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Probate Collection; Will for Thomas Davies of Hunthouse, gentleman

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1. Will [4 pages] dated 29 June 1802
To wife, Sarah Davies, all his freehold messuage and tenement etc. for her life or until she remarries, subject to the payment of the interest on a £300 mortgage.
On wife, Sarah's death or remarriage, whichever is the earlier, the property is to pass to any heirs produced by the testator and Sarah. If there are no heirs then the property is to pass to nephew, John Edwards, son of the testator's sister Mary Edwards, again subject to the £300 mortgage condition and to a £30 annuity for Sarah should she have remarried.

[There is then a long section concerning the payment of the annuity quarterly and what is to happen if the payments are withheld or delayed.]

The property is furthermore to be charged with the payment of legacies viz:
To nephews, William, James, Thomas and Joseph Edwards, the children of testator's sister Elizabeth, £60 each and
To nieces Ann and Mary Edwards, daughters of the testator's sister Mary Edwards, £60 each.
All these legacies to be paid on the death or second marriage of wife Sarah.
To wife Sarah, for life or until remarriage, the use only of his clock and case, dresser in the kitchen, 'our feather bed, bolster, 2 pillows, bedstead, 2 quilts, 2 pr of sheets 2 pair of blankets and all cupboards and fixtures which shall be standing and being in my dwelling house'. Thereafter to John son of sister Mary.
Also to wife, Sarah, all other household stuff and furniture, farming stock, cattle, horses, sheep, grain , hay, implements of husbandry and all other personal estate subject to the payment of debts 'except only the principal sum of £300 mortgage and payment of £200 amongst the above named nephews and nieces share and share alike', to be paid 4 years after the death of the testator.
Residual legatee, wife, Sarah.

Executrix: wife, Sarah Davies.

Signed by testator.

Witnesses: Mary Jones, Tho:Jones, Atty [Attorney] Abergavenny, Charles Lloyd of Langattock Lingoed, Monmouthshire.

Date of Probate:
13 October 1803




As this is taken from a copy of the will deposited at the Prerogative Court of Canterbury there are no supporting documents.

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Ref: ldhsarchive_mfs_clo_1043