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Probate Collection; Will for Phillipp Watkins of Combbulluck

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1. Will dated 19 March 1657
Desires to be buried in
Clodock Church .
To wife, Margaret, one half of that messuage or tenement called the Wigga together with half the barns and outbuildings, garden and orchards and lands situated in Dulas and now in occupation of Richard Lewis for her lifetime.
If son, Rowland is alive and returns home within 7 years of testator's death he is to inherit her half. If Rowland dies or fails to return within the seven years then son Thomas Watkins is to inherit.
The other half of the Wigga property which is the possession of Zachary Lewis to wife, Margaret for 7 years provided she agrees to pay the annual interest of £3 12 0d on the £34 charged against the property by deed of mortgage made with Thomas Lewis of Dulas , as well as the following legacies.
To daughter, Jeane[?] Watkins, £5 within one year of the testator's death.
To daughter, Margaret, £5 to be paid within two years of the testator's death.
To daughter, Anne Watkins, £5 £5 to be paid within three years of the testator's death.
To son, Henry, £10, £5 to be paid within four years of the testator's death and the further £5 £5 to be paid within five years of the testator's death.
To daughter, Blanch, £5 to be paid within six years of the testator's death.
If Rowland returns, then at the end of seven years he gets to inherit this half of the propery provided he pays Thomas £20 within eight years of the testator's death. But if Rowland is dead or fails to return Thomas inherits.
To wife, Margaret, the rest of the goods, chattels, household stuff and personal estate towards the payment of debts, maintenance of the children and funeral expenses.

Executrix: wife, Margaret with Thomas Lewis, cousin, overseer.

Signed by testator.
Witnesses: Thomas Williams, Elizabeth Gilbert, Edward Thomas David, Will Vaughan.

Date of Probate:
16 December 1658 .




As this is taken from a copy of the will deposited at the Prerogative Court of Canterbury there are no supporting documents.
The copy clerk has obviously let his attention wander whilst making this copy as there is a section repeated in the midst of this will. Some lines have been lightly drawn through the section but they are not obvious until you transcribe the whole document. Perhaps this was done to avoid the reproof of his supervisor.

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Ref: ldhsarchive_mfs_clo_1048