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National Library of Wales




Photocopy of original documents


Probate Collection; Will and documents for Elizabeth Rees Harry, widow

Place name:





1. Will
[2 pages] dated
11 August 1669 .
Beneficiaries: To her cousin, Phillip David, £5.
To her kinsman Thomas Goode junior, £5 and a two year old colt.
To her cousin Richard Price, glazier of Hereford, one cow called Benthee[?] and 3 bushels of wheat
To her servant, Katherine Watkins, one flock bed , one feather bed, a two year old heifer, one hempen sheet and a blanket.
To, kinswoman, Elizabeth Goode of Willmaston, one feather bed, bolster, one coverlet, one blanket, one flaxen sheet, one coarse sheet and a brass pan.
To her servant, Katherine Watkins, her best petticoat,and waistcoat, one table-cloth and a coffer.
to her cousin, Phillip David, 4 bushels of muncorns.
To her servant Isabell Bowen, one pair of sheets.
To Maud Rees Phillips, one bushel of rye.
To Margaret Prees, one bushel of rye
To Sibbill Howell, 2 bushels of rye.
To Mr Allen, vicar of Michaelchurch Escley, one bushel of rye.
To Robert Howell, one peck of
Rye .
To Jane Thomas, spinster, two old cheeses.
To kinswoman Margery 'Nickoll', 3 bushels of rye and one cheese
To Joan Jenkins of Michaelchurch Escley, 2 bushels of rye.
To Sibill Lewis, one feather bed and bolster and a pillow.
To her cousin, Mary Yuchan, 2 heifer calves.
To her cousin Margery 'Nicol', 4 bushels of oats.
To her cousin, James Goode, 'all those oates growing in the broomy close in lieu of the rent due to him'.
To her cousin, William Harry's three sons, 3 shirt clothes.
To servant, Katherine Watkins, one brass pot and a brass posnet.
To Isabell Bowen one smock cloth.
To cousin James Goode junior, 3 bushels of wheat
To servant, Katherine Watkins, one pewter dish, one brass candlestick and one pewter porringer.
to her cousin, 'Hanna' Prees of Hereford a flaxen sheet.
To cousin Elizabeth Goode, spinster, one wainscot chest.
To cousin, Phillip David, one bedstead and tester.
To Elizabeth Prees, one of the daughters of Richard Price, 2 sheep.
2/6d towards the repair of Michaelchurch Escley church.
To Elizabeth Shawl, daughter of Robert 'Shawll', one pewter cup.
To her cousin, Jane Nicoll, one under petticoat.
To Margaret Powell, one petticoat.
To Phillip David, a two year old bullock.
Residual legatee, James Goode, 'her Loveing Kinsman' of Wilmaston in the parish of Peterchurch.

Executor: kinsman, James Goode.

Marked by testator.

Witnesses: Robert Shaw, Johane Shaw, Walter Prees and Sibill Rees.

Date of Probate:
20 August 1669 .

2. Inventory: dated
19 August 1669 , value £59 10 0d. Appraisers John Parry, Thom[?] Pennoyer and Richard Price




5 documents including a bond.

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Ref: ldhsarchive_pfs_cra_0604