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National Library of Wales




Photocopy of original documents


Probate Collection; Will and documents for John Cook

Place name:





1. Nuncupative Will
13 November 1625 .
To brother, William, his best horse, his red saddle and bridle and a cloak. One chest and all implements 'belonging to his oxen'
To wife, Catherine, all the household stuff.
To sister, Alce [Alice] one two year old heifer.
To Anne, his wife's sister, one yearling heifer and 2 sheep.
To reputed son, Thomas, 2 oxen and 4 bushels of rye.
Elizabeth Clement, £5.
The testator confessed to be indebted to Thomas Harper's kinswoman in the sum of £3, to Mr Robert Parry of Dulas, £4 10s, to Mr Lewis Gilbert £3 10s, to Phillip Watkin in the sum of 42/- and to Elizabeth Clement, £12.
Lastly everything else was to be divided between his wife and his brother William Cook once his debts and funeral expenses had been settled.

Executor: none appointed.

Marked by testator

Witnesses p[re]sent at the publishing and declaring hereof Catherine Cook, William Cook, Richard Cook, Robert Gwillim, Edward ap David, John William, [missing name] George, and Elizabeth Clements with many others.

Date of Probate:
2 December 1625

2. Inventory: dated
20 November 1625 ; value £37 3 10d. Assessors: Robet Gwyllim, Thomas Prichard, George Sare, Griffith Harry.



Observations :

There are 2 copies of the will in this set of documents. One seems rather untidy and was probably written at the time of dictation whilst the other is more tidily written and better set out. Neither is an exact copy of the other. The first one seems to have been used by someone at a later date for jotting down a series of numbers in a clear space at the bottom right hand corner of the sheet, the sheet having been inverted. These numbers in Arabic numerals and in a different hand have no relation to anything in the will or the inventory where roman numerals are used throughout.
There is a bond dated
2 December 1625 with bounden, Catherine Cooke of Clodock widow and George Sare of Dore, yeoman in a surety of £100.

His inventory is reproduce below with modern spelling
                                   Inventory                                                                         £        s        d
Imprimis his wearing apparel vjs viijd                                                                    6        8                           
A fetherbed & a flockbed wth coverings xxvjs viijd                                        1       6        8
A brass pott & ij panes a posnett xs                                                                     10
ij paire od sheets pillowbeers ij tablecloths xijs iiijd                                         12        4 
Vats stonds payles & other trind vessels
Tables formes stooles all treed vs                                                                         5
v pewter platters sault sellers candlestick iijs iiijd ijs vjd                                     2        6
a spit & cobbards a gred[grid] iron
ij p[ai]r of pothooks & hucke & brandiron ijs                                                          2
at his mothers ij cubboords ij littlr tables
A little cheeste [chest] a bedstead xs                                                                   10
An axe hattchett a mattocke Awgo
a hedgbylle a shovel & other like tools
[undecipherable] bill ijs                                                                                             2
5 geese hens & other poltry vs                                                                                2
xvj All the oxen and swine pyggs xxxiiij s iiijd                                              1       10      4
plowes yoakes & other implements for husbandry iijs iiijd                                3      4
ij goates iiijs                                                                                                                4
xlij sheepe xli                                                                                                10
ij oxen vjli                                                                                                         6
ij horses and a saddle & a packsaddle iijli vj vjs viiid                               3
nyne Kyne at xxvjs viijd a yere xijli                                                               12
iiij yearlings xls                                                                                                            2
iij[?] calf xxvjs viijd                                                                                             1       6       8
corne in the barne of all sorts iiijli xs                                                           4     10

xxxviijli iiijs xd

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Ref: ldhsarchive_mfs_clo_1112