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Probate Collection; Will for William Simont

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1. Will dated 6 February 1622
Expresses a desire to be buried in the parish church..
To the Cathedral
church of St Davids , 12d.
To the repairs of Clodock church, 13/4d
To daughter, Blanch, £60, when she is 16, plus all the interest on the £60.
To daughters Mary and Ann, £60 each when they each reach 16 together with the interest accrued.
If any of these three eldest daughters dies before she reaches 16 then her portion is to be divided between the survivors.
Wife, Catherine, is to have the occupancy of all his freehold and copyhold lands in Clodock to maintain the children until his son and heir, John, reaches 21. At which time wife, Catherine is to have one half of the freehold and copyhold lands for her lifetime whilst John has the other half. On Catherine's death her half reverts to John.
To son, John, £20 when he attains 21.
To daughter, Elizabeth, 'tenne pounds that is in the hand of Thomas Scudamore of Llancillo with nine score pounds I have promised him and agreed to before to be paid Thomas Scudamore as portion in marriage between him and my daughter Elizabeth.'
This was apparently a written agreement between the testator and Thomas Scudamore. The will's executor is to ensure that the marriage takes place in accordance with the written agreement. After 5 years the couple are to have '4 Oxen and 2 milch kyne' delivered by the executor.
To brother, David Symont, 'all my part of a lease of the Tythe corn of the parish of Grismont [Grosmont?], with all the profitts there now remaining unto me as went ungathered due to me and all the profitts and commodities that may rise and grow out of the said lease during its unexpired portion'
To sister, Margerie, £3.
To Allice, Margaret and Rees, son and daughters of John Thomas, three 2 year old beasts.
To George, son of John Simont, 30/-; to
Alice daughter of John Simont, 13/4d and to Catherine the other daughter of John Simont, 20/-.
Executrix and his brother are to give out, on the day of his burial, 20/- among 20 poor people of Clodock at the church door.
Wife, Catherine is to retain the lease on the tithes of Llancillo for its unexpired term to help with housekeeping and maintenance of the children and livestock.
To brother, Lewis David, 10/- per year for 3 years over and above his wages.
To Alice, servant, £3.
If wife, Catherine, remarries each of the children is to receive £20.

Executrix: wife, Catherine with overseers, bother, David Simont, brother-in-law, Lweis William Probert

Marked by testator.
Witnesses: Tho: Scudamore, Henry Winston, Thomas William and Blanch
Prichard .

Date of Probate:.21 May 1623.




As this is taken from a copy of the will deposited at the Prerogative Court of Canterbury there are no supporting documents.

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Ref: ldhsarchive_mfs_clo_1038