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National Library of Wales




Photocopy of original documents


Probate Collection; Will and documents for Blanch Roberts, widow

Place name:





1. Will
[2pages] dated
16 April 1741 .
Beneficiaries: To grandson, James Roberts, one furnace, one cabinet, one brass pan, one trunk, one 'chest under the drawer', one feather bed, one bedstead which are in the parlour two hogsheads, one great pewter dish and two other pewter dishes and a table in the parlour
To grandson, William Roberts, one chest one bed with the appurtenances which are in the dark chamber one desk and two of the biggest pewter dishes.
To granddaughter, Blanch Roberts, all the household goods in the fur house.
To granddaughter, Mary Roberts, all the rest of the household goods, cattle and implements of husbandry etc.  
Executrix: granddaughter, Mary Roberts.

Marked by testator.

Witnesses: John Symonds, James Morgan and Thomas Powell.

Date of probate:
18 May 1743

2. Inventory:   [plus copy] dated
9 May 1743 , value £58 18 6d. Appraisers Thomas Powell and Cecill Powell.


The Fur house is mentioned in both the will and the inventory. Could this be the name given to a shed to keep furze in? Dry furze was after all essential for heating the oven for baking. The 'chest under the drawer' is curious too, a chest of drawers perhaps?   Includes 2 coversheets; 6 sheets in all.

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Ref: ldhsarchive_pfs_clo_0459