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National Library of Wales




Photocopy of original documents


Probate Collection; Will and documents for George Parry, yeoman

Place name:





1. Will
[2 pages] dated 4 February 1707
Beneficiaries: To servant, John Gilbert, 5/-
To Esther Mapp, granddaughter, the second best feather bed, bolster, blanket, coverlet and a standing wainscot bedstead and the biggest cauldron
To Mary Hunt,
granddaughter, the biggest brass pan.
To Susan Parry,
granddaughter, the biggest brass pot.
To Anne, daughter of eldest son, John Parry, a little brass pan
To Martha Parry, granddaughter, 2 yearling sheep and the second best pewter dish.
To Anne Mapp, granddaughter, one little brass pot, one ordinary feather bed and bolster with an ordinary coverlet and blanket and a pair of course sheets.
To Katherine Mapp,
granddaughter, 2 yearling sheep and a pair of flaxen sheets.
To Mary, Dorothy and Bridgit Mapp, granddaughters, 2 ewes each
To David Gundy, grandson, £5 towards placing him in an apprenticeship of 'some handy craft or trade'.
To Syble Gundy,
granddaughter, 20/-
To John Gundy, grandson, 2 of the best and largest sheep.
To Katherine Gundy,
granddaughter, 5/-
To Elizabeth, daughter of son James Parry, the best chest.
To Anne, daughter of son James Parry, 5/-
To Malachy Jones 10/-
To Thomas Prichard and David Perrot 10/- towards the 'reparacon of the meeting house in Longtown.
To wife Judith, the best bed, bolster and appurtenance for her lifetime
The remainder of his goods, cattle and chattels to be used for the payment of debts and funeral expenses. If any residue then it with £12 held by son James Parry to go to wife Judith

Executor: eldest son John Parry with Thomas Price and Thomas Rogers as trustees and

Signed by testator.

Witnesses: William [undecipherable], George[?] Parry, Samuel Jenkins. Thomas Price and James Parry.

Date of Probate:
3 February 1708 .

2. Inventory: dated
16 February 1707 , value £45 2 5d. Appraisers William Exton, John Price and James Watkins.




Documents include a separate registration instruction and a coversheet; 5 sheets in all.

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Ref: ldhsarchive_pfs_clo_0387