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Probate Collection; Will for Henry Thomas ap Richard

Place name:





1. Will dated 25 June 1563 .
'My bodie to be buried in the parish church of St Clidog [Clodock]
To the cathedral church of St Davids, 12d
To dd Hughes clerk [dd is probably the abbreviation for David] 'for my forgotten tythes 8d'.
To Watkin ap Henry, eldest son, a tenement and lands called 'Tere Kradoke [Tyr Cradock] in the parish of Clodock and 10kine which are 'on the aforesaid land in the possession of John lluis Thomas and have also to feed the ten kine for one winter and my son Watkin shall not enter into the foresaid tenement Tere Kradoig with the ten kine and hay nor his heirs?? for the space of five years and that shall finish upon St Andrews day next coming?? come two years?? after the date above written'.
To Harry, son, 40/- yearly during the term of the lease on
Old Court . '...and do discharge both my sons?? that they shall not meddle with the Old Court and his appurtenances nor nothing therein'.
To John ap Harry, son , £15.
To Elinor virg Harry, daughter, £20.[virg indicates unmarried], her bed with appurtenances and her wedding garment.
To Jaky virg Harry, daughter, £20, a bed with appurtenances and her wedding garment.
To Johan virg Phee Henry, wife [in this case it is suggested the Johan virg Phee indicates her maiden name , Phillipps with Henry her married name] all goods and cattle not before bequeathed.

?? Executors: wife, Johan and William ap Rees Griffiths with overseers Howell ap henry price and Thomas John Griffith. .

No indication whether signed or marked.

Witnesses: Hoell Henry ap Rees, Thomas John Grigs, Howell ap Richard ap [?], lluis ap Richard ap Watkin Phe, John ap Rees, John Hoper, Sir David Hughes clerk with others.

Date of Probate:
6 March 1563




As this is taken from a copy of the will deposited at the Prerogative Court of Canterbury there are no supporting documents.
Attached at the end of this will is an interesting list of debts owed to the testator which includes Mr Rowland Vaughan who owed £20. together with a single debt owed by the testator of 40/- to John ap Parry of Dulas.

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Ref: ldhsarchive_mfs_clo_1011