Held at:

Gwent Record Office




Catalogue, Marquess of Abergavenny's Papers held at Hereford Record Office


Lease for Lives with counterpart

Place name:





Lease for Lives dated 3 June 1762

(1) Rt Hon George, Lord Abergavenny.
(2) Elizabeth Jenkins, widow of John Jenkins, late of Forrest Hene,
township of Crasswall , co. Heref., labourer deceased.

Consideration £29 10 0d

A house or cottage occupied by (2) with a barn, buildings, garden and 10ac of land with appurtenances together with 3ac of land lately incroached from the waste of Forrest hene and a part whereof a blacksmith shop was lately erected, all which premises being on Forrest hene township of Craswall,and late in possession of John Davies deceased and of (2).
For the lives of (2)aged about 63, David Jenkins, aged about 33 and Lewis Jenkins, 23, 2 sons of (2)

Rent 6/10d with 4/4d as a heriot and with suit of court.

Witnesses: Charles Hawkins, William Brook; William Lewis and John Gilbert.

Endorsed: Note re livery of seisin by John Gilbert
27 July 1762 ; Witnesses William Lewis and John Harris.

The lease expired on
19 July 1810 on the death of Lewis Jenkins the last names life.





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