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National Library of Wales




Original documents


Probate Collection; Will and documents for James John Nicholas, yeoman

Place name:





1. Will
2 May 1630 .
To the cathedral church of St Davids, 6d
To his 4 children, £12 to be distributed between them equally, the money being in the hands of Thomas Phillipp Scudamore.
To the children, £13 10 to be distributed likewise, but in the hands of William John Nicholas. Similarly the sum of £4 10 plus the interest which is in the hands of Thomas Prichard and Howell Thomas Powell. Also £2 in the hands of Griffith Wm Watkin and all other sums of money due by bond, bill or otherwise. To be paid to the children on their reaching 21.
All cattle and household stuff to the children to be divided equally between them
To daughter Ann, all the corn growing in the parish of
Old Castle .
'...all my part of the oats nowe growing one the lande of Mary Winston wydow', to son , David and to Nathaniell Phillipp, 'my nowe servant' between them equally.

Executors: David Phillip D[avi]d and Nicholas John Nicholas.

Marked by the testator.

Witnesses: John George, James Probert, John Phillip D[avi]d, John James, Nathaniell Phillipp, Hugh Gervas.

Date of Probate: 27 May 1630.

2. Inventory:     nd; value at £64 5 0d but comes to £62  15  0d . Assessors:
Griffith Wm Watkin, John Price, Nathaniell Phillipp.




It is clear from the mention of Oldcastle and Mary Winston (the Winstons lived at Trewin, a mansion just beyond the boundary of Oldcastle) that the testator lived on the southern edge of the parish of Clodock on the border with Monmouthshire
There is a bond dated 22 May 1630 with bounden David Phillipp D[avi]d of Oldcastle County Monmouth, yeoman and Nicholas John Nicholas of the same, yeoman in a surety
of £200[?].
His inventory is reproduce below  with modern spelling:
                                                                                                                                              £      s      d
Imprimis in ready money                                                                xxxviijli                   38
2 oxen                                                                                                iiijli                            4
6 kine                                                                                                  xijli                         12
2 heifers of 2 yrs old                                                                                 xs                              10
2 colts of 1 yr old                                                                                        xxs                    1
one horse                                                                                               xxxiijs    4d             1     13    4
20 sheep and 6 lambs                                                                     iijli    vjs    viijd          3      6     8
All remainder of household stuff                                                      ijli                            2         
All implements of husbandry                                                                       vs                            5                   
                                                                                                       [but comes to    £62     15s]
                                                            Summa total                          lxiiijli     vs [£63  5   0d]

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Ref: ldhsarchive_mfs_clo_1121