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Digital Image of original copy


Probate Collection; Will for Hugh Lewis, gentleman

Place name:





1. Will dated 20 February 1657 .
Testator requests burial within the parish
church of Clodock '… where my father heretofor was buried in the South East side of the said church and in the seat where the new pulpitt is now erected.'
[The rest of this long will is very obscure and made more opaque by the legalese employed. So far as it is understood the testator had five children, Marmaduke, the eldest, Silvanus, Anne, Dorothy and David and his purpose was for the two older children Marmaduke and Silvanus to build up funds from the rents and profits of freehold and leasehold lands until £100 can be provided for Anne and a similar amount for a marriage portion for Dorothy together with a 'serviceable sum' for David..
The complexities of the will lie in the conditions and alternative arrangements in the case of the death of any of the beneficiaries. At times they seem to contradict each other.

Executor: son, Silvanus.

No indication whether signed of marked by testator.

Witnesses:The last page of the will is missing thus no witnesses are shown.

Date of Probate: 1657



As this is taken from a copy of the will deposited at the Prerogative Court of Canterbury there are no supporting documents.
This will was very long and obscure. It does however provide an approximate date for the three tier pulpit in Clodock church.

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Ref: ldhsarchive_mfs_clo_1015