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National Library of Wales




Original documents


Probate Collection; Will and documents for Margaret Prosser

Place name:





] dated
10 July 1632 .
To Mauld, young child, reputed daughter of Howell Prichard, my great Brassen pot, one cupboard [?], 'my great brass pan 8 pewter dishes of the best my best feather bed', two bolsters, 2 caussen[cushions?] candlesticks, one pewter pot, one salt cellar, 4 coffers, one iron broch, 2 andirons, one cobbard, 2 table boards, 3 [undecipherable], one vat, 2 [undecipherable], 2 [undecipherable], one bedstead, one chaffron [chaffing?] dish, one basin, one frying pan and one Rugh [Rug].

To daughter, Blanch, she is to have 'the use and canodition [consideration?] of her bequeathage' the rest of her natural life and after it is to go to Mauld.

To Jayne, grandchild, the reputed daughter of Howell Prichard, one brassen pot, and kettle, 7 pewter dishes, the least frying pan, one f[l]ockbed, 2 bolsters, one coverlid, one Roodngan [?], 2 pewter candlesticks, one towel, 2 pewter pots and the two least coffers

'I give the Hall and the next chamber unto the said Mauld for ever and the rest of the house to the said Jayne for ever.

Blanch, daughter is is to have the rest of my bequeathage for her lifetime and after it is to go to 'my Janes grandchildren'.

To Elizabeth Howell, 2 pair of candlesticks and a bolster.

Executors: none appointed..

No sign or mark by testator.

Witnesses: none listed.

Probate date:
25 September 1632 .

2. Inventory: nd; valued at £4 2s 0d [but comes to £3 19s]. Assessors Phe[Phillip] Howell, Phe Rees, Wm Gilbard
Phabian Phillips.




The will is very poorly written, probably by the woman herself. It seems to contradict itself with daughter, Blanch not being included as a beneficiary although there is some suggestion she might be a residual legatee. However her legacy seems to be promised to both Maud and Jane's grandchildren on Blanch's death. However there is an endorsement on the inventory that seems to indicate that the authorities were aware of the problems with the will.
There is a bond dated
25 September 1632 with bounden Howell Prichard of Clodock, yeoman and Howell Probert of the same yeoman with no surety.

The inventory is reproduced below with modern spelling .

                                                                                                                        £     s       d
Inprimis 18 pewter dishes and
4 pewter pots one basin                                                     xviijs                        18
All the brass ware                                                                   xiijs viijd                 13      8
all the coffers and cupboard with the cloth                          ixs                           9
All the bedding as coverlids and rugs                                 xxs                 1
ll the table boards with frames belonging thereto             iijs                           3
All wooden ware                                                                       iijs 4d                      3      4
all the iron ware                                                                       iiijs                            4
4 candlesticks                                                                            ijs                           2
for wearing apparel                                                                  vjs                           6
                                                                                                 [but comes to £3   19     0d]
                                                                                         Total 4li ijs   

Endorsed: ' Howell Prichard ye father of the children to whom these goods are bequested and who doth take out the will in administration for ye use of the children.'

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Ref: ldhsarchive_mfs_clo_1131