Held at:

Private Collection


Matthew Roberts


Original Documents [Guest Contribution]


Digital Archive: A collection of documents relating to properties owned and occupied by the Pritchard family

Place name:



1679 - 1874



We are indebted to Matthew Roberts for making available a private collection of original documents passed down through his family relating to property transactions in Craswall over a period of some two centuries.

The earlier documents dating from the time of Charles II refer to parcels of land and a dwelling known as Cae Inon [or Tyr Ynon] and Gworlod Inon in the township of Craswall. Research using other sources on the website suggests that these may form part of what became the modern-day Llanbaddon Farm, on the boundary between Craswall and Michaelchurch Escley, and this seems to fit with the family history given by Matthew Roberts.

The later documents appear to refer to a different parcel of land under lease from the Earl of Abergavenny and situated in Forest Hene in Craswall. Here, research suggests that the property in question was further to the west, close to the Black Hill, perhaps forming part of the modern-day Three Oaks Farm.

Photographs of the complete set of original documents can be downloaded as a PDF file, providing sufficient detail for zoomed on-screen display and transcription if required. Links to and comments on other related documents on our website are given below where they help place the collection and/or the properties referred to in a wider context.


Ewyas Lacy Study Group


Provenance of the Documents and a brief Family History

By Matthew Roberts


The documents came to my father from his mother’s family that originates in and around Michaelchurch.

My grandmother was Ethel Pritchard, her father was Arthur Vivien Pritchard, born Michaelchurch 1847, his father was David Pritchard born Clodock 1821; the 1851 census describes him as an innkeeper of Victoria Inn which assuming the census recorded locations in order was near the Bridge Farm; perhaps a previous name for the Bridge Inn. 1861 finds him living in Yew tree Inn and 1871 Yew tree cottage. Having presumably not done well selling beer from Yew Tree he is described in 1871 as a day labourer. He died in 1902.

My grandmother (Ethel’s) mother’s maiden name was Ann Pritchard; born Michaelchurch 1847. Her father was James Pritchard born 1810, son of James Pritchard 1783-1855. They owned and farmed Llanbaddon Farm and owned Yew tree and Rose cottages. This is the branch from which we inherited the documents. This is all confirmed by the relevant tithe maps on your website.

Piecing together some family stories etc I think James Pritchard (b 1810) married again in the 1850s, having lost his first wife to childbirth in 1847. The second wife inherited Llanbaddon and from there it went to James’s step son in law and so was lost to our side of the family. In 1910 the Poor rate book has the farm owned by J Lawson Esq. Lawson was the son in law in the family story.



Schedule of Documents

[For convenience the documents have been numbered with reference to the name of the collection – MR – and the year of their creation. Summaries of the contents are by ELSG]


Indenture dated 20th August 1679 [31 Charles II] between Mary James the elder of Craswall in the parish of Clodock, widow, late wife and relict of John James of Craswall, yeoman, deceased on the one part and John James the younger of Craswall …grandson of the said Mary James and John James and son and heir apparent of Thomas James of the parish of Michaelchurch Escley, yeoman …and Mary James the younger of Craswall …spinster and granddaughter of the said Mary James the elder and daughter of the said Thomas James …and James James the younger of Craswall …son of the said Thomas James on the other part…

This indenture refers to the will of John James dated 31 October 25 Charles II in which he left to his then wife the above Mary James the elder the lands and cottage  called Tyr Ynon in Craswall, and describes the disposition of the property by her to the other parties above.

[ELSG probate records show:  c.1670 the will of Lewis Watkins of Cusop refers to Tyr Ynon - land with a cottage sold to John James
Also the 1679 will of John James includes Tyr Ynon, land with a cottage, left to his wife Mary James.]


Indenture made the 30th April 1701 [13 William III]  … between William James of Michaelchurch Eskley, yeoman, and Simon Nicholas of Grosmont, yeoman …hath bargained, sold and demised unto the said Simon Nicholas all that parcel of arable land, meadow and pasture commonly called …Cae Inon now in the tenure and occupation of Robert Jennings containing by estimation five acres …also with one cottage or dwelling house …wherein Rebekah and Mary Turner doth now inhabit …were the lands late of John James eldest brother of the said William James lately deceased …and is situate in the township of Craswall …mearing and abutting the lands of the said Robert Jennings and to a highway there called Hewle y Cefen [Cefn Road?] and to the meadow of Howard Jenkins now in the occupation of John Bevan



Indenture dated 1st May 1701 [13 William III] between William James of Michaelchurch Eskley, yeoman, and Symon Nicholas of the parish of Grosmont,  yeoman, witnessing that for the sum of twenty three pounds fifteen shillings of goods and money William James granted to Symon Nicholas the parcel of arable land and pasture called Cae Inon estimated as five acres and now in the occupation of Robert Jenings[sic] with a cottage or dwelling house occupied by Mary and Rebekah Turner.



Indenture dated 24 June 1706 [5 Anne] between John Jones of Craswall, weaver, and David Jones of Craswall, yeoman, and Howard Jenkins of Llanveynoe, Gentleman, witnessing that for the sum of twenty nine pounds paid to John Jones and David Jones by Howard Jenkins they have granted to Howard Jenkins the parcel of arable land and pasture called Cae Inon formerly the land of John James of Craswall lately deceased, now divided into two closes estimated at five acres with one tenement lately erected lying in Craswall now in the occupation of the said Howard Jenkins; abutting the land of Lord Bergavenny in the occupation of Robert Price, David Price and Rowland Jennings; the highway or lane leading from Trewerne towards Ceven Bach[?]; and the lands of Howard Jenkins called Gworlod Inon


[ELSG Probate Records show the 1766 will of Noah Jenkins includes Cae Inon in the township of Craswall, left to John Meredith.]



Indenture 30th October 1772; Thomas Matthews of Dinedor, Hereford, yeoman; John Meredith of Monmouth, Gentleman; Noah Jenkins, late of Llanveynoe, Gentleman and brother and heir of Enock Jenkins of Llanveynoe who was eldest son and heir of Howell Jenkins of Llanveynoe, Gemtleman, deceased and Susannah his wife on the one part; and John Price of the Cwm, Clodock, yeoman of the other part.

The said Thomas Matthews and John Meredith …do grant, bargain and sell unto the said John Price all that parcel of meadow ground called Worlod Inon containing about four acres …also all that piece or parcel of arable or pasture ground commonly called Cae Inon containing by estimation five acres … lying in the township of Craswall …formerly in the occupation of the said Susannah Jenkins and Enock Jenkins her son …now in the occupation of John Price having the highway leading north from Ceven Bach toward a place called Ridynog vawr on the north east side thereof and the copyhold lands of the said John Price held under the Rt Hon Lord Abergavenny on all other parts and sides


[Rhydunnock Fawr is shown on the Michaelchurch Escley tithe map just south of Llanbaddon farm. The map also shows Llanbaddon abutting the Cefn Road to the south west and having the road north from Rhydunnock Fawr to the north east]



Indenture dated 24th August 1823 between James Pritchard of Michaelchurch Escley, Baker Gabb of Abergavenny, Steward to the Rt Hon Henry, Earl of Abergavenny and Samuel Jones of the township of Longtown, yeoman …refers to indenture of lease dated 29th September 1810 between the Earl of Abergavenny and James Pritchard relating to a dwelling house barn beasthouse stable garden orchard and parcels of arable meadow and pasture land …containing thirteen acres one rood and twenty nine perches situate in Forest Hene in the township of Craswall …then and now in the occupation of James Pritchard …and whereas James Pritchard stands indebted to Samuel Jones in the sum of one hundred pounds …[by a] bond …bearing date the twenty fourth day of August 1816 [and being unable to pay offers the further security of a conveyance of the above property].



Indenture made the 29th June 1824 between Samuel Jones of Longtown; James Prichard of Michaelchurch Eskley; Lydia Cole of St Margarets; George Cole of Michaelchurch Eskley; Thomas Cole of St Margarets

Refers to indenture of Lease dated 29th September 1810 between the Rt Hon Henry, Earl of Abergavenny and the said James Prichard for the messuage of dwelling house with the barn, beasthouse, stable, garden, Orchard and several parcels of arable meadow and pasture … thirteen acres one rood and twenty nine perches situate in Forest Hene in the township of Craswall … that were then and are now in the occupation of James Prichard…for three lives

Refers to indenture of Demise dated 24th August 1823 between James Prichard, Baker Gabb, steward to the said Earl, and the said Samuel Jones

…in consideration of the sum of one hundred pounds due from James Prichard to Samuel Jones… did grant bargain, sell and demise to the said  Samuel Jones…the premises described in the indenture of lease …for the term of five hundred years … and whereas the said sum of one hundred pounds is still due to Samuel Jones …and the said James Prichard not being prepared to pay has applied to Lydia Cole, George Cole and Thomas Cole to advance him one hundred pounds …and this indenture witnesseth …the said James Prichard hath granted, bargained, sold, assigned, transferred, ratified and confirmed to the said Lydia Cole, George Cole and Thomas Cole the said messuage [etc]… provided always that if the said James Prichard…cause to be paid… the sum of one hundred pounds and interest at the rate of five pounds for the hundred pounds per year…Lydia Cole [etc] will surrender or assign [the lease] to James Prichard.



Last will and testament of Walter Harris, Blacksmith, of Michaelchurch Escley,  dated 23rd April 1870, leaving his entire estate to his wife Elizabeth for her life; then all household effects to his daughter Ann Lewis by paying ten pounds to his son Walter Harris; then the cottage, gardens and premises together with all other effects to be valued and sold and the balance after settling debts to be divided equally between Ann Lewis and Walter Harris; sole executor brother-in-law James Pritchard of Michaelchurch Escley, who with his wife Jane Pritchard witnessed the will.



Probate certificate 24th August 1874; will of Walter Harris late of Michelchurch Eskley, sworn under £100; probate granted 4th June 1874; executor James Pritchard




Location of Properties referred to in the Matthew Roberts Collection:

Research Notes


[1] Cae Inon and Gworlod Inon


The 1887 six-inch OS map shows that Llanbaddon Farm abuts the Cefn Road [now a footpath, apparently referred to in MR_1701] to the south west and has the road from Rhydunnog through Michaelchurch Escley towards the Cefn Hill [apparently referred to in MR_1706 and MR_1772] to the north east. This suggests that Cae Inon and Gworlod Inon may well be located thereabouts.


One section of the Tithe map of 1844 shows James Pritchard occupies lands owned by William Watkins at Llanbaddon


Another section of the tithe map 1844 shows James Pritchard [senior] owns and occupies house & Garden [field ref 784] and land near Llanbaddon


Another section of the tithe Map 1844 shows James Pritchard [senior] owns and occupies Llanbaddon


All the above references seem to point towards the lands known in the 17th and 18th century documents as Cae Inon [Tyr Ynon] and Gworlod Inon being part of the modern-day Llanbaddon farm.


The Marquess of Abergavenny’s Land Agent kept a notebook written c.1864 detailing the Marquess’ property in Herefordshire, which is particularly useful in identifying specific parcels of land, as the tithe map field numbers are usually given, often accompanied by sketch maps and various comments. The entry for James Pritchard’s copyholds granted in 1819 confirms his and his descendants’ title to lands around Llanbaddon farm. Their location north east of the lane marked on the accompanying sketch map as from Trewerne to Cefn Bach appears to correspond to the location descriptions for Cae Inon and Gworlod Inon in the older indentures above.


Partial transcription of Land Agent’s Pocket book:

Entries No. 42, 43, 44, 45, 46
Copy granted 30 Sept 1819 to James Pritchard of Michaelchurch Yeoman
for the Lives of Grantee then aged 36(dead) and James and Thomas Pritchard aged respectively 11 and 3 (sons of Grantee)
See Court Roll page 350
Grantee dead, James (the son) alive and resides on premises. - Thomas also alive.
Fence on No. 44 taken up and a portion of the field let into freehold.
Trees on No.42 shamefully lopped and a great number felled.
Michaelchurch Tithe Map 777, 778, 786a, 787a, 799 & part of799a
Acreage 16a.2r.36p
Reserved Rent 1/6

Surrounded by Mr Lewis Jenkins’ land north and west; Mrs Price’s freehold south; William Watkins’ copyhold south east; Mr Perkins’ land east



[2] Forest Hene


The Marquess of Abergavenny’s Land Agent’s notebook also yields clues as to the identity of the land in Forest Hene referred to in the original indentures MR_1823 and MR_1824 in Matthew Roberts’ document collection.


The entries for leases granted to James Pritchard in 1809 and 1810 are as follows:

No. 90 to 95 inclusive
Lease granted 29 Sept 1809 to James Pritchard of Michaelchurch, Farmer
for the Lives of Elizabeth Gwyn (wife of David  Gwyn ) then aged 22, Ann his daur then aged 5 and John Roberts (son of Wm Roberts of Michaelchurch, Farmer) then aged 7
Elizabeth Gwyn dead
Ann Pritchard married one Thomas Price and went to America many years ago
John Roberts alive and is a Farmer at Michaelchurch
Crasswall Tithe Map 566 and Part 567 (1.3.20)
Acreage 9a.3r.7p


No. 96 to 101 inclusive
Lease granted 29 Sept 1809 to James Pritchard
for the Lives of James and Jane Pritchard (children of Lessee) then aged resptly 18 months and 7 years and Philip Gilbert (son of James Gilbert of Crasswall, Farmer) then aged 13 years.
Jane dead – Phil Gilbert dead
James Pritchard last life lives at Michaelchurch and is a Farmer
Crasswall Tithe Map Part 567 (6-1-28) 568, 569 & 570
Acreage 9a.0r.30p


No. 102 to 122 inclusive
Lease granted 29 Sept 1810 to said James Pritchard
for the Lives of Lessee then aged 30, James his son 2 and Ann his daur 10
Lessee dead, Ann married one Thomas Price and went to America as foresaid and James Pritchard lives at Michaelchurch as foresaid
Crasswall Tithe Map 564, 576, 577, 578, 580, 581, 582, 583, 596, 597 & 598
Acreage 13a.3r.3p


The 1844 Tithe map of Craswall map 6 refers to the above field numbers and give a map location northwest of Green Lane Farm; north and west of Forest Mill, south west of Tanhouse farm; west of Rwynford [Ruinsford]; close to the Black Hill


The six-inch OS map of 1887 shows the above fields are in the area now called Three Oaks Farm, with Reeds Farm, Killhorse Farm and Upper House Farm nearby, and adjacent to a roadway/ lane marked as Hill Road running east crossing the Longtown/ Craswall road [along the Monnow Valley] at Crossway north of Forest Mill and continuing east to Ruinsford Farm via a ford across the Monnow.



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Ref: rs_cra_0170