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Transcription of Agent’s pocket book. Map 8 items

Place name:

Craswall, Michaelchurch


1760 -1862


Map No 8 – Craswall & Michaelchurch

(map taken from D1583/208)
click here for down load of a zoomable map (large file wait for download)

Crasswall & Michaelchurch - Copyhold

No. 1 to 9 inclusive
Copy granted 2 March 1821 to James Parry of Crasswall, Blacksmith
for the Lives of James, Jane and Sybil Parry then aged 15, 11, and 7 (children of Grantee)
See Court Roll page 362
Reserved Rent 2/6
James (the son) resides on premises. Jane married one Lewis Lewis and is now a Widow and Sybil is now the wife of Wm Farr of the “Greig “ Farm in Grosmont.
Crasswall Tithe Map 913, 914, 954, 989, 990, 991, 996, 998, 999 and 1007
Acreage 34a.0r.1p


No 10 to 24 inclusive
Copy granted 23 Aug 1839 to Wm Watkins of Crasswall, Yeoman
for the Lives of  Lessee then aged 45, Philip Gwillim 6 (son of Wm Gwillim of Llanveynoe, Millwright) and Wm Farr 5 (son of Wm Farr of Blackhill Crasswall, Farmer)
See Court Roll page 530
Rent 4/6
Lessee dead. Purchased by John Watkins “Treowen” and forms part of the “Middle Cwm” Estate
Fence taken down between No. 19 and freehold
Crasswall Tithe map 1000, 1002, 1003,  1004, 1005, 1006, 1012, 1013, 1014, 1015, 1016, 1939 & 1044 -Acreage 38a.3.r 7p
Michaelchurch Tithe Map 805, 752 & 790 - Acreage 11-3-33


No. 35, 36
Copy granted 16 April 1819  to Philip Morgan of Much Dewchurch, Farmer
for the Lives of Thos Morgan (dead), Wm Morgan of Longtown Shopkeeper then aged 41 (dead) and Wm Morgan his son then aged 10
See Court Roll page 333
Called “Perkins” Land
Wm Morgan (only life) has emigrated to Canada. – Now in possession of John Morgan who resides on Premises
These Nos. are now divided into several pieces forming in the whole a pretty little Farm.
Crasswall Tithe Map 1011, and 120 to 1034 inclusive. - Acreage 26a.1r.31p
Rent 2/10½



No. 25 to 34 inclusive
Lease granted 239 Sept 1823 to James Watkins of Penbiddle, Yeoman
for the Lives of Lessee then aged 34, Elijah his son aged 3 and Thomas Farr (son of Wm Farr of Campstone Farmer) then aged 6.
Lessee dead (1874), Elijah emigrated to America and Thomas Farr also alive and now residing in the “Green Moors” Farm in the Parish of Llanthewy Skirrid co Mon.
Now in possession of Lessee and called “Upper House”
No 25 now broken up and divided into two arable fields
Nos. 26 27 & 28 divided into 5 fields, - 4 arable and 1 meadow
Nos. 25. 26, 27, & 28 in Michaelchurch Tithe Map 798, 800, 801 802, 803 & 804
Acreage 14a.0r.29p
Remaining Nos. in Crasswall Tithe Map 1017, 1018, 1019, 1036, 1037, 1038 1040 & 1043
Acreage 19a.0r.29p



Use of capitals, spelling and punctuation have been retained. To ease readability some line breaks have been introduced. Some abbreviations have been expanded. Brackets - ( ) are as document. Brackets - [ ] indicate text struck out or added information. The Field numbers used for primary identification are those used in a survey made before 1800 (see D/1583/208) and predate those of the Tithe surveys of the 1840’s.

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