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Probate Collection; Will for Morgan Lloyd, yeoman

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1. Will dated 3 January 1774 .
To son, Thomas Lloyd, the freehold estate called Blaik House lying in the parish of Brinwin,
county of Radnor and where he lives. Subject to his paying an annuity to the testator's wife Jennet of £4 per year [elsewhere in the document he talks of £4 quarterly which is correct is unclear] for her lifetime out of the profits of the estate.
To son, Simon Lloyd, £20 to be paid by son, Thomas from the estate.
To son David Lloyd, £10 to be paid by the executors.
To wife, Jennet, 40/- per year to be paid quarterly by son, William Lloyd from his legacy.
To son, William Lloyd, £150 plus all livestock and 'grain upon the land' and implements of husbandry.
On the death of wife Jennet, Thomas is to have £60 to be divided between his children.
To daughters, Mary and Anne Lloyd, £180 each. They are each to pay Jennet, 20/- a year each for her lifetime form their legacies.
To son, Simon, £20 to be paid by the executors.
To beloved wife Jennet all household stuff provided son William continues to stay with her. If he leaves then he can have 2 beds with appurtenances to take with him. On Jennet's death the remaining household stuff to be divided between the two daughters.
All legacies are to bear a share in discharging his debts and paying funeral expenses.

Executors: wife, Jennet and son William Lloyd with Benedict Gilbert of Rowlestone, gent to be trustee.

Signed by testator.
Witnesses: Thomas Lewis, Thomas James and Philip Jones.

Date of Probate:.24 January 1774




As this is taken from a copy of the will deposited at the Prerogative Court of Canterbury there are no supporting documents.

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Ref: ldhsarchive_mfs_clo_1028