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National Library of Wales




Original documents


Probate Collection; Will and documents for Thomas Prichard of the Brynn

Place name:





] dated
22 October 1632 .
To daughter, Rachel Prichard, all that messuage tenement and land called Swinyard in Clodock, her heirs and assigns. If she has no legitimate children then on her death the bequest is to pass to the testator's brother, James Prichard on condition that James pays £9 to niece Elizabeth Watkins, daughter of sister Ann Watkins; £5 to John Watkins and Blanch Watkins; to sister, Jane's children, 40/- to be shared equally and 40/- to brother Thomas' children [no names]
Sister, Ann Watkins, appointed tutor and guardian of daughter Rachel during her minority. If Ann dies than brother James appointed to take over.
To Brother, James Prichard and Brother in law, William Watkins, all cattle, chattels and household stuff to be sold to pay debts and rent on the land and to provide Ann with a yearly allowance of £5 for the bringing up of Rachel. If this sale is insufficient then any balance is to come out of the land.
To son, Walter Prichard, 40/-, 'to help to sett him att apprentice'
To 'my two reputed daughters, 20/- between them. 

Executors: none appointed..
Signed by testator.

Witnesses: John Gwynn, David Thomas, James Watkins, Thomas Watkins
Probate date:
15 January 1632 .
2. Inventory:   dated
22 October 1632 ; value £76  8 5d. Assessors: Samuel Watkin
Phe [Phillip] Watkin, Thomas Prichard, Thomas Prichard [again], Mathewe Morgan, David Thomas Wm Madock, John David. 




The documents contain a bond dated 5 January 1632 with bounden: John Mansey of Maiden Bradley, Wiltshire gent and George Powell of Clodock, gent in a surety of £200.

The inventory is reproduced below with modern spelling.

                                                Inventory                                                                              £      s      d
Inprimis  one oxen                                                                             ijli                             2
Item 12 cows with the hay and fodder                                             xxviijli                  28
Item one mare, two horses and a colt                                             vj
li   xiijs    viijd        6    13     4 
Item two young cows more the one hired to
John Watkin and the other hired to Thomas Prichard                   iij
li                         3
Item two heifers of three years old  in May next                                         xls                2
Item seven pigs                                                                                             xxvijs              1      7
Item four goats and a buck goat & four sheep                                           xls               2
Item of geese and poultry                                                                             ijs      viijd               2     8
Item 2
acres of barley at Cwm Dulas
  & 13 acres of oats there                                                                  vjli                             5
Item 12 acres of muncorn and wheat                                              vjli                            6
Item one acre of Barley                                                                                xs                           10
Item 12 acres of Oats all at the Brynn                                             4li                             4
Item two featherbeds                                                                                    xxvjs     viijd      1      6     8
Item 2 bedsteads                                                                                          xvs                         15
Item one bolster and one bolster new tick                                                xs                          10
Item one coverlet one blanket & one Threckome cloth                             xvs                      15
Item 3 pillows                                                                                                    xs                         10
Item one cupboard                                                                                        xijs                         12
Item 2 brass kettles                                                                                       xs                          10
Item 3 pewter candlestick
Item one brass pott and one 'treed' posnet                                             viijs                           8
Item one old Pate[? Butter pats] 3 tubs and 3 barrels                               xxs                
Item one trunk one chest and one tableboard                                            xs                         10
Item one chair and 3 pails one churn                                                          iiijs                         4
Item three Trind one Trunk[?] a little picket                                                 iiijs                         4
Item one pair of Andirons one brandiron & tongs                                             xviijd               1     6
Item one Broch & a pair of Cobbards                                                         ijs                             2
Item one needle                                                                                                         xd                        10
Item one basin and Ewer                                                                             vs                              5
Item three pewter dishes one salt celler                                                    
  two broth or countafet [?] dishes & 4 spoons                                          viijs                          8
Item six stand pillowbeers                                                                           vijs                            7
Item 15 table napkins                                                                                   vijs         vjd               7     6
Item one old worn towel                                                                                            iiijd                      4
Item two table cloths                                                                                    iiijs                             4 
Item Cupboard and clothes                                                                        iiijs                             4
Item three flaxen sheets                                                                                xs                            10
Item 8 coarse sheets                                                                                    xijs                           12
Item two linen Aprons & a yeard Caricho [yard of Calico?]                      iijs                            3
Item two old sacks and a bag                                                                      iijs                             3
Item two wheels                                                                                             ijs                               2
Item three cross bands                                                                                 viijs                           8
Item flaxen and hempen yearn in
striped and cottens                           } xix wayli [19lbs ?]                             xvjs                         16
Item 3 Gownes                                                                                              xxxs                    1    10
Item 4 cheesvats                                                                                                       xijd                        7
Item 2 Jugs and three dozen of trenchers                                                   iijs                            3
Item wool                        &

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Ref: ldhsarchive_mfs_clo_1130