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National Library of Wales




Original documents


Probate Collection; Will and documents for Johan, base daughter of Lewis Rice [als Rees]

Place name:





] dated
17 July 1620 .
To Lewis Owen [missing, torn], brother, son to Owen Rees, 40/- and to David Owen, 'son of Owen my brother', 40/- to be paid to them on their reaching 21. 'This money to remain in the hands of Thomas Watkins who is 'to see the Rente of this money to be put about them both in clotheres till such time is they shall accomplish the aige of xxi years'
To sister, Anne, 10/-.
To [undecipherable], Blanche, 20/-.
To Elizabeth William and Elizabeth, her daughter, 4/-.
To Catherine Thomas younger and Margaret Thomas younger, 12 pence a piece.
To Jay , mother. Jayne Watkin , one featherbed, five sheets, one coverlid one blanket.
To Thomas Watkins, one coffer.
To 'my mother all my stuff'.
To mother, 20/- .
  To Sible Watkins , 'all my bees'.

  Executors: Thomas Watkins.
Marked by testator.

Witnesses: Owen Price, Thomas Watkins, Johan vergh Phe [Phillip] Parry, Blanche Griffite.
Probate date: 28 9ber[November] 1620.

2. Inventory:   dated xx [torn 20?th ] July 1620; value £7 4 8d. Assessors:  J[torn] ? Thomas Powell, ?[torn] Thomas gent. 




The documents comprise an inventory as under, an admon in Latin with probate date and a cover sheet on which there appears to be an accounting of some sort but which does not seem to be connected to this deceased.

Her Inventory  ( the top right hand corner is torn off and missing thus the full detail of the assessors is unclear) is reproduced with modern spelling.
                                                                                                                               £      s      d
Inprimis one feather bed, five sheets ,
     one blanket and coverlet    prised to                                    xvjs    viijd               16      8        
Item all her stuff prised to                                                           vjs                             6
Item one bond one Constance Watkins vrh
of vjli                                                                                            vjli                        6
Item her apparel prised to                                                           ijs                              2
                                                                                                            come to  £7       3      8d             

            Summa totalis        vijli    iiijs     viijd   

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Ref: ldhsarchive_mfs_clo_1105