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National Library of Wales




Photocopy of original documents


Probate Collection; Will and documents for Mary Davies, widow of Hunthouse

Place name:





1. Will
[4 pages] dated
18 June 179 ?.
Benificiaries: To daughters, Elizabeth Edwards wife of John Edwards and Mary Edwards, wife of James Edwards, £100 in trust to be invested and administered by their husbands for son Richard who is to be paid interest half yearly whilst he remains unmarried, but can have the capital amount if he marries.
To son, Thomas, the feather bed, bedstead and bedclothes 'whereon I lye' also a clock and case, dresser and cider mill.
Both sons are requested to accept what has been given them and deliver releases to the executrices of all claims on the personal estate of the testator's late husband. Failure to provide such release by either son will result in the revocation of his legacy.
To John, James, Thomas and Joseph, sons of daughter, Elizabeth, and the three children of daughter Mary, John, Ann and Mary, £10 each
To daughter Elizabeth, in trust £10, to be used at her discretion for the upbringing of the reputed son of grandson, William.
To each of the granddaughters, Ann and Mary, a feather bed, bolster, bedclothes, bedstead and appurtenances.
£3 to be distributed to the poor on the day of her burial. Plus a wish to be buried 'in the grave of my daughter Ann .
£10 to be laid out for mourning and funeral expenses.
All the rest of her personal estate to be shared between daughters, Elizabeth and Mary.

Executrices: daughters Elizabeth and Mary Edwards

Signed by Testator

Witnesses: John Prichard, servant to Mrs Davies & Thomas Jones, attorney, Abergavenny

Date of Probate:
5 August 1794 .

2. Inventory: [plus copy] dated
20 February 1793 , value £477 9 9d. Appraisers John Harries and William Harrey




The provisions in the will for the sons to provide releases from claims on her late husband's estate would seem to indicate some bad feeling in the family. It is also noticeable that grandson, William, who has fathered a reputed son has not received the £10 all the other grandchildren were left. The documents include a coversheet. 7 sheets in all.

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Ref: ldhsarchive_pfs_clo_0346