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National Library of Wales




Photocopy of original documents


Probate Collection; Will and documents for Blanch Griffiths, widow

Place name:





1. Will
14 June 1686 .
Beneficiaries: To grandchild, William Griffiths, £5 for an apprenticeship or whatever her executrix thinks best for him.
To James Parry, £1.
To Mary Harry, 5/-.
To her servant boy, John Markes, 5/-
Towards her funeral expenses and proving her will she leaves £8.
To Elinor Rogers, her daughter, one old mare, one cow, one small press, 2 coffers in the parlour, one bedstead, one table board, one feather bed 'whereupon I doe ly', with one rug, one coverlid, 2 blankets, one hurden canvas, one pair of fine sheets 2 pairs of hurden sheets, one brass pot, 2 kettles, one dripping pan, 2 spits, one 'brandart', two barrels, 2 stands, one vat, 2 couls, 3 'milken trinds', 2 pails 4 'meailes', 3 'sheesvates [cheese vats], one cheesecoule, and one 'kipe'.
All the rest of her household stuff including beds, bedsteads tableboards and cupboard she leaves to her grandchild, Mary Grifiths, except her bags and all her pewter which are to be divided equally between Mary Griffiths and Elinor Rogers. The goods for Mary Griffiths are to be kept for her use by Elinor Rogers until Mary reaches the age of 16. If she dies before that then Elinor shall have them.

Executrix: Elinor Rogers.

Marked by testator.

Witnesses: Richard Mile, Thomas Watkins and John Watkins, junior.

Date of Probate:
23 September 1686

2. Inventory: dated
2 September 1686 , value £46 5 6d. Appraisers Thomas Watkins, Will: Harryes and Howell Jenkins..




3 documents in all.

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Ref: ldhsarchive_pfs_cra_0606