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National Library of Wales




Original documents


Probate Collection; Will and documents for John Button

Place name:





1. Will
22 May 1630 .
To the cathedral church of St Davids, 7d
To Oliffe Button, wife, 4 milch kine, a black mare, 8 ewes and all the rest of his goods chattels and cattle.

Executrix: Oliffe Button, wife.

Marked by the testator.

Witnesses: James Lucas, Alec[
Alice ?] Scudamor, John Gwynn.

Date of Probate:
26 January 1630 .

2. Inventory:     dated
22 January 1631 ; value £75 10 4d. Assessors: John William, John Jenyinge, David Thomas, Wm Madocke.




It seems two different calendars are being used; the authorities using the old Julian calendar for the date of probate whilst the inventory assessors have used the modern Gregorian calendar for dating the inventory.
The inventory is damaged down the right hand side of the page thus some figures are missing

His inventory is reproduce below with modern spelling:
                                                                                                                                   £       s     d
4 kine price 30s apiece                                                                     vjli                  5
one 2 yr old heifer                                                                                      xxs          1
one mare                                                                                                    xxxs         1    10 
Eleven sheep at 2/- apiece                                                                     xxijs         1       2 
2 shutlings [young pigs?]                                                                          ijs                   2
Brass and pewter                                                                                      xxs           1
2 beds with their furniture                                                                          xxs           1
Household stuff & implements of household                                       xs                  10
by bond due upon Harry Eustance                                               viijli      xvjs    4d   8   16    4 
By bond due upon Thomas Wm Watkin.                             missing
By bond due upon Thomas Jenkins                                    missing
By bond due upon Richard Scudamore                             missing
By bond due upon David Thomas Wm Madocke                          xli                  10
One acre of corn in the ground                                                                 xs                  10
[In a different hand and obviously added later]
Item money upon land for a year                                                     iijli                   3
                                                             [total of the figures available                   £33     10     4d]

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Ref: ldhsarchive_mfs_clo_1123