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Probate Collection; Will for William Gilbert of Hunthouse, yeoman

Place name:





1. Will dated 11 April 1839 .
To uncle John Gwillim of Houghton Court in the parish of Kanderchurch, yeoman and brother in law, John Price of Longtown, all farming stock, crops, implements of husbandry, brewing utensils, casks, cider, beer and spirits and all other personal estate and effects except the furniture belonging to the testator's wife, Matilda, under the marriage arrangement. In trust to be sold and to pay, as far as possible as it will extend, all debts, funeral and testamentary expenses. If it insufficient then they are to have the freehold cottage and garden purchased from John Prosser, mason and situated near Clodock church which is occupied by Mrs Hughes. Also all that freehold land and farm called Lower Ponthendre with cottage, garden and site of water corn mill in the occupation of James Williams and all other freehold property possessed by the testator and which he has the right to dispose of.
If not required for debt settlement the cottages and farm are to go to brother, George Gilbert and Elizabeth, wife of John Price for their joint lives and on their death to nephew, William Gilbert Price son of sister, Elizabeth Price, but if William dies without heirs or before he is 21 the property passes to William Gilbert's sister Elizabeth.
Nevertheless the executors are authorised to raise money by sale or mortgage of the property to pay the following legacies:
To the children of brother, George Gilbert, £300 on an equal share basis when each reaches 21. The interest on the capital is to be applied to the children's clothing and education in the meantime.
Similarly £300 to the children of sister, Elizabeth Price.
To sister, Elizabeth, the £6 yearly he receives from his late grandmother as interest in an estate called
Heoly Park in Monmouthshire.

[the final portion is unreadable as this is a poor photocopy]

Executors: John Gwillim and John Price

Signed by testator.

Witnesses: Phillip Price, attorney, Abergavenny; Elizabeth Davies, Cwm, Dorstone; and William Davies, Crown Inn, Abergavenny.

Date of Probate:
4 July 1839 .




As this is taken from a copy of the will deposited at the Prerogative Court of Canterbury there are no supporting documents.

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Ref: ldhsarchive_mfs_clo_1023