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Hereford Public Library


Royal Commission on Historical Monuments: Herefordshire, Volume 1: H 936.244


Transcript of Original Publication


Cwm Steps: architecture, construction and history

Place name:



Up to 1700



(16). Cwm Steps, house, barn and bakehouse, 1030 yards S.E. of (15).    The House is of two storeys with attics and is a small rectangular building of early 17th-century date. A porch was added on the S.E. side probably in the 18th century, and there are modern additions on the back and S.W. end.   On the S.E. front the entrance doorway has a heavy beaded frame and battened door of early 18th-century date;  on the first floor is an old six-light window with an oak frame, diamond-shaped mullions and a stone label. In the N.E. wall is a similar two-light window. Inside the building are some original timber partitions of the usual local type.    The doorway to the staircase has an old frame with a segmental head. The Barn, S.E. of the house has a basement under the N.E. end. It is partly of rubble and partly timber-framed. In the N.W. wall of  the basement are two   doorways with old oak frames and a four-light window with diamond-shaped mullions;  there is a similar window in the N.E. wall. Inside the building are four old trusses with sloping struts between the tie-beams and principal rafters. The Bakehouse, N.W. of the house, is a small rectangular building of one storey with an attic. It has a later extension on the N.E. side. In the S.E. wall is an old doorway with chamfered frame and battened door, and in the N.W. wall is a five-light window with diamond shaped mullions.


Description documented c 1930 by the Royal Commission on Historical Monuments


Ordnance Survey Map Reference and Index of Parish Properties


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Ref: rs_cra_0119