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Original Photographs


Digital Archive: Hillaby Collection Photographs of Craswall Priory Conservation Activities

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1993 - 2017


A wide variety of conservation and consolidation works have been organised at Craswall Priory over the years, many under the auspices of the Craswall Grandmontine Society and with the involvement and funding of Heritage organisations. The photographs below show some of them:

May 1993 consolidation of the internal face of the south wall of the church, west wall of the chapter house & the dorter stairs north side [Bob Tolley]

1994-5 phase II consolidation of masonry north wall of nave, apse, north east corner & east wall of chapter house

2014 English Heritage conservation of piscina

2017 Historic England/ Natural England soft capping of stonework, consolidation in nave/chancel reveal, south wall of nave to cloister, north chancel wall, south west corner of chapter house, west wall and monks day room


1993 consolidation of Chapter House and dorter stairs; Bob Tolley

Bob Tolley

Bob Tolley

Bob Tolley

Clarke chancel

Clarke Chancel

Craswall Sanctuary

Covering the floor in the Sanctuary

Plastic Membrane Capping

Plastic Membrane Capping


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