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Probate Collection; Will for Joseph?? Roberts

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1. Will ?? dated 2 January 1821
To nephew, John Roberts, son of late brother Philip Roberts deceased, all the freehold messuage, tenement and lands currently occupied by the testator, when John reaches 25 years old on condition that his mother Ann Roberts is not permitted to dwell in the property 'or any part thereof'. Should John die before reaching 25 the property is to pass to John, son of testator's bother William on the same conditions and at the same age.
In the meantime until John reaches 25 the executor is to rent out the property and the rents invested with the income from the investment after paying funeral expenses is to be paid to John Robert's 3 sisters, Mary, Elizabeth and Blanch, the surviving children of William Roberts.
To Richard Duff [?], £66.
To James Birrington [?], £66.
To Elizabeth Gwyn, £10.

Executor: William Roberts, brother.

Signed by testator

Witnesses: John Prosser, John Miles and Thos: Meredith.

Date of Probate:
1 July 1821




As this is taken from a copy of the will deposited at the Prerogative Court of Canterbury there are no supporting documents.

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Ref: ldhsarchive_mfs_clo_1045