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National Library of Wales




Original documents


Probate Collection; Will and documents for Phe [hole in document] Parry, yeoman

Place name:





] undated .
' My bodie to be buried in the parish
church of Michaelchurch Eskley '.
Beneficiaries: To the Cathedral
church of St Davids , 6d.
To the parish
church of Michaelchurch Eskley , 12d.
To Rees Phe [Phillip] Parry, oldest son, all testator's freehold, copyhold and leasehold lands with their appurtenances in the parish of Clodock.
To wife, Margaret, the moiety of one half of all his freehold, leasehold and copyhold lands and the moiety of one half of all the testator's house, barns and buildings during her lifetime , if she remains a widow and does not remarry. Should 'my wife shall happen to mach herself and marry' she is to immediately yield up her legacy to son Rees Phe Parry.
To Rees Phe, '[?]etort pan, coubords [cupboards] and all burdes [boards i.e table boards]
benches and forms'. Also bullocks of 3 years old.
To wife, Margaret, 3 kine and two oxen.
To second son, Harry Phe, £20, 'my biggest brazen pott' and four sheep.
To William Phe, third son, £20, second brass pot, one cow  and a 2 year old heifer.
To James Phe, fourth son, £20, 'my leaster brazen pott', one cow and a one year old bullock and 5 sheep.
To Richard Phe, fifth son.£20, one cow and young bullock and calf  and one old brass pan.
To Jouhan Phe, daughter, £20, a cow and a 2 year old heifer, two 2 year old bullocks, 2 calves, 6 sheep a suckling calf, the new pan, 4 pewter platters, 'my best bedd and bedstead with their appurtenances' viz 1 blanket, a pair of canvas sheets and a pair of fine sheets.
To wife, Margaret, one bed 'next the best' , with the appurtenances, a one year old heifer, a mare and 6 sheep, 4 pewter platters and one new coffer.
To son, Harry, a two year old colt.
To his 4 younger sons, one bed and its appurtenances between them.

His wife is to have the income from all his lands for five years for the maintenance and up bringing of his children. If any of the children leave home to go into service or to some craft then wife is to provide them with their legacy. The lands excepted.
Rees and the wife are to retain half of the income for the care and maintenance of the children and the other half they are to invest to provide the portions and legacies for the others.
Son Rees Phe Parry is to pay £40 to be divided equally between his brothers Harry, James, William and Richard on the feast of the [undecipherable] of our blessed lady the Virgin in the year 1610.
The four younger sons are to receive £40 from 'all my lands which are in the hand of James Harry of Michaelchurch for part of their portion'.
To wife and children and equal distribution of all the unbequeathed residue of goods, catlle and household stuff.

Executor: Rees Phe Parry with overseers Jenkin Harry and Harry William Prys[Price?]

No indication whether signed or marked by testator.

Witnesses: Harry William Prys, [?] Phillipp, Jenkin Harry, Harry Rees llws [Lewis] John Harry W[illia]m Prys, Watkin Johent
Probate date: nd

2. Inventory: none surviving




Although there is neither a will date nor a date for grant of probate, there is with the will a deposition, in Latin, which is dated 9 October 1605 .
In addition the will lists the testator's creditors and debtors:
Layson Thomas                                 £14
Thomas Lanne                                     £5 16 8d
William Price                                         £3   6 8d
Charles Mychell                                         33/-
Thomas Weston                                        20/-
Rowland Powell                                  £6  3 4d
Thomas John llws                              £3  8 0d
Watkin  llws                                                8/-
Debts due upon the cost.
to Deson Rees                                  £1 4 8d
William Parry, gent                                31/-

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Ref: ldhsarchive_mfs_clo_1100