Canterbury there are no supporting documents.
A long will written in rather small handwriting.

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Ref: ldhsarchive_mfs_clo_1050