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Probate Collection; Will for David Gwillim the older of The Hunthouse

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1. Will dated 2 April 1829 .
To Sarah Gwillim, widow of son Thomas, all leasehold premises held from the Earl of Abergavenny in the parish of Walterstone and all other messuages etc. whatsoever wheresoever situated for her lifetime or until her remarriage. On her death or remarriage the estate to pass to her son John when he reaches 21. Should John die before that then to his brother David.
To his son John the land tax purchased by the testator and charged on certain lands and premises in Ewyas Harold held by him under the Earl of Abergavenny.
To son, John and son in law James Davies, £200 in trust to be invested for the benefit of Sarah Gwillim (widow of son, Thomas) who is to have the interest. On her death or remarriage the money to be divided between her 6 children, Elizabeth, David, James, Sarah, William and Phillip when the youngest attains the age of 21. Until that time the interest to be applied to the benefit of the children.
To wife,
Elizabeth , 'absolutely and for ever', all household goods, beds, bedding, furniture, plate and linen in and about the house. All the rest and residue of his personal estate and effects to his wife in trust to sell and collect in all money due by mortgage, bond and contract to pay debts, funeral, testamentary and probate expenses. What money left to be invested in Government stocks in her name. On Elizabeth 's death the stocks, funds and securities to pass to the trustees, John Gwillim and James Davies, mentioned above, to pay one fourth part to be split between the children of Thomas and Sarah Gwillim when the youngest reaches 21. Again the annual interest of this portion to be used for the benefit of the children in the meantime.
A fourth part to go to daughter Sarah, wife of James Davies.
A fourth part to go to daughter Sophia, wife of William Jones.
[There follows a long legal direction, the purpose of which was to permit the two daughters to have and use their own legacies outside the control of their respective husbands]
The last fourth portion is to remain in trust for his daughter Ann, wife of David Watkins, farmer. The interest to be paid to her and not to be subject to her husband's control, his debts, contracts or engagements. After her death the capital and interest to be shared by her children when the younger reaches 21.
To sons, David and John, £10 each ' as a mark of my affection for them they having been well provided by my late kinsman Walter Marsh [see Prob/11/1662 or mfs_new_0550] ,

Executrix: wife , Elizabeth..

Signed by testator.

Witnesses: John Rogers, vicar of Clodock, John Dukes , farmer, John Jones, labourer..

Date of Probate:
5 October 1832




As this is taken from a copy of the will deposited at the Prerogative Court of Canterbury there are no supporting documents.

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Ref: ldhsarchive_mfs_clo_1016