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National Library of Wales




Photocopy of original documents


Probate Collection; Will and documents for Lewis John Thomas William, yeoman

Place name:





1. Will
[2 pages] dated
6 March 1647 .
Beneficiaries: To Anne, his wife, the moiety of the messuage and lands in Clodock which he had purchased of Mary Symonds, widow and Richard her son. He names a certain lease bearing date 'the 20th April the 23rd year of our late sovereign lady Eliz: late queene of
England made by David Thoms, gent….unto one Maddocke David ap Prosser now in the possession of Lewis John Thomas William'. On the death of his wife the property is to go to his eldest son John Lewis for the unexpired term of the lease.
His son John is to pay £60 in the following manner:
To his daughter,
Elizabeth , £50. to his sons, David and Hugh, £10 to be equally divided between them.
Various contingencies are mentioned . His wife is also left a cottage and 2 acres welsh measure in Llanveynoe purchased by the testator form Lewis Harry. When she dies the cottage is to go to David and Hugh until their £5 each is paid after which it goes to son, Thomas
£10 more to daughter, Elizabeth, and various items are bequeathed to his sons.
To Brigett Lewis 'my reputed daughter', 2 lambs and to his servant maid , Elizabeth Turner, one lamb.
His wife to be residual legatee and after her death the residue of his estate to be divided amongst his four youngest children.

Executrix: wife, Anne.

Witnesses: Thomas Tranter[?], Symon Johns[?]Thomas Prees Phillipp and Walter Prees

Date of probate:
7 February 1665 .

2. Inventory: dated
10 January 1665 , value £21 13 0d. Appraisers John Charls, Thopmas Lewis and David Thomas.




Documents include a bond with bounden Hugh Lewis and Thomas Tranter both of Clodock bound in the sum of £50 and Hugh Lewis named as administrator. There is also a letter from John Delahay [vicar of Clodock] to a Mr Charles Roberts of Brecon excusing Anne the widow, 'not being able to travel by reason of sickness and old age' from coming to prove her husband's will. She has sent her son Hugh instead. The vicar asks his friend, 'to deal favourably with him in matter of fees'. There is also a coversheet and a cover for the letter from John Delahay; 7 sheets in all.

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Ref: ldhsarchive_pfs_clo_0555